Avatar of Girlie1Bomba
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
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  • Posts: 261 (0.10 / day)
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    1. Girlie1Bomba 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Still waitin' to lose the Bombs...
7 yrs ago
Cuz people got me, got me questionin' where is the love.
7 yrs ago
Hmmmm... name change time?
7 yrs ago
Here to drop dem bombas bitches yeeeee!!


Heya peeps!!

This here is your Girlie :] (in light of current violence in our world its about time for me to change my username. So just call me Girlie now.) And to be honest, bottomline: I'm just a chick who likes to pretend to be something she's not. ;P And! I try to be polite too okay! So let me know if i'm being just one rude bitch right!!

But if it must be known then I try to delve very deep into the nuances of the make-believe presented to me. And I'm pretty aggressive with plot-lines; I like to lead how things go. But I am pretty open to working with plots with others as long as my chara has already been accepted ;PP

I love off-the-beaten-path fantasy, but I love any kind of fantasy overall. But... okay so like yeeeeahhh... weakness? I'm a sucker for modern 'urban fantasy' for sure... ;DD My charas are pretty much 'broken goods' in terms of mental states and they are always gay; they will hump your girlie charas when we fade to black (I don't do the redband porno posts tho cuz eww ;PP).

I'm trying to branch out and do sci-fi and modern combat so please do be patient with my noobness ;PP But I'm loving my time here at the 'Guild so yeeeeeaaah!

Hope to join in on your adventures soon!! :]

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So on point. daBomba is down for this ;DD
Heya @Flagg!! Okay boss so here's my app:


@Girlie1Bomba Aw, Boogle's great! Totally approved -- go ahead and copy her to the characters tab!

I've got to say I think I have a general idea of what's happening, but I think I have to ask for an explanation. ;) She's a test-tube assassin among others like her, trained and abused and brainwashed by scientists. Their ship crashed, she escaped, and everyone else .... died? As far as she knows. Is this accurate?

The final adventure should really be written OOCly, or at least paraphrased. I gather that you mean that her ongoing plot is to find the others that are like her, and hope they're not too brainwashed to join her in living a peaceful life?

Yeah, that's the general idea. It's cliche child assassin crossed up with neko love toy at her core :/

Okay and will give summary to the adventure part then. thanks ya :33
Heya! Sorry for the delay boss ;D but here's my app.


@Scrub Mage This is quite possibly the most unexpected and unique first character in a long time, haha. He would definitely make a very interesting personality to keep the inter-character dynamic alive and well. Approved! Feel free to copy him to the characters tab -- and if there's anything you think I should know that's not on the sheet, my PM box is open or a post here is cool! :)


~does it break something in the RP if my chara lies on the app. She is on the run and a bit off in the head.
I like what Scrub did above -- you could make your own OOC comments in parentheses if you feel the character isn't a reliable narrator. :)

~can we know any crew NPC prior to RP start?
I wasn't planning on any other crew besides the captain and the PCs, so unfortunately that'll be impossible. :(

~what other kinds of flying things can we have worked/travelled on?
I dunno, do you have an idea in mind? :D

~can we mix magic with science? or is that a no-no here?
What kind of magic are we talking? Give me your ideas and we can work out something that fits the world! :)

Alright cool. Thanks for answers. I'mma work on my app somemmore and I guess we can discuss the whole magic of science part. ;D but like lookin like I'll post my chara tmrw then
<Snipped quote by Girlie1Bomba>

I guess the emphasis here would be horror a bit more than fantasy. Magic/demons/ghosts etc do come into it, but I dont want to be too specific about a 'magic system' or how exactly the cosmology works.

So yeah...some kind of warding/exorcist character might work, but you're not going to have demons materializing every two seconds.

Kind've make sense?

Hmmm. Yeah. Makes sense. K so I'll rework my app and submit tmrw then. ;DD
Alright. @Mokley heya boss.

Sooooo I'm almost done my app but just a few questions before submitting:

~does it break something in the RP if my chara lies on the app. She is on the run and a bit off in the head.
~can we know any crew NPC prior to RP start?
~what other kinds of flying things can we have worked/travelled on?
~can we mix magic with science? or is that a no-no here?

Thanks ya!
@Flagg heya boss.

Okay so like I'm almost done my app but just want to clarify before completely finishing it.

~what kinds of magic based charas can we play? Like for instance, I want my chara to do warding/fighting against bad spirits
~Do spirits/demons come into play here?
~If we are magic based what is the source of magic?

Thanks ya!
@HallionThanks! Didnt know this place was THAT kinda place ;DD
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