Avatar of FrostedCaramel
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    1. FrostedCaramel 8 yrs ago
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I’ll come back for sure. Though I no longer have my old character who’d I’d prefer to just edit to fit here if possible. Anyway you could link me that old thread?
Here, bit too busy to write a sheet right now but have been thinking on ideas in the meantime.
I'm interested. Don't know much about Battletech though, but given the idea it shouldn't be much of an issue.
Shame I just found this. Is that 6 including yourself @The Wyrm or six without you?
Ice City 31 "Patna", Ranian Autonomous Zone
Greater Chirian People's Republic

The incessant din of the rain was distracting, the constant pitter patter gnawed at the edge of Alibek's sanity and put him even further toward the edge that he already felt far too close to. Fumbling in his pocket for a moment the dark of night would be briefly beaten back as his lighter flicked to life just in front of his face, a soft orange hue highlighting the trembling in his hand as he held the cigarette still in between his lips and let the tip catch on the shuddering flame. Alibek took a long breath in, allowing the familiar burn of the smoke in his lungs to set him at ease with its small comfort. Leaning forward where he sat he'd watch as the smoke trailed off the end of the lit cigarette and disappeared into the night above him before checking his watch. Alibek cursed silently as he realized how close it was to curfew.

Taking one last pull and checking to make sure he was still alone on the backstreet he'd stand from his perch on a set of stairs and toss his cigarette down. Not stopping to stomp out the still burning cigarette at his feet as he turned to make down the cramped street to a dimly lit building two away from where he'd sat. Coming up to the door he'd rap lightly at the wood. Shuffling uncomfortably in the rain he'd knock again only to stop as the grille in the door opened quickly. The sound of hushed voices and warm light stabbed out of the open grille into the darkness behind Alibek before it abruptly shut and a number of locks could be heard as they clicked open. The door opened and a hand quickly bundled Alibek inside the building as the door shut behind him.

"The fuck you doing Ali? You're supposed to be watching tonight, not joining in." the voice of the man at the door; Aydar; chastised him at a whisper. Ali turned to the other men huddled around a small table stacked with banned books just two meters away as they watched him with curious and uneasy gazes.

"We've only twenty," he raised his watch to check the time again, "nineteen minutes until curfew, you're taking to long. Everyone needs to start leaving now." Alibek stated as he once more shuffled uncomfortably where he stood, unable to shake the feeling of all the eyes currently on him. He turned to Aydar as he sighed and waved at those still huddled around the table.

"Get that shit packed let's go." Aydar said, the anger of earlier gone. The older gentlemen turned to Ali and gave him a friendly slap on the back as he turned him back for the door, "They'll get the books gone, no need for you to stick around anymore. Can be the first to go you." he said with a smile as he unlatched the many locks on the door and began to pull it open for Ali.

"Sure yeah. That works." Alibek agreed, relieved that he didn't have to be one of the last to leave, first he'd have plenty of time to make it home before curfew, before the Milicja would ask any questions about why he was out. Turning to Aydar he offered him a smile and made to step out the opening in the door just as something pressed through to come at him. Without enough time to even yell a warning Alibek was slammed into the wall at his side by the Security Division trooper before he took the butt of the troopers rifle to the jaw and sprawled to the floor.

The room broke into panic as a full team of Security division troopers came through the door, easily subduing the aging Aydar and pressing on toward the table of men as they struggled to climb for the windows high above them.

The flash of submachine gun fire was quickly followed by the high pitched roll of the shots. All of which was barely noticeable over the downpour outside except for those that were listening. Security Division Commissar Osmar Valentin stood just down the block, staring up toward the house that had been the alleged meeting place of a den of book smugglers. Commissar Valentin keyed his radio and waited a second before speaking, "Sergeant Anuar, what's the verdict?" he stated calmly.

