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    1. frapet 9 yrs ago


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I should have you all executed! Adressing the Emperor as mere king, pfoah!

You called him the young king in your opening quote as well :P
@Kho I knew already, since I am the Prophet.

Driftmark accent is putting a D in front of surnames?

Your character is called de Warenne, Grenn just didnt pronounce 'de' propperly ^^
Grenn Albreght

Pouring rain, again. It was a 4 day ride to Riadan from Tarugerdam and rain was coming down neigh every day. Grenn and his retinue knew rain, they were Driftmarkers. Dirk Swerbaght, the boney paymaster of his company the Iron Sovereigns, had mirthlessly accounted the rain to the Paragons sadness and had drawn several laughs from the other Sovereigns in the roadside inn. Grenn wondered what the Paragons were sad about the rest of the year that entitled the Driftmark to the constant crap weather. It comforted Grenn to see Raidan knew rain as well. A bit of home. Thirty-one soaked riders had gathered around him. All but one where Iron Sovereigns and Grenn looked over them as he turned his horse.

“Gather round lads!”

He stood in the stirrups to shout it, his voice bouldering over the wind, a tone for commanding during the turmoil off battle. It switched to a softer and calmer tone as the riders had gathered.

“That there-“ Grenn pointed a thumb over his shoulder while nodding sagely “is Raidan, your Imperial Capital. Now the officers talked about what that means right?”

Most Sovereigns smiled, some showing the boredom of endless repetition. Grenn had his officers drill this for the last few days when his retinue was in camp. He looked around as he let the pause fall, his face going from sagely to irritated till one of his soldiers spoke up.

“It means we are to behave, curtsies-“ the soldier made a poor curtsy from horseback “kissing hands, arses and so on.”

Grenn nodded as several laughs came up, they silenced when Grenn clapped his right hand into the swaddled plated gauntlet on its left and started speaking:

“Eloquent Balkend. What else?”

Grenn’s gaze went over the men clothed in unadorned grey surcoats to his left over their mail and leathers, raising his voice for the last bit.

“Iron Discipline.”

The entire group responded as one and evoked an appreciative nod of Grenn.

“Good, now let’s get out of the sun.”

A short moment of eye-contact between Dirk and Grenn while Grenn turned his horse was the que for 15 of his men to follow the old paymaster to the South Gate. Grenn and the remaining 15, conveniently these were actually wearing the boar and river of House Albraght above the plated fist of the Iron Sovereigns over their grey surcoats. The citizens of Raidan welcomed Grenn and his retinue with a murmer because of the lack of heraldic display. On Grenn’s left he could hear talk about his metal gauntlet swaddled in oiled cloth, and soon after he could pick up ‘Driftmarkers’, ‘Iron Souvereigns’ or ‘Albraght’ along the way. Grenn could feel the disappointment in the air, not only because of the rain, but also because of this ‘lesser adviser’ from a ‘lesser region’ was what they had been waiting for. He didn’t mind. Grenn knew what the Driftmark was, and he knew what others would think. It just meant that Grenn picked up the pace after they had passed the Westgate.

The ride was uneventful and all but two of his retinue had split off to make the chambers ready and unload their belongings. Grenn just dismissed the last two as a lackey with a towel sped towards Grenn and offered it.

“Good Evening Lord Albraght would-“

“No need, they can know I rode through mud and rain.”

Grenn said as he pushed the towel aside and set pace for the throne room.
As his announcement was being made he sized up the king, but most of all the man standing behind the throne; Rurik Aventash. Grenn knelt when his announcement ended.

“Your Grace. My King. The Driftmark is at your service now and always.”

He saw the rain dripping from his nose onto the now muddied red carpet and suppressed a grin.

“That the Albraght family may aid you in times like these. After the loss of the great Emperor.”

He took his rise again after being given some form of recognition and stepped towards Bastien de Warenne, trying to look amiable as he came up next to him. After a headbow of genuine respect he leaned in for a soft word.

“Good to see they send the likes of you Dwarenne.”
Do we get housing inside the Kings keep?
interested as well ^^
Anyone planning on posting or just ranting :p
Well, we don't know who Rey is, but I think the entire starkiller base was redundant.


So slightly altered version, might add things over time but the general gist is there.

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