Avatar of Gravity Bounce
  • Last Seen: 26 days ago
  • Joined: 4 yrs ago
  • Posts: 114 (0.08 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Gravity Bounce 4 yrs ago
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      Most recent → Avatar of Hos Hos


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2 yrs ago
Current One donette to rule them all.
2 yrs ago
2 yrs ago
Yes, yes they do. I have the whole series.
2 yrs ago
Ah. Well maybe we can do some plotting soon if you want.
1 like
2 yrs ago
The arranged marriage thing sounds cool...without the vampire stuff.
1 like


I've been participating in roleplay for seventeen years with a couple of breaks along the way. As I do enjoy it a great deal, there are times when real life hits harder than even I imagined with my writing taking a back seat but while I'm here, I am here. If we click as partners, I will do what I can to see that we both enjoy the story we decide to create together.

Just a bit about me. I love videogames, am a music lover-you'll find me usually writing posts to music, movies, and all that good stuff. I love funnel cakes by the way.

Note: If you are easily offended by my bluntness, you probably shouldn't talk with me. Also, I'm only mean when stupid people say stupid things other than that I'm really nice unless you piss me off.

Anyone who likes to write about Pokemon and smut together needs serious help. Try to convince me otherwise.

Most Recent Posts

I watched Nope and Everything Everywhere all at Once. Both of them were quite enjoyable.
You can play whoever you want. Have at it. The only thing would be avoiding stereotypes. I've seen guys writing females that have hit every type of stereotype in the book. I have also seen girls do the same thing. So, you can write who you want just do some research. The same thing with doing characters of a different race or ethnicity. Do. Your. Research. Don't be lazy about it either. I myself am a Person of color as they say. There's nothing worse than seeing characters like myself be made to as a walking talking caricature when a bit of research could go a long way. Or the focus of said character is just their skin color. It's annoying.
Night Sky on Prime if you like sci-fi, mystery, and old folks.


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