There was a pause and the telltale chirp of the radio coming to life in his ear, "Info was correct Commissar, book smugglers. Looks to be some serious stuff. Anti-Party, anti-occupation, even a few posters calling for resistance." the Sergeant called over the radio, the rain creating an even fuzzier distortion than normal.

"Good collect it all. Categorize it and dispose of it as always." Valentin said before releasing the mic button. Receiving a curt confirmation from Sergeant Anuar he'd begin to walk toward the building. Stepping over the smashed in door and acknowledging the security trooper that snapped to attention as he entered he'd step over the whimpering body of a young man he'd survey the room as the troopers went about collecting all of the banned materials. Eyeing the bullet holes leading up the wall toward a window he'd step over the crumpled and shivering form of an older man and stop over the lifeless body beneath the window. With a tinge of disgust he'd turn away from the growing pool of blood and bring his attention to the two troopers guarding a huddle of bound men, "Take them to Stalsja, we'll dispose of them there. This home can be salvaged for use of those loyal to the Party, no need to soil it if we don't have to." he stated simply before making his way back into the rain.

As the unmarked cargo trucks of the Security Division pulled up in front of the building the troopers on guard detail led the gaggle of dissidents from the house and began to walk them to the waiting trucks. Valentin watched silently from the side, the sound of the rain randomly accented by misfiring engines. Valentin watched as the guards pushed the first two men up into the bed of the truck before struggling with the third man who was moving and shaking the troopers hands off of him as they attempted to heft him inside. "Aside." Valentin stated clearly as he smoothly unholstered his sidearm and brought it level to the mans head. The troopers without second thought let go of the struggling man and stepped away at almost the exact moment that the Commissar's handgun boomed in the night.

"Anyone else have more pride than common sense?" Valentin asked the other dissidents, handgun held loosely at his side. None of the men said a word, "Good." the Commissar said as he noticed one of the dissidents look toward him before averting his eyes quickly. With a smirk he raised the handgun and took the mans face off with a single round, "I trust you can all get into the truck without our assistance." he stated to the bound men before motioning at the open bed. The dissidents shuffled quickly forward and heaved themselves up as best they could. Valentin watched as they struggled, but one by one they climbed into the back and the bed of the truck was closed after two troopers hopped in with the dissidents.

"To Stalsja." Valentin spoke into the radio before the trucks jumped into gear and drove off down the road.


Nation Name:
The Greater Chirian People's Republic (GCR)

Type of Government:
Worker's Republic

Head(s) of Government:
Nikolas Kussainov: First Secretary of the Chirian Central Committee
Nyshan Ibrayev: Security Secretary of the Chirian Central Committee
Akmaral Zhaksylyk: Technical Secretary of the Chirian Central Committee
Sadir Imanbaeva: Economic Secretary of the Chirian Central Committee
Erlan Rybalko: Defense Secretary of the Chirian Central Committee

Primary Species:

39 million Registered Citizens


Nation Name:
The Greater Chirian People's Republic (GCR)

Type of Government:
Worker's Republic

Head(s) of Government:
Nikolas Kussainov: First Secretary of the Chirian Central Committee
Nyshan Ibrayev: Security Secretary of the Chirian Central Committee
Akmaral Zhaksylyk: Technical Secretary of the Chirian Central Committee
Sadir Imanbaeva: Economic Secretary of the Chirian Central Committee
Erlan Rybalko: Defense Secretary of the Chirian Central Committee

Primary Species:

39 million Registered Citizens

Very interested. Thinking of making a nation that was directly at the forefront of the beginning of this mysterious enemies advance once they took over the unnamed nation. Thus they're devastated, low on morale and equipment, and very much shaken having been the original defenders that are still holding out desperately. If that's alright of course.
@Jbcool I've been hanging around, don't see why I'd stop now.
@Banzai Tracers So is this a Codex-Compliant Chapter or Non-Codex-Compliant Chapter? The answer will decide how I lay out my Company for this as long as it's still open.
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