I went with transforming werewolf but the backstory can still change, packs are very cool too ^^ let me know what you think
Name: Grenn Blackthorne Age:32 Height:5’6” Weight: 190 Appearance: The words “ugly bugger” have been used to describe Grenn more often than not. With deepset eyes, a constantly weary look and a face that seems to have been abused by storm for that last hour(s). Aside from that there is a cruelty about his eyes that co-operates with a general joylessness and lifelessness that makes Grenn involuntarily celibate if he doesn’t pay for it. His raspy voice helps little in that regard either.
Melee Weapon: -A set of two silver tipped hatchets that Grenn likes to call them the Silver Sisters.
-Another set of knifelike hatchets, that he uses for the normal chopping and dicing. They are named the Butcher Brothers.
-Last up he carries around a silver tipped rondel dagger usually used to stab into the heart of whatever he is hunting.
Firearm/Ranged Weapon: A heavy rifle that Grenn carries around on his back. The weapon needs to be bolt loaded for every shot but has a magazine of 10 shots. Furthermore it has an underslung “shotgun” that fires Grenn’s favourite sub-munition, a cloud of mountain ash and silver particles, that can enter the bloodstream of a lycanthrope over time through a wound or inhalation, it can also fire regular shotgun shells with a variance of contents. He has named it Sturdy.
Secondly Grenn is carrying around a set of grenades that contain all kinds of concoctions to combat monsters.
Other Equipment: A rugged coat that hides most of his equipment, safe for the rifle when he has it with him. It also hides his vambraces. A red scarf is used to hide the gorget he wears to prevent neck bites.
Hunting Specialty: Werewolfs. Bio: Growing up on a small farm in the marshes near Naveroth wasn’t the easiest live for Grenn, his parents had a small farm there while his dad functioned as a courier for merchants in Naveroth. Due to that Grenn’s father spend a lot of time on the road and always came home with stories he had heard. The townspeople always gathered when he was back in town to hear his stories and latest news. News that became increasingly more worrisome with the inclusion of monsters like vampires, zombies, demons and werewolves. That last monster appeared in Grenn’s village shortly before his sixteenth birthday, when his father was in town again. The attacks continued for a two years or so, but were always centered around Grenn’s father returning. Townspeople started seeing his coming as a bad omen and him as a bringer of bad news. Grenn, like most marshpeople worked as a Peat-Cutter, and in those marshes they encountered beasts and monsters fairly often. He had gained a reputation as somewhat of a brawler and often brought home “trophies” that disgusted his mother. People tried to get him to actively pursue the werewolf but Grenn knew he stood no chance, some boasts here, watches there, but nothing helped against the menace. It eventually claimed his mother as well. He was glad dad was home when it happened, he couldn’t have pulled through on his own. When he was seventeen a Monster Hunter was hired by the townspeople, Grenn also pitched in, to slay the werewolf that had been terrorizing the village. That was when what Grenn feared became reality. His father had been the terror of his village and the Hunter was kind enough to let Grenn in on this before he would set his ambush. That very night Grenn decided he would be the one to set things right. The hunter, his father and the werewolf were never seen in the village again. Grenn only stayed for a week and disappeared the day a fire consumed his parental home.
I plan to make Grenn fully against anything monsterish, including our PC's that might or might not transform, therefore I didnt pick a gem. I can already see nice trouble with the mouthless dude ^^.
"It is a period of civil war. Rebel spaceships, striking from a hidden base, have won their first victory against the evil Galactic Empire. Conflicting messages of destruction and hope spread throughout the Galaxy as the truth about Alderaan is surfacing and rumors are spreading of the destruction of the dreaded DEATH STAR above YAVIN IV. In all the commotion a notorious scavenging crew sees an opportunity for profit in these dire times…”
The OOC:
Greetings Gentlebeings,
In “Star Wars: Scav’s” we will roleplay a group of scavengers/mercenaries/(darn maybe even pirates if we are opportunistic) that crew the heavily modified GR-75 called the Swift Fortune. Captained by the Devaronian Areem Vikargo it is a haven for all kinds of people like people in need of quick credits, people that need a period off the radar and generally speaking people who have had better times (that’s your character!).
It is a reboot of a previous roleplay but in a different timeframe.
The Swift Fortune is an old GR-75 that is heavily modified for scavenging. On its portside the lower armor plating has made room for a (very) small hangar bay. The front cargo module storage has been made into a large, mag-locked storage bay into which the loading crane situated under the prow can store large chunks of salvage.
Some of the stern cargo modules have been made so that smaller spaceships can dock there. Most of the cargo modules now provide extra storage space for salvaged goods, aside from that a few modules are replaced with armament carriers or other tactical modules like comms scrambling, Ion torpedoes and disruption rockets. Most of its armaments are ion based, as the ship about getting out of bad situation rather than winning them.
