Name: Kaitlyn Vale "Shadow Cat"
Occupation: Netrunner (Biohacker)
Skills: Code breaking, Deep Drop Immersion, Jacking in, These are three abilities thats make her invaluble when dealing with the security systems of the ship. The problem is she has to have someone physically guard her comatose body. She can access the computers on a level that most can't even dream of.
Description: (tell us about your character, their past, personality, motivations, etc.) Kaitlyn grew up in a place simply called the Cyber Grave. It is where computers went when they died. But they all had some working components in them. She gathered these together and built her first rig. She ran it out of the Cyber Grave because it was capable of bouncing her data around safely where mega corps are tracing her.
Eventually she built a name as the ghost that could never be tracked. So someone one day just called her the shadow cat because of a joke she left behind. wherever she hacked she left behind a program that was a dead mouse. She killed the user interface.
Eventually that rig of her broke beyond repair, but it took her eyes with it. She worked with a couple of bioengineers, deckers, and runners to create a pair of cybernetic eyes that had two settings the firs her eyes looked normal it was normal sight. The second was called data sight. Data sight simply allows her to see the flow of electricity.
She also has six ports running up her spine These are used when she is netrunning.