Avatar of Godlikeblade
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  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 103 (0.03 / day)
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    1. Godlikeblade 9 yrs ago


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5 yrs ago
Current Just waiting for a my GM, Yep.
6 yrs ago
Just currently writing the MoonBase Delta RP. It's going to be great!


“A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject.”
- Winston Churchill

"If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed."
- Adolf Hitler

"Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."
- Albert Einstein

Most Recent Posts

@Nikki Moonlight

Tasuke and the five other Vampires travel to the next city because he knew that the city was mostly empty. Tasuke and the other five Vampires found an old tower and went inside so he could explain the plan of action to his men. "Ok men, we are going to split up, each of you has been assigned a sector of the surrounding area. Check the city for any humans with cursed weapons, when you find them do NOT engage. You will all report back to me inside the tower within the hour. Anyone who fails to report back will be presumed dead, don't even bother showing yourself to me after that point. I do not tolerate traitors." These humans shouldn`t pose a threat to me, if they can't kill Aya they can never kill me
@Nikki Moonlight

Tasuke walks out of barracks sniffing in the air "Who's bleeding out here." Tasuke says, Tasuke looks down to find Aya laying on the ground covered in blood. Tasuke quickly runs over and draws his sword pointing out from where she came from "Who's out there?!" Tasuke said, but with no response, Tasuke picks up Aya and brings her into the barracks and lays her down on one of the chairs "Oh my, are you ok?" Tasuke yells at the other vampires "Search the area for any humans with cursed weapons!" Tasuke looks back at Aya "Who could have done this to you?" Tasuke says. He grabs a vial of human blood that he brought with him and dumps the blood out of the vial. He grabs a knife that was on a nearby nightstand and cuts his hand and fills the vial with his blood and hands it to Aya "Drink, don't worry it's my blood not human blood." Tasuke says, "I smell blood that isn't yours, is this the person that hurt you?" Tasuke says, Tasuke takes a big sniff of the human blood that was on Aya, Tasuke gets up and walks away from Aya and up to two vampires "Hey! Watch her with your life and don't let her leave till I get back." Tasuke walks out of the barracks.

Tasuke walks up to five other Vampires "Come with me NOW! we're going hunting boys." Tasuke says with a very disterbing grin.
@Nikki Moonlight

"Ok well thank you for answering my questions I will be on my way now. I hope to see you again soon." Tasuke says as walks out of the barracks.

Tasuke walks up to a team of vampires "I need you guys to check out a barracks, it's said to be empty so we are going to go and investigate, see if it is really empty. If so, this barracks could make for a great forward outpost." Tasuke says with a grin. "Well, is that clear?" Tasuke asks, a hint of malice in his voice.
@Nikki Moonlight

Tasuke opens the door and walks inside and takes a seat in one of the chairs in the Barracks "So Aya did you find anything useful during your scouting mission did you find any human outposts did you encounter any humans at all and if so please tell" Tasuke said with a straight face "The queen wanted me to ask, she was a bit nervous that you would have to fight anyone from the Moon Demon Company" tasuke said as he look her straght in the eye. Tasuke always found a way to the truth so if she lies he will find out in time.
@Nikki Moonlight

Tasuke went to see Aya at her barracks, Tasuke walks up to the door. Hopefully that scouting mission was a success we need as much info as we can get about the humans and what they are doing Tasuke Thinks to himself. Tasuke knocks three times on the door and waits for a response.
@Nikki Moonlight

Tasuke waved goodbye then started to walk away. She has strong feelings about the people that she lost that night, But she is going to get herself killed over it, I might go ask Ferid about what happened that night and get more info on it until then I have to keep An eye on her so she Doesn't get herself killed. Tasuke thinks to himself.

Im still In, im just waiting on you guys

@Nikki Moonlight

Tasuke looks at the body, surprised that Aya could kill one of her own so easily, what used to be her own. "At least it was only one of them that had a gun, so how are the kids that you brought back, we're any of them hurt." Why does she such a hard time killing human children but not adults Tasuke thinks to himself. "So how's that gunshot wound healing and did you get blood from the queen yet."
@Nikki Moonlight

Tasuke walks up to Aya and says "So you got shot, I told you to use force if things get out of hand" Tasuke sighs "Whatever just don't get yourself injured by livestock, how are you going to fight the JIDA if you can't even fight unarmed humans?!" She's strong but she does not know it yet tasuke thinks to himself.
@Nikki Moonlight

Hey Nikki can you Finish Training Rai and Eleanor so I can fight them later?
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