From the inside the passenger area has been overhauled to turn into a communal living quarter, with space for crew around. Some of the cargo modules have been transformed into extra storage and are accessible from the main deck, it is always a bit of a gamble however which hatches lead to a storeroom and which lead to the vacuum of space.
For general safety reasons an overview of the Deck Plan:
Areem Vikargo: Captain of the Swift Fortune
Name: Areem Saluron Vikargo Age: 39 Species: Devaronian Gender: Male Appearance: Areem is a fit devaronian with a bright red skin, a sign of good health for his species. What strikes some as odd is that he has white horns instead of the more common black ones, some speculate this is a form of albinism under Devaronians, others think he bleaches them out of vanity. A perpetual grin and laid back attitude define Areem, while charming he might give you the impression that he is in on a joke you don’t understand. There is an uncanny cunning about him that makes most uneasy.
The fact that he is clothed like a pirate does not help either. He often dons a shot up trenchcoat over his shoulders as a sort of trophy, for his further appearance is ‘spotless’. High boots, well-tended pants and shirt with a gilet over it. More menacingly are the vibroblade and blaster pistol on his belt
Equipment: -A Vibroblade. -A blaster pistol with a hardwood inlay on the grip and a long chrome barrel. -A sling with extra ammo, concussion grenades, stim packs and a knife at the back (hearsay). -A number of things that PC’s wouldn’t know about.
His Quarters:All the way at the back, even behind the Engine diagnostics and the ladder towards the command pod is a room slightly larger than the normal crew rooms. It has its own shower and toilet unit and Areem has placed a lavish desk to be the first thing you see while coming through the door. On it are several oddities, but prime amongst them is a holo-globe that displays the galaxy from a gold inlay stand. The desk is nigh always littered with datapads, holo-discs and smaller but valuable salvage from recent jobs. Aside from that he has a small collection blades and knives on the wall. The reason that the captain’s quarters are tucked away behind the engine room has to do with the previous owner of the Swift Fortune. The Aleena mechanic that overhauled the ship after finding it in an asteroid field. Due to her love for all things mechanical she made her quarters behind the engine room for quick access to that and the Command pod. Ironically enough Areem tends to run the ship from the Sensor bridge at the bow of the ship.
His Spaceship: The Swift Fortune of course. But it is said that one of the cargo modules near his quarters can be launched to release a M3-A Scyk Fighter to make a quick escape in.
History: Areem keeps his mouth shut about how he acquired the Swift Fortune, let alone his life before being it’s captain. Wild rumours have thus started to spread under the crew in his absence. One tells he was a mercenary that killed the previous captain, the other says he was taken in after his spaceship stranded and organized a mutiny from there, still others tell a tale of abandoning the previous captain in a hairy situation because she couldn’t return in time. A few more circulate under the crew but all come down to double-crossing the previous owner and that is probably for a reason. Previous exploits have taken them to many of the places where the Clone Wars left destruction and thus salvage. Generally Areem tends to choose spots that are ‘controversial’. Places like Scarif; where imperial mob-up was still busy, Taris; where the parts where salvage is to be found are quarantine zones where dangerous Rhakghouls lurk and Raxus Prime; where many other scavenger groups are vying for the best scraps of salvage. Due to that he is known to take on mercenaries and freelance Starfighter pilots to keep his operations safe. He is unthrustworthy, selfish, cutthroat, smug, confident, charming and cunning all at once and while his motivation seems clear and predictable he is anything but that. People tend to be on edge when he gets out of his chambers, and with good reason.
The roleplay is set shortly after the closing moments of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. The galaxy is in the grip of the rumours that a planet-destroying weapon is out there. Few know the whole truth as the Empire is vague about the events of Alderaan and the rebellion is zealously trying to get the news out that they have just destroyed the weapon above Yavin IV. Captain Vikargo is one of the first to act upon the news spread by the rebellion in the hope of gaining a quick fortune on the remains of what has been called the DEATH STAR.
Just as a guideline, I think the following roles are good on the ship: Doctor Mechanic Starfighter pilot (to keep the competition away etc) Pilot/boatswain (sort of the guy under the captain that flies the Swift Fortune) Scavengers! Mercenaries (The scavenging profession tends to breed situations in which their talents shine) Cook? You name it!
