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    1. Guy of Z 11 yrs ago


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@Guy of Z

"my Kriffing leg!" Eisline roared with barely contained frenzy. Why, why did the universe hate him so? Why did it dismiss him and why did the force take every opportunity to betray him?! "That.....that...expendable" he let out a wheeze as he was kicked in the ribs and set reeling into the immense stairs hard enough he was certain ribs broke but the sheer, spasmodic agony from his leg left him blind to whatever might have befell his torso. The kick, which was brutal sent him flying about a quarter of a meter and the kinetics of it caused what little strength in the tendons holding his leg together after Earhen utterly vaporized his kneecap to give out and tendons and arteries snapped and he fell a rush of even more blood and a thump. Around them, the vast caverns shuddered and seemed to creak as though the lingering presence of long dead Sith, or perhaps an echo of Palpatine's self imprinted stirred, feeding on the carnage and the serendipitous nature of so many familiar faces being in one place. The Mandalorian watched him in the flickering light of the brazier, disinterested. "That leap was pathetic and that one looked like he had experience fighting airborn targets" the disappointment in his tone caused the Adept to delve into the darkside in a frantic attempt to staunch the bleeding and to lash out, only for blinding white agony to disturb his concentration.

Blood ebbed from the side of his head "MY EAR?! YOU CUT OFF MY KRIFFING EAR?!"

"Hurts don't it" Rua sneered, his eyes beaming with malevolence. "Do you know who killed Gethzerion?" he asked and the Adepts eyes widened at the mere mention of the name, a name that had literally been made a crime to utter in Imperial city and across the breadth of the empire. The Dark witch who'd been the whole reason that Zsinj was given command over an entire oversector, solely to keep her power contained at Dathomir.

"Zsinj and me, lied about it in our reports to the Emperor, since it suited Zsinj for the old wizard to believe a threat still existed. Funny that, Palpatine claimed to be damn near omnipotent in the force but couldn't sense the death of a rival..that he feared when he shouldn't have" There was laughter and a song steel blade touched the man's throat "your lightsaber, trying to reach for it with the force, I can see it in the twinge of your cheek muscles"

whether blood loss or fear or both the adept let out a howl of utter despair. "y..you....you and that other fop, that idiot pretender killed Gethkriffingzerion? You're a bad liar mando"

"And yet here I am, standing over you" a swift flick of the blade caused two layers of skin to slough off his neck and as the Adept howled in pain Rua grabbed him by the collar and lifted him up so that he was resting partly against the Mandalorians knee and tight and lower stomach. Darksider blood ebbed out, steaming against his armor in the cool subterranean air "Last chance, the crazy cunt that dismissed you from Coru...who is she really?"

Rua didn't even bother asking him about another Jedi who might have broken in, there was no point. Ja'Karr was good enough to stay one step ahead of him, he would have been in and out without this fool even realizing. Rua was arrogant, but he never underestimated a worthy opponent, especially a force sensitive one. The adept laugh "Afraid for your precious mamas boy Rua? Or your own honor? How does the Dog of a fat, matricidal bastard like Zsinj ever expect to unite the Mandalorian clans? Huh? Oh I know you..I can see it in your eyes, you glory hounding pretty boy halfbreed" he coughed, blood bubbled from his throat, definitely broke a rib. -Keep him talking, maybe I'll bleed to death before he kills me- it was petty, it was spiteful.

It was all he had.

And then his nose came off with a flick and he screamed again and nearly vomited. "I'll ask again pretender..Who is she really?"

Even in death, an adept's life was evidently not his own. Damn you..Sidious..you promised us glory...Not...this.

"She....she..is..exactly..who she says she is" The Adept managed a defiant laugh "And she is going to bring a holy war to this galaxy the likes of which even the Sith couldn't fathom! Your doom is in your hunt you damn Mandalorian hound! So kill me pretty boy...my death won't hold a candle to yours!"

In the flickering light, Rua of Clan Skirata, war master of Emperor Zsinj's countenance shifted. Something cruel, intermixed with genuine concern and malice.

He slid his blade, but not cleanly through the ribs to grant him a quick death. Instead he disemboweled the Adept, whose intestines spilt across the steps, bathing them in blood and bile as Earhen finally slid his way into one of the vaults.

cleaning his blade Rua ordered the Raptor guard to find the inventory list then check for missing Sith and Jedi manuscripts, ignoring the cloning tech and treasure, Ja'Karr wouldn't have been interested in that. "Then plant two dozen seismic charges and proton torpedoes in this cesspit. I want the explosion to be visible from orbit and a crater deep and wide enough to make a kriffing lake"

Rua turned to leave before looking back at the doorway "Ya hear that kiddo? You've got six hours to get your crap and leave or you'll be ash!"

The Adept was right. Rua thought, his death wouldn't compare.

Mostly because he wasn't someone else's instrument.


Yavin 4

3996 BBY

Deep in the Great Temple Kun surveyed the Isolation Chambers specified for his silent daggers that he had hoped to put against the Republics throats. His bid on Ossus cost him his apprentice but he completed his mission of raiding Jedi Artifacts. Soon he would have the tools to rebuild the Sith Empire using the vary teachings of the Jedi fools who destroyed it.

His creations were incomplete still but he equipt every device to retell the history of the Missasi and the sith to each chamber's occupants. A larger Chamber fitted for use by a full blooded Massasi Warrior remained unused, it was a backup in case the temple became compromised. A nocturnal hunter, a night beast would be born of the lucky candidate. The Jedi were reeling from the Supernova unleashed by that useless sycophant Crado and that harlot Aleema, they couldn't marshall a force fast enough to oppose him and they could try with their scattered enclaves! Ulic’s capture was a setback but he would retrieve him again.


Upon opening the room Earhen came across a strange site, what seemed to be two strang tanks that looked nothing alike. If this is what The Emperor took from Yavin and stored here it seemed mundane so far.

I hope there is a grav life here. I'm not kriffing dragging these things whatever they are.

Thankfully a conveniently placed lift was available to pick up the platform

“Ok call the Hoojibs and tell them to get out of the tie mauler we’re gonna airlift out I’ll comm Tal.”

