Aaana was the only girl in school uniform, she changed the skirt out for a red one and had a hoodie underneath, she adjusted the shirt, so she her chest could actually breathe.
Everyone was staring at this new student, she was looking for an old friend named Ish.. he's probably already done something.
She noticed a crowd leaving a scene where someones shoulder was popped out.. she whispered "Classical Ish"
When she sore a bunch of guys looking at her she said "Look more perverts, you'll never get it.." they all dropped they're jaws a pretty girl with an attitude..
She then realized that Ish was was with another guy, talking to him.
She ran over and tapped Ish on the shoulder.
Ish noticed her and hugged Aaana.. he said "Hi, Aaana"
Sieg looked suprised.. that's all Aaana and Ish could notice.
"Hey Sieg" Ish said
"Meet my cousin Aaana"