On that note: Force sensitives! Yes I will allow them but keep in mind that you are in the middle of the ‘dark times’. Force sensitives are being hunted down, and there is a lack of training in this regard. For most people force sensitivity will come down to having slightly more accurate ‘hunches’ than other people do (“I have a bad feeling about this”). A Jedi on the run would be acceptable as well, but the hunting down part still applies. In general anything force sensitive would normally try to hide it in order to keep out of trouble, it might even be viewed as a bad thing for some (it’s a curse!). Possession of a lightsaber is a good way to get killed as well. The Empire has posted nice ‘finders fees’ for these items, though the interrogations afterwards are never that fun. On the black markets of the galaxy these things sell for a hefty price, thus be careful when showing you have one. Even civilized men might turn you in, or even try to steal it to make a boatload of credits themselves.
In essence we are all scavengers and that haul in stuff, we can just vary in our specialities outside of that.
To aid the narrative structure I have chosen to use a roleplaying system behind the screen. This does not mean you have to roll any dice or have to wait for me to do so. You roleplay as normal but I get the added benefit of using the narrative system to keep writing creative and unexpected, even for me. It is a simplified version of the Edge of the Empire system and character creation is quite easy. If you should want to use the system yourself you can use the following site: game2.ca/eote generally speaking your difficulty will be a purple and a red die, opposed by your skill. Add black or blue dice when you have a disadvantage or advantage running against you.
One thing I do want to point out is the fact that you may be using ‘Obligation’. This basically is the burden you carry, the thing you are on the run from and so on. In a technical sense it gives you more starting experience to pour into statistics and skills. In the narrative sense it gives you a way to bring your characters history/personality into the roleplay. Make it something you want to occur, but is in fact bad for your character (though it might tie up loose ends if it occurs). Is your character addicted to spice? Does he have a family that his or her credits go to? Is there a bounty on your head? Did you part ways with a previous employer in a way that he still wants your head? Is the Empire after you? Do you have to sell Areem out to a competitor? Are you trying to get the Swift Fortune to aid the reb……………. It goes on.
Step 1: Obligation: So for an extra point at step 2 or 3 points at step 2 you can describe a factor in your characters life that can catch up with him or her during the roleplay. This can be anything, from a spice addiction, to a criminal record to a family you have to support, or a bounty on your head. Make it something that ties in to your characters background, and make it something you might want to catch up with you.
Step 2:Characteristics Every character starts with the following stat line:
This is basically an average person. A rating of 1 means you are below average in that field, 3 means you are above average, 4 means you are GOOD, 5 is ludacris, bodybuilder/circus artist/ dejarik master/ etc. type specialization in said field. You get 10 points to heighten these stats and can lower up to 1 stat to gain another 2 points to spend. Raising a skill costs the number of points of the rank, so raising from 2 to 3 is 3 points, from 3 to 4, 4 points, etc. raising from 2 to 4 thus costs 7 points.
Step 3: Skills after that you can spend another 10 points on skills, using the same cost system (any points leftover from the previous step can be spend here as well). There are the following skills:
Knowledge (int): Core Worlds Outer Rim Lore Underworld Xenology
So now for the Character sheet:
{hider=Character Name] {img]Optional Image Here{/img] {b]Name:{/b] {b]Age:{/b] {b]Species:{/b] {b]Gender:{/b] {b]Force Sensitive:{/b] {b]Role on the ship:{/b] {b]Appearance:{/b] preferably a paragraph about physical appearance, after that a paragraph about clothing. {b]Personality:{/b] Just a short synopsis. {b]Equipment:{/b] {b]Your Quarters:{/b] (optional)just a way to personalize the ship a bit. For roles like the cook, medic etc. you can also describe your working quarters here. {b]Your Spaceship:{/b] it would be perfectly viable that you have a small fighter/spaceship and that the captain has hired you for that reason. Otherwise it might be one of the quadjumper spacetugs on board that make use of cranes and tractor beams to scavenge. {b]Obligation: {/b](optional, read above for a further description. {b]Statistics: {/b] {b]Brawn: {/b] {b]Agility: {/b] {b]Intellect: {/b] {b]Cunning: {/b] {b]Willpower: {/b] {b]Presence: {/b]
{b]Skills:{/b] {list] {*]Just take over the skills you have chosen with the rank behind it. {/list]
{hider=What situations I like my character to be in:] Fill out here please what you want out of this roleplay for your character. This can go from ‘end up in a bar brawl’ to ‘find redemption trough reconciling with my long lost son even though he thought I was evil’ if you rather not share this in a hider, which I will leave to everyone’s discretion to open these from other players or not, do send a PM to the GM. {/hider] {/hider]
I have put all the “[“ brackets as a “{“bracket so you can easily copy the sheet, put it in word and when done you can replace all { brackets back to [ brackets to have it show up as it should support.office.com/en-us/article/Find-.. shows you how!
If you still got a spot left, I can play a non force sensative as well, a technician of sorts maybe or a pilot or droid even. let me know if you still need someone ^^