Hello all.
As of October 12th, I'm seeking a Patrick Stump for a celeb or female OC. I'm happy to play as someone else from Fall Out Boy or another musician celebrity for your OC if you'd llke.
I am happy to hash out character preferences and plots privately.
Old request but still open:
I am seeking a male partner to do a celebrity RP with. I am seeking a Grant Achatz. He is a chef with an episode on Chef's Table (season two). In turn, I am happy to RP a celeb of your choice (Emma Stone, Emma Watson, Melanie Martinez and so on) for your own OC. I will ask that your OC be an OC and not a self-insert. I want our OCs to integrate into the celeb's life naturally and not have a huge imbalance of power (like a fan crushing on a celeb, that's a no go for me).
I am happy to provide more information on Grant Achatz but the first place I'd recommend would be Netflix as I mentioned. If you'd like me to double up for you, let me know and have information to educate me on my celeb.
Also, in some cases I'd be open to doubling as a canon for your OC (depending on the fandom and OC in question) if you didn't have a celeb you're into right now.
Drop me a line if you want to talk more. I'd love it if my partner enjoyed cooking, anime, video games so we'd have some things in common but otherwise I'm hoping to scratch this itch and help someone else out too.
General Info:
Romance should be slow burn, I don't want anything instant or feeling rushed.
I RP over discord. Mature themes are great in small doses.
I tend to be rather lengthy (think 4-5 paragraphs per role) and my posting speed varies from 2-3 posts a day to 2-3 posts a week, depending on how I'm feeling. That said, I do love chatting with partners and getting to know one another. I have a full time job and I would hope my partner has other things to do offline as well so we should be respectful of each other's lives and such.