Derpestein said
I've never even been able to get shit faced drunk, mainly because I'm not old enough.When I do, however...Ohohohoho...
Meh, it's overrated.
Learn your limits.
Stay in school.
Don't do drugs.
Derpestein said
I've never even been able to get shit faced drunk, mainly because I'm not old enough.When I do, however...Ohohohoho...
idlehands said
Put a bow on it.
idlehands said
Oh you.
BrobyDDark said
A dumpster outside of a very Irish pub with a green leprechaun hat on your head. Calling it now.
idlehands said
Derpestein said
I've tried beer before.Not proper 'drink' drink, just a sip.Really bitter. Hated it. Dunno what you adults like in it.
Lucian said
I mean, if that's what you want it probably wouldn't take much convincing...
idlehands said
Please don't enable me.
idlehands said
Yes...21. >.>