Earhen didn’t really know if he could really trust the man known as Tal Hesz, and a being as damned as much as Earhen was probs wouldn’t help his reputation to the Republic, he took on Merc work omitting his...sour history to avoid getting the Teshiek treatment. Tal on the other hand at one point hopped to exchange Luke Skywalker and a Rebel Fleet bean counter to Darth Vader to bargain with the Empire in his homeworlds favor. When Skywalker predictably escaped his planet was slagged by Vader and enslaved and the poor bastard that didn’t escape Tal’s betrayal, Jorin Sol was reprogrammed into a sleeper agent by Intelligence and nearly destroyed the Rebel fleet. Earhen was wondering how long it would take for people in the Rebellion...er Republic to just recognize Tal and just shoot him really…only reason Earhen had no moral high ground was because well...he wasn't much better when he assisted in hunting Tay Vanis.

Before then he saw Vader as a tragic hero betrayed by fate, a necessary monster but...the way that man screamed when Vader rubbed away his memories until he was a mindless husk was too much...even for the Assassin. Of all the acts of cruelty by the Dark lord that rattled him the most.

He prepared the lift left the message to the brooding Jabiinite manning his beautiful ship and took off from the caverns with both capsules. What the hell was in these things that got that kook Blackhole to send his soldiers?
<Snipped quote by Guy of Z>

"Palpatine's bones! What a kriffing fight!" the voice accompanied psychotic laughter that cut above the blaster fire and discharges from personal beam weaponry not seen deployed in battle since the clone wars decades prior. beside him pressed against the immense pillar was a Raptor who'd had her helmet blown off her head, blood trickled down from a cut above her eyebrow and another further above her scalp but apart from that she had the same devilish grin on her face as the Mando who commanded them. Around them blaster bolts lanced into ornately carved cielings, causing a shimmering rain of precious gems and gilded metal from the rafters. Rua smiled, other troopers from other other potentates would have scattered, picking up as much of the treasure as possible (and dooming themselves in the process, for grave robbing from a Sith wizards vaults was deadly) but not the Raptors, Zsinj elite guard, his storm troopers, the scarlet warriors commanded by the new Emperor and trained and led by the next Mandalore. Zsinj's attack dog began to tap his feet and several of the raptors turned to look and they began to nod only to redouble their assault with even greater fury. Rua's tapping accompanied a hum which broke into a song, an ancient Mandalorian war poem.

"my mother told me...Someday I would buy, vessel with strong engines..fly to distant worlds. My clan I'll command, from a battle bridge" He whirred, stepping into the chaos and drawing one of his pistols a swift blast in the throat below the helmet took the head off one of the guards. "Take orbit storm, slay many foes, raze man worlds, raze many worlds"

Seeing their commander in the line of fine sent the raptors into a how of insanity and they roared forward almost saturating the entire room with blaster fire. A few concussive missiles roared overhead and soon, the defenders of the "gate" lay in heaps on the floor, blood and brain matter mixed with the stench of charred plasteel and the acrid stench of age, of dust, of must of the Sith.

"Area secured eh boys?" There was a laugh while a call came on the comm informing him of stiff resistance by something unknown deep in the catacombs. "Ah good, our force user retreated with the rest of the trash" he remarked turning to the woman "You there, you've command of the upper levels, inform Captain Pryde that I'll be heading deeper into this crypt"

"What if its our other party?"

Rua shrugged "I don't really care, whatever moron was dumb enough to blow a hole in the front door is not the guy I'm after and if he wants to help himself to the diseased poodu in this crypt he's welcome to take the liability onto his own damn shoulders. I need answers, so I'll go below"

<Snipped quote by Guy of Z>

Eislen of Eriadu had a good life, he'd been born in the final days of the clone wars and raised by devotees of The Emperor and his glorious ten thousand year plan. Raised in the dark, unlike those inquisitor scum who'd been mostly Jedi dropouts or disgraced former Knights. Eislen had been raised to be Sith, trained in secret by the Emperor's most devout themselves and even fought beside Lord Vader twice! Twice! Glory lay ahead of him and he hadn't even flinched when their eternal Emperor fell over Endor, nor did he renounce his ways to side with that blind Inquisitor Jerec and the megalomaniac that was Ardous Kaine. No, he remained faithful, remained strong, served as Sate Pestage's loyal bodyguard. He'd even been able to gain access to some of the glorious Sith relics concealed on Coruscant! He'd been learning, he'd been growing stronger! Perhaps, perhaps he would have been ready to take over the Empire, restore it to its former majesty even! It was all perfect.

But perfection, was always an illusion.

He sat now in the dark, resting on immense granite steps flanking an enormous durasteel door, finely polished that contained on either side two gargoyle like statues of some ancient Sith Hounds, braziers in their snarling, open mouths burned empowered by ancient sorcery. This tomb, was older than any other and the Adept clad all in black but for a crimson cloak, snarled in the dimmed light. His hair was wild and disheveled as he was embittered. Some damn fool Inquisitor found a ship adrift in deep space and sensing the fire, the pulse of radiant life dormant within rescued it. They'd thought it was one of their own, fools! As if they could produce power of that sort! No, that was power that belonged to something else entirely, he could feel it, sense its disgust, its contempt and when he realized what she truly was.

She'd killed most of the inquisitors and dismissed him, her imperiousness was such that the Grand Vizier didn't even think twice and merely obeyed and he, he was too terrified of her power to strike at her. No, he accepted this demotion when he realized she was sending him out here to replace two guards who'd died mysteriously. Two adepts slain? By something within no doubt! The opportunity to test himself and grow stronger, to learn from the dark secrets within.

But the murderer had already departed. A Jedi of some sort, he'd stolen some items but all the other vaults remained barred. He'd been denied!

A presence began to touch his mind and he realized it was one of those accursed rodents and he let out a psychic hiss and drew his lightsaber. As the battle raged on above, he let out a capricious laugh. "I know of only one sentient who'd stoop so low as to use those..things..COME OUT VADER'S DOG!"

A crimson lightsaber ignited and he sneered at Earhen once the boy came into view.

"I thought you'd have died by now.." He stepped forward and then he stopped as an odd, almost savage humming echoed through the cavernous catacomb walls.

Sparks flew as durasteel yielded to..a Knife in the dark?

"My mootthheerr..tolld me...Someday I would buy...Vessel with strong engines, fly to distant worldss"

Eislin twitched at the Mandalorian war poem. "You're working with Rua kriffing Skirata now dog? That's how far you've fallen?" he spat.

"Nah, Eis, kid aint with me"

Eislin turned his head, his eyes narrowing. "So it's a three way fight then?!"

