Avatar of FrostedCaramel
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    1. FrostedCaramel 8 yrs ago
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@Ambra you can have Olivia fight Emil. She'll win. But they can still fight. That's manly right?

Also I'm not being serious I don't think I could ever RP a gay character as a non bi or gay person .-. I'd do it injustice and it'd be really odd.
@LordVoldemort so I see you too are coming over to the GabrielxEmil crack ship.

@wolverbells Emil is good where he is. If the boat shenanigans drags on for a while longer I'll make a post to just fill some time. But otherwise I'm just waiting for the time skip to becoming trainees before I start having Emil interact with the others.
@Ambra I may work on one later, although I'd prefer for the time skip before writing again.

Emil is already safe and is going to be brought to Wall Rose with the group of Garrison soldiers he is with now, so there is no boat for me to write about him getting on to like everyone else XD
I've got to go piss for freedom, then finish my morning patients. Then I'll catch up on the IC.
@Ambra Emil will help if it means getting back at the tall man!
Going to sleep now. I look forward to having hundreds of OOC messages and a good handful of IC posts if today was any indication of what to expect XD
I still ship Gabriel x Titan that killed his family tho.

OTP of the 104th Cadets right there.

@HecateProxy :'D
@HecateProxy this is why I crack ship, because it doesn't actually matter what any of the characters care since the ships will never set sail anyway :P
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