A Lot Of Shish. It was horrible as hell that stupid mouse of my computer. Freakin' Slow! [I'm talking bullshit, good to know actually]
9 yrs ago
A Lot Of Shish. It was horrible as hell that stupid mouse of my computer. Freakin' Slow! [I'm talking bullshit, good to know actually]
9 yrs ago
Nothing. I did a RP for the first time!
9 yrs ago
Food, and a lot of food. I'm hungry!
9 yrs ago
I have a Great Ech-Day!
9 yrs ago
Nothing. I'm new here
Hello, I'm Gravic[Ity]. 15 years old. I'm new here. I know this website from a friend of mine. But oke. I dunno what to say more. Nice to meet you I guess.
Hello, I'm Gravic[Ity]. 15 years old. I'm new here. I know this website from a friend of mine. But oke. I dunno what to say more. Nice to meet you I guess.
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Hello, I'm Gravic[Ity]. 15 years old. I'm new here. I know this website from a friend of mine. But oke. I dunno what to say more. Nice to meet you I guess.</div>