Rua turned eying Earhen "Kid, we got a problem? Or can I trust you to piss off and take whatever stupid Sith poodu you before kriffing off and leaving my men alone?" his voice held an edge of amusement, he'd no idea who this kid was nor did he really care. "my beef's with this one and one other and neither of them are you"

"I'll kill you both" the Adept hissed.

"Yeah, yeah Eis, listen up. Before I cut your kriffing thoat I've got one question for you" Rua asked, his eyes flickering with contempt. "That crazy cunt who demoted you to chief grave digger...Is she really who she says she is?"

Eislin could contain his rage no longer and with a roar tore towards Earhen.


Hes charging...charging ME? Earhen knew force users, especially Dark Side users just went off the cuff and did dumb spast like drug users but come on…
He was forced by Vader into deathmatchs with the Majestrix of Skye Kharys and survived with all limbs intact. This guy didn’t even fly like that white haired huntress...his disadvantage.

Earhen pulled out his pistol on its Disruptor setting and drilled two holes into the Adepts leg...he forgot how powerful they could get he wondered if he could disintegrate someone with a good charged shot now.

Left reeling the adept tried to get a Saber throw in but Earhen immediately began running to the doorway to swipe the key evading the Force users blade stroke made in wounded fury lodging it into the doorway before it deactivated impotently.

Earhen thinking quickly blasted the cylinder before its owner could summon it again and swiped the key slowly opening the door.

@Guy of Z

While the machnications of two rivals for Galactic supremacy played out and the actions of an upjumped child soldier and his telepathic rodents played out, it had seemed to Rua Skirata that the rest of the world didn't give hide nor hair to what was transpiring. The lush world, its stormy night and otherwise eerie calm highlighted what the Mandalorian thought was would make this planet excellent for game. "Too bad" he muttered, taking a long drag of some carcinogen laced stick. As he exhaled a breath of smoke, two of the raptors looked his way, behind their crimson masks they shifted nervously. Zsinj seldom sent his right hand out on mere raids anymore, not since Dathomir, not since. One swallowed, it was almost audible and Rua chuckled as he tossed his "cig" into the rain and slid the sleak, rebreather he used instead of the traditional Mandalorian combat helm over his cheeks and mouth. "Ask your question Epps" Rua liked to know the surnames of as many of the Raptors as possible, both because Zsinj considered a personal touch important and because it meant they obeyed him not simply because the Emperor instructed them too. But because they held an element of trust in their Emperors right hand man. "Well, are you here because of the terrorist attack on..on that"

Rua laughed, it was a good question, Zsinj was furious, not so much for the horrific ways those poor sods died but because of the fact that Tyber Zann thought he could run a drug ring in Empire turf without his leave. Only the Hutts Zsinj allowed to take refuge within his borders could run major organized rackets and only because they cut Zsinj and Rua in. Hutts, Rua still wasn't sure how Zann managed to conquer hutt space and the outerrim when The Republic, Jedi, Sith and even the Mandalorians gave up doing so after each wasted millennia of time and countless billions of lives in the attempts. Filing that inquiry in the back of his mind Rua eyed the man "You mean to ask, am I here because there's a force user inside?"

The Raptor nodded and Rua grinned "If it's just the adept, your boys can handle him easily enough. But I want you to leave him to me"

"If it's just the adept?"

Rua's eyes flashed a malevolent gleam as the silence was abruptly strangled by a violent roar as the main doors of the pyramidal vault tore off, vaporizing in a column of fire that roared into the air streaking upwards for hundreds of meters, tossing durasteel and plasteel debris everywhere. Rua blinked "Those weren't my bombs"

"since when do we go in through the front?" Another series of explosions went off across the complex, nixing power generators and defensive systems "ahh that's more like it" -So someone else is here- whoever that someone was, it wasn't this Sereno noble turned Jedi Master, turned eccentric art collector. The man Zsinj had described was far too clever to run in through the front.

In the pandemonium their Raptors closer to the base began to engage the enemy and crimson and green blaster fire lit up the night. "Alright, while our guys fight through the sides, lets make use of the entrance we were just gifted!"

"uhh but what do we do about whoever made that entrance?"

Rua shrugged "Detain 'em for questioning, if its too much of a fight just toss a tag on 'em and let 'em run, we'll hunt 'em down later. We're here for the schematics boys and the starcharts, the rest is immaterial so don't waste your lives trying to gran poodu Emperor Zsinj doesn't need!"

They nodded and let out a combined "howwaah!" and began to charge forward, Rua allowed the men to rush down the sloping ground a few hundred meters before he activated the AG tech on his boots and jumped into the air. Tossing a few small plastiglass viles ahead at several of what looked like black clad regular army -Kriff...Elite...what the Kriff was in here?-

Ja'Karr, you clever bastard...break'n in here without anyone noticing?

The men lit up in flames as Rua led the Raptors forward towards the breach Elites with Ewebs were spraying blindly out towards targets that existed only in their panicked minds.


“Emperors Black bones! What the kriff did those Commandos have on them I only left on a few charges...oh well it's still a good distraction.”

(My ears!)

“Oh yeah...oops.”

(You better take me to those vents!)


Earhen began to trail the Raptors...their leader had a Mandalorian accent.

Great more complications first Mommas boy’s army now a Mando meathead merc leading them.

Earhen shared his mother's people’s low opinion of Mandalorians, he had run ins with the Mandalorian Protectors under Takel’s request and immediately understood why his ex Sun Guard instructors spat at their mention. There was little grace and an over reliance on gadgets, and the damn jetpacks. Why strap on a bunch of Gas to your back and hope a dude won’t hit you? It confounded Earhen as he fought them because Takel was too paranoid to trust anyone else but him and Vader after Suprema died.

Earhen understood why the Windborn did it but they naturally evolved flight, the Mandos were just a culture of adrenaline junkies. Additionally their heavy weapons fetish was so overcompensatory, the Sun Guard at least had a typical Echani grace to their combat despite all the weight they added to themselves but Mandos used their weapons like clubs, fitting as they were essentially a continuation of a cave dwelling culture driven off of Imperial Center eons ago

The former Assassin began his quest following after the task force that breached the door as the Raptors looked in the opposite direction for him. As he surveyed the bodies there seemed to be Shadow Stormtroopers about, Blackhole’s personal taskforce the Intelligence Director often delegated tasks to Stormtroopers with Advanced cloaking tech. Unlike most imperials he cared little for the typical Human High culture ideals familiar to those of the core worlds Hrakian and Human recruits were viable recruits for the recluse’s ends.

