Roxanne Alford
Streetside, Central Slums
The sun shone down onto the damp streets filled with random pieces of litter and the usual scum that filled the streets. It would have been a reasonably hot day if it wasn't for the constant chills and depression that filled the streets of the slums. Roxy looked up at the figure leaning against the damp scummy wall and listened to what she was saying intently. She'd Seen her before? Well, it was very likely, she liked to 'get around'. Or that's how people like to think about her. Roxy pulled down her hood and took a few minutes to take in this figure. She was small and her hair stuck up in a few different directions, another interesting character of the slums. Roxy took a couple of steps toward the lady and joined her on the wall.
"Sure, why not? I haven't got anything better to do... So, what you got to offer today?" She smirked to herself. She needed to escape for a little while.