Name: Mirai Kuriyama
Canon Information (measurements, age, etc.): height: 5'0", She's 16 years old. Her birthday is March 31st.
Personality: Clumsy and a bit aloof, Mirai rarely stands out in school. In fact, she struggles pretty much in life; she has to earn her own money to make ends meet, but her constant fear of actually encountering a Youmu used to prevent her from earning an income from slaying Youmu, which most Spirit World Warriors take on as part of their profession. To make things worse, her hobby of writing blog articles about bonsai is often ridiculed in the Internet. In contrast, Mirai is a focused Spirit World Warrior, although her clumsiness still shows. Her movements in battle demonstrate a certain degree of knowledge in how to fight, although she lacks the experience in actual combat due to her issues with Youmu encounters. After bonding with those around her, Mirai began to feel more confident about defeating Youmu and became quite the experienced Spirit World Warrior. She is fond of saying the words Fuyukai desu which stands for this is unpleasant or how unpleasant.
Likes: Eating, Akihito, her friends
Dislikes: Her powers, herself, people pointing out thing she was hiding.
Powers: the ability to manipulate her blood in various ways such as shaping and solidifying it to form constructs, She can also use it to burn through things
Weaknesses: She is limited to the amount of blood she has. She also has anemia because of her powers.
Character Bio (link or copy paste):
Character bio