Whatever was stored here it had to be important if it had that freak shows interest.

Earhen kept avoiding the Red Armored troopers and their Black clad adversaries, occasionally picking off the unfortunate dumb enough to come his way eventually he realized he was dealing with a labrtyh.

The Damned Emperor and his love of deathtraps and mazes...

Earhen was hoping the keycard he took at least worked for the inside...if not he hoped it could open a door to take him to someone who could open it…he couldn't risk a cave in sadly and just blow the doors.

Earhen advanced into the unknown as blastire fire rang in the caverns, he had to get the things before the fight caused a cave in...thankfully he found his target easily. It was a black suited Imperial officer non Commando, Earhen smiled wickedly at how the moon of his mothers world favored him.

* * *

After messily ending the Officers career Earhen proceeded to find the main cavern for the storehouse, or at least it seemed to be? He sure as hell couldn't tell but the officer was at least a hint of something in the right direction?

“Hey you got any clue we are in the right direction?” Earhen whispered to the Telerabbit.

“Yes we are but it's not exactly something you want to go to…”


( I hear someone's thoughts...their planning an ambush)

“I guess I have to use it don’t I.” Earhen sighed, he hated using disruptors. They were too much of an Auto win for him...but not against force users at least kriff them they get enough wins already; But he still hated resorting to disintegrations the act had no grace.

“Oh well” he said as he advanced to the entrance blaster in hand on the disintegration setting.
10 BBY

Vader stood with a child in a room full of festivities in the Imperial Palace.

“Take note of these men Child, they seek our approval to improve their standing but they fear and hate you because you have what they desire.Learn from their folly.” A threatening Deep Automated voice said to a young man.

“Why are they scared of me? I can’t command anything and you just teach me to fight and shoot.”

“They see a potential executioner, just as the Royal Guard who train you serve the Emperor you will serve me as an Agent.”

“But doesn’t Isard have agents?”

“None of them are trained as you are and none of them are as capable. Isard is a man of no true understanding of the force.”

“But don’t you have Inquisitors for that?” The boy asked innocently.

“They serve to root out force users but they answer both the Emperor and I, you answer only to me. In addition there are only so many force sensitives at our command and I need enforcers who have resistance to it, I need to see if I can raise a warrior that can kill anything he comes across with minimal aid.”

Not only was Omega an influence, the boy he was rearing to be an apprentice Starkiller was power unbound. Vader sought a counterbalance an assassin blind to the force but capable in his own right. An army of ones like him could serve Vader just as greatly as one powerful Sith Apprentice, and it would be much easier to hide from his spies no less. The boy could simply be passed off as an elite soldier and a servant.

“So you want me to kill anyone?”

“Not yet but in time, yes. Come you must meet your rivals.”

As the boy entered the room he saw many figures, The Empires favored Admirals, the Moffs and Grand Moffs, planetary Governors of core worlds and Imperial Advisors. Vader stayed behind and observed from a distance.

He approached the Admirals each one scanned Vader’s ward with increasing suspicion and in one's case disgust.

“Why did Lord Vader let a child in here... this is no place for a boy his age.” One Admaral with red hair inquired.

“Naturally white hair on a child? Heavens who allowed a near Human in here?”

“Have some intelligence Pitta, near Human or not he's obviously a Servant of Vader.” A one eyed man with a mechanical prosthesis for his missing eye and astounding height warned in a deep voice.

“This one’s...strange I can’t sense anything from him it's like a shell…keep it away from me!” A Dark Skinned Admiral stated before leaving the room.

“I dunno why this kid's mind is so...weird but he looks adorable...man I wish my wife would just have some already.” An admiral with dark circles around his eyes contrasting to his light skin and a Dark skinned woman in a dress with his arm wrapped around her neck.

“Uhhh is that Woman your wife?” asked the boy.

“No but don’t tell her kid hahahahahaha”

"Wow the Chief told me everyone would hate me but you seem Wizard!"

Nearby other officers began to gossip.

“Well lets hope he doesn't get tossed off a building like that one poor bastard from the Ghost Prison incident. We all know what happens to people who try to seek mentorship from Lord Vader” An Admiral with a lush mustache commented.

“You should avoid reopening wounds with Trachta around, Warlord Matricide.”

“Mind your tongue Harrsk or you might have it removed in front of this child…” the man's demeanor shifted quickly from one of joviality to homicidal rage.

A Grand Moff with a breathing Apparatus and robotic eyes turned his direction to the mention of his name and the sight of the boy…

“Very interesting, a new soon to be deceased ward of the ‘Dark Lord’” he muttered to himself his vocabulator lowered.


Raptors at the door...Zsinj troopers, Emperors Black bones this day keeps getting better. Oh well maybe the Force Adept clean each other out while I strategize something while these jackasses fight it out…

Earhen whistled into the forest loudly and an array of strange rodents with antenna atop their heads appeared from the shrubbery.

(You rang?) The Creature spoke but it had no visible movement of its fur obscured mouth.

“Yeah you mind...draining some of these Maulers? I think I can make a distraction with the shuttle

(Hold on now we can only eat so much energy Earhen.)

“Ok fine...what about that asshole with the Saber? Can I bring one of you with me and you can eat his energy pack and leave him emasculated?”

(Fine but it would take nearly all of us to eat one Maulers energy pack you know.)

“I can steal the other one as a get away ride...just try to bite the driver or something.”

The creature did an audible sigh.

(Can’t you devise a better plan?)

“You guys were my backup plan! I wasn’t expecting armor with any backup...kriff let's just wait until they start fighting. I kill the pilots in both Maulers, you drain the other so no one takes over then we take off with the goods when I get back. SPIN told us they have some artifact the Warlords want to poke at and Imperial Center was getting ready to crack it open to secure Sate’s hold on things.``

(Oh why do you test me so sir Earhen.)

“Look if you do this for me and I will take you to that geothermal vent back on Yavin base.”

(Fiiine just don’t get me trampled.) The long eared rodent and his kin gathered and began rushing to the Mauler.

“Hehe time to make the bantha biscuits.” Earhen said as he extended his Vibroblade.

