He didn't want to be seen at a Construction sight, with Cops around.. he might be the Cities richest Mystery Man, but he does do shady work, he still goes around snooping in others files.. He did even take money for it, he was that rich, he just went around showing how easy it was to get into peoples systems, unless they had his system installed, It was hilarious.. even himself couldn't access his own system on somone else's property..
If one person knew who he was, than others would too.. he didn't need people murdering him for his money and a way to access his systems.Constantine eventually wandered through the site and then through a couple of streets, he decided to go visit SYC Tower, everyone at the tower believes Constantine to be the Son of the CEO.. SYC Security Systems... huh.. how did he come up with something like that.. Constantine was no doubtfully going to be hunted, he thought making it easier on himself was to by himself a nicer place to live.. Constantine put that on his checklist of things to do.. than his phone rang, it had a no voice changer so he had to act like he was a son... a smart son.
"Hello, Constantine Areth here, Son of the CEO of SYC Security Systems, how may I help you?" He said... Apparently he was being called in to check up on the system, he usually goes in instead of his supposed "Father" so it wouldn't be a biggy..He decided to take a CAB there instead of walking, he was a bit too tired for that.. He sighed and walked out the door.. grabbing a CAB to the Police Station.