Avatar of Gordoth
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 139 (0.06 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Gordoth 7 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current A.C.T.I.O.N. On the second page. This is G.O.L.D.E.N.!
1 like
7 yrs ago
Roleplay with me in my RP thread because im in need of people to roleplay with and it will be more fun with more people so please come and roleplay i promise it will be really fun
7 yrs ago
I need YOU to join me and a few others in an adventure through an apocalypse stricken world! Gurr'Kha - The Dead World awaits, and everyone is welcome! If you just finished an RP, you get bonus points
7 yrs ago
Gurr'Kha - The Dead World may have already started, but that does not mean we are not hungry for more companions - come and join! Storywise, we are right at the recruiting stage, so we need you!
7 yrs ago
I invite you all to make your way to Gurr'Kha - The Dead World and see if you find yourselves interested in it!



I am Gordoth Enodious. I call myself that way. It is not my actual name, but for the purposes of a forum I'll remain Gordoth.

Concerning my experience with roleplaying, I cannot say I am experienced, but neither can I say I am inexperienced. I have tried roleplaying, but I've never managed to hold a group together for any longer than, say, three or four days, as they lost interest in the process. I consider myself literate, but I'd think everyone on this here forum IS literate.

In connection to the preferences I display when dealing with roleplaying, I'd say I have two, those being Fantasy and Science Fiction, however I am more than interested in participating in all kinds of activities hosted by the Guild.

And about me. I am a rookie writer of fiction literature. I enjoy playing video games of all kinds. As is to be expected by one who visits forums such as this one, I am more keen on experiencing stories. I enjoy reading all kinds of literature, I partake in the viewing of many movies and I relish in observing art.

That's about as much as is needed, I'd say. Overall, consider me a jack of all trades. I will ask for tips and explanations, as I am not familiar with the process of roleplaying on a forum. I am enthusiastic about all of this, so holler if you feel like it.

"You can not understand me. Not because it is something that can not be understood, but because you lack the knowledge needed. You can not understand, simply because you have not lived. Only once you have seen that, which I have seen, will you be able to see something. Only once you experience the horrors, experienced by myself, will you understand. Through living after the suffering I have lived through, will you understand. Are those things you can experience? Are those things you can go through in one hundred years, eighteen of which you lack the clarity of mind needed to be human? I fear it is not possible. I fear that becoming human, at this moment, depends on understanding. But not everyone can understand. Why, then, is it that you are all considered humans? None of you seek to understand each other. None of you even seek to understand others. I fear it. I fear this thing, which you call human, is not what truly is a human. You have lost the understanding of the word you use to describe yourselves. Without knowing what you are, without understanding it... You can not understand me."

Most Recent Posts

Lady Lechery
Location: Shadowell Manor Grounds; Chair 9
Hit Points:6

Lady Lechery had observed all other guests as they came through the gate and stood, waiting for the signal to advance. The light clothing she had picked was now a bit less clean, as the rim of the dress had been dragged through the dirty, unkempt and abandoned at first glance ground, yet she had not allowed it to bother her.

Some of the guests had drawn her wandering eyes, and they had stayed on said guests for a tad too long, while others had appear completely unremarkable to her. Though was that not the way things were? Some caught, others were caught, third were left to rot... The one who had collapsed looked truly sad to her. Who would even bother with coming all the way to THIS forest and almost die in front of the most mysterious of establishments in the world, second only to the Vault, she figured.

Her eyes saw through some of the cracks. Some guests behaved as she would expect from members of the Upper crust. Some seemed to behave a bit less elegantly, as if with more animation within them, adding this unpleasant ruggedness to their persons. The Lady could not help but take note of the fact her hair was the most flamboyant in shade, but was that not a victory for her? After all, that could contribute to the way people originally reacted. Could make a good impression.

When the guardsmen finally started indicating a change in the orders, kindly barked at the guests, Lady Lechery glanced up to the sky, expecting to spy something, but to her dismay there were not enough signs no provide enough information, in which case she decided her own feeling would do. And her feeling told her they had taken quite a long while to present their invitations and enter the manor grounds.

The whistle of Leo had brought about the movement she had anticipated, and it was relatively decent. One, lacking any knowledge, would say this was magic, but to a person, gifted with enough common sense, the Lady could easily tell there people, somehow, moving the shrubbery. Could be said that the brushes danced as they moved around, but for one reason, or another, the movement was really quite smooth. Then came more servants. Young and old, wrinkled and taut, they were the proponents of many shapes and sizes.