The Tie Mauler pilot sat alone monitoring his panel as the Raptors searched the perimeter to scout, suddenly his entire vehicle went inactive. Assigned to guard the rear as the soldiers prepared to infiltrate the door and comb the area for the rebel the pilot began to panic stupidly and ignored contacting his partner out of embarrassment and fear.

“What the hell?”

Suddenly he heard knocking on top of his vehicle's cockpit, drawing his pistol the pilot opened up the cockpit and began looking outside..only to get a Vibroblade planted at his forehead. The body lifelessly fell

“Now to act two…”

The other Mauler stationed adjacent to the other was oblivious to his partner's death, Eshen climbed over to it and repeated his strategy.

“You have to come over here my Mauler won’t work!” a distorted voice said in the internal comms.

“Alright, dammed techs can’t they do anything right? I'm going to come out soon.”

“Thanks man I don’t know what I would do without you bro.”

“Don’t be shocked you get punished for not maintaining your vehicle…”

The Pilot said as he opened up his cockpit and climbed out of his tank.

As he exposed himself a blade opened up his chest and left a bloody mess on the ground.

“Oh I don’t think I have to worry about that my guy.” Eshen said as he wore the pilots helmet as he descended down the tanks laddar with the creatures clinging to his back.

(Do you have no idea how hard blood is to get out of our coats Earhen? Any clue? You expect us to risk walking by a dead body oozing blood as we wait for you to finish poking around here?) The rodent exclaimed.

“Look I need someone to guard this thing so a Pilot doesn’t replace this asshole, and you can overwhelm one guy at least here you’re tough little Bunnies.”

(Flattery will get you nowhere.)

“Look can you do this? Just walk over the non bleeding or bile sprouting parts ok?”

(Eww I swear this is one of the last times I listen to Plif to help out a friend of a friend.)

“Come on now, this is war little guy, it's not glamorous.”

(“Leave Abra we’ll get together we’ll have a few laughs”) The Telepathic Rodent complained.

“Now come with me boss man the rest of your boys stay here until I get back. That way you don't have to worry about your magnificent coat being ruined.”

(I swear you Humans, out of all of the ones in the Republic you are the most irreverent.)

“Let's get a moving leader bun.”

(Humph) the creature said as he entered Earhen's jacket.

Earhen slowly Climbed down from the Mauler and hid behind it.

“Tell me when they start noticing anything strange in their thoughts Scitter.”

(They are too focused on the door...the explosion should be happening soon...the Adept senses us but he has bigger concerns.)

“Good that means he still can’t feel my intent heh.”

(He's pretty worried about these troopers he's out of the loop.)

“Tisk this is why everyone should pay more attention to the Holonet”

An explosion went off and the Raptors began to storm the facility.

“Showtimes about to begin.”

(Oh bother..you better not fall on me!)
The Imperial Commandos moved out from the temple and toward where Earhen was taking cover. He could hear them, shouting orders at one another as they split into groups of three to pin him behind the rock he was using as cover. The Royal Guard spoke in their hidden language, with one of them deploying a light repeater weapon to pelt Earhen's position with red blaster fire. This also worked to cover the Imperial Commando's flank. From afar, near the doors of the old vault stood a hooded figure. A human, with a smirk on his face. He had been waiting for so long for someone to come and challenge him, now was the time to use his abilities in combat and prove his devotion to the Emperor.

The Adept attempted to probe in his mind...but found nothing, he began to notice this person was somehow dampening his attempts to read into him somehow...could he be...he was thought dead post Endor could he have turned on the Empire beforehand? No matter this matter should be settled by a student of the Dark Side.

The Imperial Commandos moved in, closing in on Earhen with weapons drawn. One of the teams arrived first, flanking him by the side. They approached, ready to shoot Earhen dead by running up from behind him in an effort to catch him by surprise. The other three were still making their way around. At the same time, the Royal Guard kept shooting at Earhen's cover, chipping at the rock with heavy blaster fire.

Searching for a nearby dead trooper Earhen found a charge and tossed it at the opposing Guards in front and decided to go forward to meet the Red Robes in melee before the Commandos could flank. Again grabbing the troopers corps Earhen used it as a meat shield to help advance close enough to the two warriors. As he fired and used the corpse to absorb blows Earhen tossed it at one of the Royal Guardsmen knocking him over and Earhen drew a double pronged Blade and swung at the other, slashing his robe but not injuring him.

“I hoped you bastards would be out of a job by now, or at least commit mass suicde or something.” He mocked his opponent, he did enjoy to mock others, especially in battle.

Anger telegraphed in his movements the Guard drew his blade and swung at the Echani warrior only for it to be swiftly dodged. Strategically behind the rocks the commandos were blown away by a little surprise left before he vacated his cover. An explosion rocked the first wave of Imperial Officer Commandos, killing many and injuring others.

The Dark Side Adept frowned, stepping back into the entrance of the temple, holding his lightsaber tightly in his hand. He saw the Royal Guard in front of him struggling to fight the threat. The way the young man fought, it was the same training the Royal Guard received. An agent gone rogue? Or perhaps Emperor Palpatine himself had sent him to test his skills. The Adept decided on the former rather than the latter. This had to be some kind of test and he was damned if he would allow himself to fail. As the adept steadied himself to take on the intruder the Royal Guard did their best to fight him. The two rid themselves of their red cloaks, revealing their red armor within. One of them dropped the repeater and drew a vibro sword while the other picked his pike as his weapon of choice. Instead of attacking him one by one, the two positioned themselves to attack Earhen from opposing sides at the same time.

Taking a defensive position Earhen clashed with both Guardsmen with his double vibroblade such force sparks flew with each clash. Each one's movement was an imitation of his own, but each clash spoke of their inexperience.

They were likely new additions fresh from the Squall, the Guard were devastated after Endor he heard and mostly stuck to the core worlds or what was left of their Masters hideouts like this wonderful little slice of hell.

Each blow and swipe from the Gaurds were masterfully parrayed by Earhen, as easily as one could read words he could read their movements. The only thing burning in their minds was a single thing: Vengeance, retrobution for their fallen master and all they held. It was the same story with every maniac in the New Order and it continued to annoy him with how many idiots there were in the Empire who kept rolling with it like it wasn’t as corrupt as the Republic if not more. Guys like Zsinj and Screed were just in it for their own personal wealth or Greed when they had claimed to be protecting the people of the Empire, all the while enslaving or experimenting on sentients. These men were serving an empire that was a shadow of itself, Sate...didn’t have what it took to protect the people of the galaxy nor did Earhen think his interests nor his allies interests lie in its betterment.

