Yes, you are- a slave to your imperfect genes which, against all logic, you refuse to improve.
<Snipped quote by Hael>
Haha, okay XD
So, should I go for 12 or 10?
<Snipped quote by Monarch>
I see nothing wrong with your species or anything else. other than the fact that they are not enslaved by the X'Cor
The Mabronnans are large, bipedal carnivorous reptiles. On average, a Mabronnan is around seven feet tall with the males being slightly larger than the females. Both genders have a line of sharp spines down their backs the way a stegosaurus has plates. The females have a colorful crest on their head and the spines on their backs tend to be longer and sharper. The Mabronnans possess scales that are quite durable yet seemingly soft to the touch. These scales are so durable that they can stand up to gunfire for a little while with it taking an average of three shots to slay a Mabronnan. The average scale color is a dark green that blends in with the jungles of their homeworld though other colors occasionally appear. Their eyes are catlike with a wide variety of colors, excluding only red until a Mabronnan with the Berserker gene goes into a rampage.
The Berserker gene is a unique trait found among the Mabronnans that appears without any discernible pattern. Mabronnans with the gene are natural predators to the point where if combat or hunting occurs, they cannot help themselves and instinctively attempt to slay anything nearby. Family, friends, government officials, no one is safe from a Berserker's rage until it is over. During such a rage, a unique chemical named Aralinnolo is released into the Berserker's body along with heavy amounts of adrenaline. As Aralinnolo spreads throughout the bloodstream, red pigmentation temporarily enters the irises of the Berserker's eyes and the chemical shares many traits with adrenaline, gives the Berserker rapid healing while in a rampage and also serves as an anesthesia for the purpose of eliminating pain.
The diet of the Mabronnans is mostly meat-based with the Mabronnans having sharp teeth and a powerful bite, though they can eat plant matter and often use herbs or vegetables in cooking. Their metabolism and digestive system are quite strong and they are capable of eating rotting flesh without any adverse effects. Some Mabronnans even prefer the taste of rotting flesh to fresh meat. The Mabronnans also possess a frog-like tongue which they can shoot out to catch insects or larger prey.
Mabronnans are of a speed around that of a wolf, on par with humans for intelligence and very strong. The average, non-military Mabronnan can lift up to two thousand pounds. In addition to the previously mentioned details, Mabronnans possess tails and claws. Their tails are four feet long and quite flexible, effectively serving as another limb though not as strong as their arms and legs. Their claws are
<Snipped quote by Hael>
I like to catch things beforehand so that way someone won't have to say change to much. I am currently going to be reading over everyone's progress to see how it is all rolling.
What was the maximum military size for a war-like nation? 12~%?
<Snipped quote by Lauder>
Do tell me if you see anything on mine.
<Snipped quote by Mardox>
<Snipped quote by Mardox>
So I was reading over Mardox's progress...
<Snipped quote by Hael>
I do like slaves...
<Snipped quote by Hael>
No... Yes... I don't exactly have much to do other than explore the crap out of everywhere. And y'know, kill slaves.
My post of up beeches! It may seem a bit rushed because I did all of that on my phone
<Snipped quote by Hael>
Sorry for insulting you by the way.
Dathu were basically cavemen and the Aldzur were an early medieval society tech-wise. However, the Janari were the more advanced of the three, their tech comparable to 21st Century Earth.
<Snipped quote by Hael>
I see how it is! The GM pre-approved their own nation, so unfair! xD
<Snipped quote by Hael>
Again, fair enough
@Hael so you and the humans are in a coldwar eh? hmm interesting very very interesting.