The moderate quiet was then destroyed as a strange contraption started making its way towards them. An interesting snake, made out of metal, the head adorned by a pretty fellow in red, followed by a dozen and a few seats. The seats did not look all too comfortable, but one could say that they were intriguing in appearance. The individual was quite endearing, until he opened his mouth.

"Whatever happened to the ladies who were first?" She spoke as she followed the inconspicuous gold-headed devil towards the line of seats, passed by him and climbed into the ninth chair. She crossed her legs and sunk into the surprisingly soft fabric.
Urdal watched, eyes wide, as the armored woman brought her anchor down with the intent to kill. That was what he perceived, and that was he figured would have happened if the paladin was not successful enough at avoiding the, arguably, lazy attack. Then Orky crashed into her and brought her down to the ground. Another thing, which happened in this tiny window of time, was the dragon person bringing his weapon down on the woman's head. All of this appeared too much.

He raised his hands, trying to think of what to say, but then he let them fall down. This was happening for the second time today. He was simply at a loss. The half-elf looked to the large, red and black creature, then his gaze moved over to the unconscious priest on the ground, then he took note of the fact that things had somewhat calmed themselves. Taking a deep breath, having a few thoughts run through his head, Urdal concluded that he needed to try to take the reigns.

"Okay, listen up! I've got this here job that needs doin', and I thin it's good if we do it fast, so don't do that again!" He announced after clearing his throat to attract their attention. Now they could probably start doing things the way they should be done, he figured.
Well, in that case I will post something. Was thinking maybe @Lady Selune needed to add to her own post that she was, indeed, grabbed or tackled by Orky, as he rolled all right for is, as far as I remember, but we could skip over that.
Okay, posting can continue! @everyone
@Lady Selune Edit it ._.
It turned out his feint was not as good as he had thought it would be. Karaulish saw the movements of his adversary and was unpleasantly surprised when during his initial attempt to block the feint Tojiko managed to place his weapon in such a way that it actually prevented him from completing his actual attack. He had, however, managed to lower his left arm to his belt. Upon witnessing the ongoing maneuver, the old warrior realized he would be unable to do anything to keep the spear in his hands, or his hands on the spear, so he dropped it.

His right arm went flying out of the way, while his left arm wrapped around the sword at his left side, swinging from his belt up, towards Tojiko's chest, with a reverse grip on the weapon. His left arm would avoid the attack launched by Tojiko, but he was not sure his right arm would get out unscathed. The attack Karaulish was performing would reach his adversary's stomach and had the potential to cut through him and deal a lot of damage, if the opponent did not avoid the attack or block it.
Okay, got you and got me.
I'll write now.
Hello and welcome to the guild!
We always need more artists (do we?), and I am pleased to greet you to the beautiful land of Roleplayers!
Have fun here!
Lady Lechery
Location:Shadowell Manor Gate
Hit Points:6

Security appeared tight, to say the least. Other than that the forest looked horrible, the gate itself looked questionable and the guards looked rugged and unfriendly. Then again, not many were friendly and lacking this ruggedness, guards - more so than most. There were a few things which greatly bothered the Lady at this moment, and she was looking to evade any issues that could arise from them. Looking around, she spotted many a man and woman, although the number of females was higher than the number of males, which could be seen as concerning. Could it be that this rich and mysterious family was looking for ladies?

She got off her black stallion, who only had a saddle on his back, and pat the animal's side, continuing her observation of the ladies and lords who had been gathered here. Her eyes were drawn to a few, with interesting clothing and masks, but nothing truly grabbed her attention. However, that Leo characters appeared strange. What an unusual hair color, she thought as she looked at the one who would check their invitations.

Seeing as there were no other individuals willing, or interested, in approaching the man first, she figured that she would be the early bird to gut the worm. Trusting those who worked at the manor to take care of her horse, Lady Lechery approached the colossal man, all the while procuring the thick envelope, which seemed to the the thing to save her life from those bloodthirsty guards and their boom-sticks. Disappointed by the poor choice of garden decor, the blue-haired woman inwardly cringed as she realized her dress would become muddied at the lower side. How unfortunate.

"Good evening... Seeing as there are no other brave birds to be found here, I would like to enter the grounds first..." She offered up the envelope to the imposing guard who bore the name of the lion, a sly smile curling her lips... But that remained unnoticed by anybody, as there was a mask obscuring them.
@Lady Selune You forgot Orky was tackling you to get you out of the anchor's path. And being out cold means you're unconscious. Let's get that straight, my fellow.
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