So it fell upon Earhen to make a difference, no matter how insignificant in the grand scheme of things. Continuing his blade work after several flawless deflections fients and jumps his blade cleaved open the mask of the guard with the pike sending him crashing to the ground again this time permanently.

Losing his patience, the Dark Side Adept ignited his lightsaber. He dropped his cloak, revealing a human with most of the front of his face replaced by a metallic prosthetic that made him look like an undead robot. Raising his hand, he Force pushed the Royal guard to the side, making him crash against a nearby tree knocking him out of the fight for good. The Adept looked Earhen dead in the eyes, as he held his lightsaber in a stance.
"Enough, intruder. I won't allow the perversion of my Emperor's teachings to go on any longer. I will cut you down and offer your head to him!"

Earhen could barely suppress a snicker at the Force Adept.

“Bro didn’t you hear what's happened in the last 3 months? Not just the Emperor died but so did Vader and Declann. Hell Vader could always sense stuff I don’t think this would be unnoticeable...not unless this entire planet is dampening your senses or some crap...also kriff off I didn't pervert anything you guys appropriated my peoples culture and used it to train your thugs.” He was talking trash to stall the darksider, of course he wouldn't know what his moves are because thankfully he was taught to counter boneheads like this peering into his head.

He knew he couldn’t face this guy upfront he wasn’t armed right, he had to get smart maybe steal a keycard and get past the bastard and wing it from there.

Kriff I was hoping this place was ditched.
10 BBY

Imperial Center’s Orbit

“Tell me little one...what should we do with this fool?” A deep voice distorted by some sort of device addressed a young boy no older than four or five, he had a dark complexion but with contradicting white hair. The voice was attached to a massive Black Armored figure with a fearsome mask. Before him was an Imperial officer who seemed to be on the verge of begging for his life.

“We should make him do a droids job since he thinks its so cool to let others die for his overconfidence chief. Make him more expendable then the lives he’s thrown away.” The boy responded, treating this entire thing like it was some kind of amusement.

“Ah...yes Captain Hevi do you have anything to say in response?”

“How could I have known there was a Droid Uprising because of a terminally ill hermit went insane Lord Vader!”

“You couldn't have yes but the way you reacted cost lives, Imperial lives. How many widows and orphans have you left for your apathy?” The child answered.

“Look I...underestimated the extent of the attacks I understand but please I beg you for mercy!”

“Mercy?” Vader raised his hand and the man began to choke.

“You are at this child's mercy, you should know by now I possess none.” Vader lowered his hand and the officer dropped to the ground. His head turned to everyone on the deck of the ship

“All of you should know by now.”

The deck was quiet, Vader fed on their fear and confusion. Only the boy seemed to be enjoying this show of force, he idolized him...like those on many Imperial worlds saw him as a Dark Avenger who stood for the common man. Misplaced faith in his eyes, Vader was a destroyer not a protector…yet despite the terror he inflicted the boy still followed him willingly. There was one before him who saw Vader with the same adoration but he grew too dangerous to let live, he risked replacing him. Vader would make sure the boy would remain as an instrument of his will an agent nothing more.

His penchant for nicknaming him “Chief”...reminded him of a past he tried to bury, memories of another man entirely. But he would not reprimand him for it, the Jedi had betrayed the ones who idolize them without a second thought. He was better than they were, greater even. He was the Dark Lord of the Sith that brought about their extinction. Not to mention the child was vital for an experiment, Vader sought to create an agent not unlike his Master’s old pawn, Granta Omega.

A non force using infiltrator, one that could pose a challenge to any force user or contemporary soldier. Omega had left behind an unknown child but it was no guarantee that the child would inherit his father's strange ability to null himself to the precog of a force user, if it was even genetic at all and all knowledge died with Omega. Even Anakin Skywalker was fooled by the Sith admirer at a point, which is why he needed to find a way to imitate his ablity.

Vader saw it better to start out fresh, he chose the boy by sheer coincidence. The Father was involved with an Echani woman since the Clone Wars, the harlot assisted the Alderaan Resistance against his knowledge. The woman participated in the sabotage of one of the prototypes for a new type of Star Destroyer and the deaths of several Dark Side Adepts. The fool begged for the life of his child and denied involvement in his lovers sedation. By all logic Vader should have just killed all of them for his weakness, but Vader looked into is files. He was a member of the Diath family, Tae Daith’s brother no less.

The force had to have a twisted sense of humor, to bring a relative of one of the many abandoned Jedi Padawans left die on Jabiin by the council. Neval despised the Jedi as much as Vader did for their failure, his beloved uncle the Jedi Liberator Nico dying in agony at the hands of the Bounty Hunter Durge only to be told the Jedi order was secretly coordinating the Separatist uprising rendering the bloodshed moot, His grand family history just a lie.

Vader was amazed at how thorough the propaganda arm of the Empire became, to make one reject his own family at the say of a controlled media, this was the power of his still recently forged Empire. Vader could use this hatred to pass onto the son, just as Xanatos’s hatred of the Jedi Order passed onto Omega. Fitting Obi-Wan’s failures were a catalyst in in this one way or another.

The Echani woman was another story, her defiance was a foregone conclusion because unlike the former Daith she was more in touch with her bloodline and revered her ancestor and his daughter the Handmaiden Brianna. She was the scion of Yusanis, her bloodline were proud slaves of the Jedi’s lies. If Vader could he would have gone to the planet and personally purged her traitorous line, but he left such things to the Inquisition at this point to root out such jedi loyalists. Much like Omega the Echani daughters were taught to resist a force users abilities to a degree, and like the Echani Handmidens served the fallen Jedi Atris these techniques would serve Vader.

Vader simply stood in solitude contemplating his plans as the pathetic officer was being dragged off to be put into a spacesuit to work on repairs outside with the droids in space.

“You are too merciful child, killing him on the spot would have served to make these fools more productive.”

“They all fear for their standing Chief as well as you. Being Demoted? Being Humiliated? These pampered core world farts would rather you kill them then lose face by being made something as low as a droid, being deemed something not even worth killing and being forced to die in obscurity. That kind of risk of dishonor would crush those foolish enough to be caught lacking.”

“You are still young, come we must continue your weapons instructions.”

The boys focus on Honor was a trait of his mothers people, Vader noted he had to direct and manipulate it into a disgust of the Empires foes.


Too many dammed reminders of the past…


Earhen had found the officers he was looking for, but he got exactly what he wished for. Imperial Officer Commandos, unlike the typical pencil pusher these guys tended to pack serious heat. Thankfully Earhen had taken a stormtroopers rifle before taking cover for the incoming shootout.

“Come out traitor! You dare battle against the Empire using the very martial arts of the Royal Guard? A lesser like you should learn your place!”

“Those arts never belonged to the Emperor in the first place buckethead, why don’t you be smart and just slink away from here before I get serious?”

A barrage from a repeating rifle pelted his cover.

“Wow even the ones without the crappy helmets you schuttas suck at aiming!” He taunted.

As Earhen began to peak from his cover he noticed the situation was getting worse as he noticed two scarlet robed individuals with matching helmets based off the Sun Guard’s ritual armor. Both sporting blasters

“Oh crap.”
20 BBY

The Great Temple

A Tall yellow green skinned Humanoid in the typical robes of a scientist adorned with excavation tools surveyed the area inside the former base of Exar Kun and. He was puzzled, he had no means to access the front of the temple so he urged his colleagues and their hired help to dig instead to the lower chambers.

After much backbreaking labor from his peers and their students the dig site bore fruit... a hidden chamber. The Doctor desired to see for himself the inscriptions and hieroglyphs inside for translation. He had to find the prize requested by Sly Moore she would not tolerate failure.

Raygar stood outside of the entrance of the dig site waiting for someone to tell him of a finding.

“Doctor Raygar! We have found something.” A voice in the distance signaled

“Good, be careful to not activate any trap-”

“AHHHHHHHHHHH!” Before his warning was heeded a yell could be heard

“...I told that fool to be careful. Raygar could only shrug at that students incompetence.

Raygar approached the Chamber entrance slowly, each step was carefully made even outside of the hidden chamber he suspected traps. He came across his peers and the dig team members terrified by the gory end of the student who signaled his finding to Raygar rather than watching his surroundings properly. The student was pinned to the wall by massive spikes that he stupidly activated by stepping on a hidden panel. Some of the crewmen ran out of the tunnel screaming as Raygar arrived.

“Why can’t you fools look before you leap?”

“Doctor you didn’t say this would be dangerous!” One of Raygar’s peers demanded him

“I needed to be certain you would go with a lucrative venture, safety be damned. We have research to do.”

The distraught peer of Raygar grabbed the scientist by his shirt.

“One of my Students are dead Raygar! Listen to me we are going back to Coruscant to tell Moore and Amedda we failed and you will compensate my students family!”

Raygar observed another stone panel on the nearby wall .
“Ah why don’t we just...cut your share out in addition?” Raygar pushed the other man into a fake brick in a nearby wall and ducked.

A wall opened up revealing holes in the wall that began to shoot darts that riddled the grieving Archeologist with pins tipped with Sith Nurotoxins. His eyes began to bleed as he began to spasm violently until he fell to the ground lifelessly.

Raygar slowly rose up after his peers fall and looked at his fellow scientists, their students and the digger team.

“Now does anyone else want to leave empty handed?”

* * *

The excavation continued with no further casualties thanks to Raygars guidance, his knowledge of the ruins itself was thanks to Sly Moore’s data. The Argazdan carried a smug demeanor addressing his peers at this point. Why wouldn’t he be proud about the new finds, that Shadow Woman opened Raygar up to a history only spoken to in legends!. To think the Jedi fools would suppress such knowledge from the common man...the hubris of those ivory tower dullards adhering to a long eared midget.

The recent acquisitions included a Chalice and an amazing frieze depicting a great battle, but it was not all of it. Raygar traveled deeper into the uncovered chambers and found several great capsules. One belonging to a massive transparent pod, a reptilian creature could be seen stirring in the pod as if it was a second womb. A warning in Massasi could be scribbled on its antiquated life support device.

<<Do not stir the wrath of Exar Kun, lest you dare to unleash Kalgarth the Night Beast!>>

Raygar as keen as he was in investigating this hidden Bioweapon its warning implied risking awakening the creature was far above his pay grade. He proceeded to investigate the smaller devices in nearby chambers, he had to be sure to find a way to avoid activating anything...Raygar had a better idea cross his mind.

“I have found something come here, and don’t touch the pod in the other room for the love of Via!” he said to the rest of the team.

The remaining members of the crew present they all marveled at the strange cylinders, each one contained a more Humanoid figure compared to the so called Night Beast in the previous chamber.

“Doctor Raygar what do you suggest we do?’”

“First have some students take the artifacts back to the ship and return. The rest of you keep investigating, there is a great power here.”

“We have enough Raygar, just because you fancy yourself some kind of Argazdan slave lord doesn’t mean our students are cheap labor!” One of his fellow Archeologists complained.

“Fine if you don’t want to make yourself useful I will have to encourage you!” The Argazdan pulled out a blaster shocking the scientist. Raygar waved the Pistol in the direction his unfortunate peer should move in.

“This is Madness Raygar! I’ll have your career for this!” The researcher shouted impotently as he moved forward.

“Not if you keep moving…” Raygar retorted while smiling wickedly.

The scientist realized he was doomed as he stepped upon a switch that activated a red beam that sliced the archeologist in half like he was twine.

The rest of the team just looked in horrified silence.

“Come the risk is worth the reward here, prepare a grav loader at once. We have a full haul…”

21 BBY

An elderly man stood before a Holoprojector, this man was better known as Count Dooku the Leader of the Confederacy of Independent Systems and Dark Lord of the Sith. The projection turned on and revealed a hooded figure before him. But it was not that of his Sith Master Sidious, but his enigmatic stand in the Umbaran Shadow woman his predecessor gracelessly “Recruited”.
Her perception altering powers could work on lesser minds but not the Counts, he saw past the woman's pathetic ruse. However he did not question her presence his master was likely preoccupied with his dealings in the Republic. Tyrannus could not tolerate this Moore creature treating him like a common lackey. Regrettably she was his Master's many eyes in addition to being the only few souls aware of the Grand plan.

“Are all things prepared for Skywalkers assault Lord Tyrannus?”

“Yes the boy has learned Ulic Qel Droma’s technique and it will draw him even deeper into the Dark Sides hold during the upcoming battle.” The Counts face formed a prideful smirk, all this warfare was for the Grand Plans success and the formation of a Sith Army, a collective saber at the Galaxy’s throat. It's a shame this creature would also have a place in it.

“What of the artifacts of Exar Kun have there been any traces of his Sithspawn derivatives here?”

“No I think he began the project not too long after the Jedi Deactivated the Reaper in the Great Sith War. The trail is cold.”

“We must have results, Skywalker is the prize yes but the Jedi must not have access to Homunculus.” Moore hid her vexation from the servant, he was too deluded and prideful to understand how expendable he truly was once Skywalker turned. He could at least do something right before his time was over.

“It is most likely on other worlds the Sith Brotherhood held in its endgame.” Reporting to the Shadow Woman ruined the Counts good mood, a Near Human had no place ordering him about in imitation of his Master like a mere servant. She wanted his position that much was obvious from the look of her inhuman gaze.

“It needs to be found at once Lord Tyrannus, are the preparations in the Sith Temple ready for occupation? Our Master requests it is untouched by the battle here he has great plans for its secrets for his New Order.”

“It will be done; Kun’s base of Operations Was the World of Yavin. Perhaps you should investigate the most obvious choice.”

“Noted...do not fail the Master.” The Projector shut down.

Umbaran witch, who are you to pretend you are my better? Tyrannus thought to himself.

Why Lord Sidious Depended upon her was beyond him. Was Sidious punishing me by sending this weakling to scold me? Tyrannus wondered. He knew her history her true nature, she was nothing more than a scared child his master built up as a willing pawn. He would learn from this indignity and allow it to fuel his hatred for the days to come.

Moore sat in her personal chambers her replica of her Masters cloak discarded; as usual she did not display visible emotion.

That fool servant, of course he would pass on the most obvious answer to the Master. Lord Sidious needs to be absolutely certain before acting. He knew taking orders from something Near Human chafed him it's why he did it. Silly old man, and he still believes Sidious has plans for a future with him AND Skywalker. Moore activated a comlink on her desk.

“Get me an archeologist team, the most expendable you have available.”

“Yes Staff Aide Moore.”
"The Senate members may think they are running things, but they are only acting in a shadow play. We are tired of serving their weakness, and we will work toward our own ends from now on. The Sith Brotherhood controls the galaxy.”-Exar Kun

The Great Temple
3996 BBY

“I do not see the purpose of taking my flesh and using it to create such an abomination Lord Kun.”

“Of all my disciples you are of the few who willingly joined me, and your resistance to pain is a useful trait for what is next to come...Sion.”

“Taking my genes and making something to weak and Servile is a perversion of what I am Lord. Even if it is for your sake it offends me.”

“I sense conflict in you...is this fear of a rival? Of being replaced? Sion as long as you continue your great work of slaying those Jedi fools in the pogrom I will never tire of you...having an army of beings based off of you and Massasi Genome will bolster our forces you simply cannot hord what makes you unique from our Empire.”

“At least have it resemble something like a Warrior not..that!”

Sion pointed to a girl in simple servant robes of that of the Old Sith Empire. She looked at the two Sith with a blank stare with an emotionless look on her face. She barely responded to Sions gesturing at her.

“Patience Sion, as an assassin yourself you must realize there is power in taking something weaklings would aspire to protect...and have it turn on them. Remember the weakness of our inferiors, their naive trust in the “innocent”, their inability to understand the true depths of the force, that leaves the blind fools of the Republic vulnerable to our Brotherhood.”

“My way is one of the Assassin and the Warrior Lord Kun, I am a master of the blade and this fragile creature couldn’t survive its first duel.”

“Don’t underestimate my craftsmanship Sion, if you are so confident in yourself kill her.”

Sion looked at the Dark Lord quizzically with a raised eyebrow.

“Go on don’t be shy almighty Sith Warrior. Kill her.”

Shrugging Sion reached for his blade and prepared to cut the innocent young girl down with his orange saber. Taking an offensive stance Sion raised his blade and lept at the innocent Servant before him while letting off a savage yell.

Shrieking in terror at the encroaching Sith Marauder the girls hands began glowing with a familiar energy from her hands. Before the Lord of Pain could connect his blade to her he was blasted out of the temple by a purple lance of energy.

“Now look at what you’ve done child, you ruined a perfectly good wall I just had the Massasi fortify it.” Kun jested at his creation and his Acolyte as she looked at him with confusion over his tone.

“I guess I will have to teach you sarcasm as well soon enough don’t I? I'm absolutely certain you know basic as well as Massasi, you just lack a proper...spark, it's a shame I ran out of pieces of that Holocron. Come child let us find your Masochist prognator.”

Kun loomed over his acolyte as he laid incapacitated on the ground.

“I see you are enjoying a well earned rest Sion, thank you for helping me test its reaction time.”
“What in Chaos is that thing? It could fire energy like you! I didn’t even sense it!”

“Of course you couldn’t, it can make itself small in the force to fool jedi, its an old Jedi technique one of many I managed to discover in my travels. I based it off of research I found off of Sadow’s creation the Dark reaper and applied it to biological creatures, it is a living engine of the Dark Side. ”

Sion’s eyes widened in shock.

“I almost could have died against something like the Harvester!”

“It cannot kill you...you are a unique entity in the force even I feel it. The Reaper itself could not cut you down because of it nor can this girl based from its power, it's why I chose you to demonstrate anyone else would be dust..”

“Unique are you saying I am immortal?” Sion responded as he slowly rose up

“Your will is strong even this display shows your power Sion,as a Warrior you are paralleled by no one save myself and my own apprentice. But you feed off the force you parasite from it and it gives you power, not even being blown out of the room seemed to have injured you grievously.”

“I am truly invincible?”

“Now do you see why I chose you, normal flesh cannot contain such great power but one like yourself a master of pain and agony? Absolutely.”

“Yes my Master.”
Sion bowed to Kun with the Girl standing beside Kun like a younger sibling.

“Now go, pile up more mounds of dead we must resurrect the Glory of the Sith Empire.” Kun said to Sion before he turned his back to Sion to depart as the girl remained still gawking at Sion.

“Come child you have much to learn when I am back from Ossus, I need to put you away for now.” Kun bid the girl to follow him back to the temple and she left the clearing to follow the Dark Lord.
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