Avatar of Hael
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  • Old Guild Username: StormySea
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    1. Hael 11 yrs ago
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9 yrs ago
Current My Italian friend just asked me if it's true that all Americans are fat. I'm offended but I can't stop laughing.
9 yrs ago
I always respond to OOC tags within 10 minutes, but I respond to PMs within 10 days. I don't know why- I suppose it's just because PMs are so easy to brush aside and forget about
9 yrs ago
I don't have any finals, but everyone else having finals is slowing down my RPs. Second-hand busyness.
9 yrs ago
I know it's time to go to bed, because I just started wondering if maybe the whole universe is a single cell on some alien's ass
9 yrs ago
If a tree falls in the woods and Fox news isn't around to see it, is it still Obama's fault?


I like to write things collaboratively.

And in the end, isn't that all you need to know to RP with me?

Most Recent Posts

*stuffs three pages worth of Pro-Machine post in storage* :P

Nah, I kid.

Anyway, I wonder what my next post shall be? Maybe something more action-oriented.

Edit: Oh I know! Might do some far off peacekeeping op on some world in that wild space we discussed about.


I like that idea.

My next post will probably be contacting some empires, and building up defenses near the border.

I also might include a terrorist attack from the Hands of Evolution, if you wouldn't mind that.
@Hael This doesn't really concern me since Ch'ak only has the most rudimentary of AIs, but I don't see how a machine race being unable to naturally reproduce is a downside. It means that while most races have to copulate, gestate, give birth, and then mature this hypothetical machine race would be able to pump out 'adults' on a conveyor belt. Plus hacking could be rather difficult; you'd have to understand how their programming worked and in the case of a sapient or sentient machine it could take a long period of study before you did. Also, that's assuming they're hooked up to anything that would allow you access in the first place.

You've made a good point with the hacking, but I'm still not entirely convinced that lacking natural reproduction isn't sort of a downside. Afterall, if organic creatures gets stranded on a planet, they would likely be capable of repopulating and spreading if they had enough food. A mechanical race, if stranded, might last for a while but would ultimately not be able to reproduce unless there's a bunch of refined metals and/or mining equipment lying around on that planet. Plus, the factories (or whatever machines are used) to produce the robots would in no way be cheap- they would probably pay themselves off in the long run, but needing to build some for (I assume) most major colonies would be expensive at first, and may even cause debt. This is especially true once you realize that it costs a lot more money/resources to make a high-tech robot/android/drone (metals, circuitry, alloys, etc.) than it does a baby (which just needs to healthy parents to have sex).

On top of that, then machines lack the ability to heal large injuries naturally overtime. An organic creature can heal injuries if they have food and basic needs met, but for machines who are stranded or separated from the group, unless they have some way of creating new parts/materials to replace damaged parts/materials, then the machine is doomed- and it would probably be a lot harder to find advanced mechanics than it would organic food.
In a civilized area (with mines and factories and such), getting those replacement parts and metals might be fairly easy for a damaged machine, but in an uncolonized/uninhabited area, that robot can kiss his artificial well-being goodbye.

On the other hand, if you're busy producing more machines, you have to devote a chunk of economy to that, removing the possibility of making something else with that chunk. I'm not sure it's a disadvantage, it's just different. Come to think of it, I'm not sure what the disadvantages of a machine race are. Rust? Complex, non-self-repairing systems that need another being or machine to repair? My imagination isn't used to stretching in this direction. I'm also not really sure what the advantages would be. It's all just different.

Well, that's part of my point. ASTA and Awarak were arguing that, because machines are immortal/disease-immune, then it should be okay for an organic race to be as well. But I attempted to counter-point that machines are so different that you can't really make that comparison at all, which is why I tried to show how machines have some inherit, sometimes negative differences that organics don't have to deal with, and thus that argument is invalid. It's just too different.

But I suck at conveying my ideas, so it ended up becoming this big debate. xD

Now, enough about the damn machines!

Also, hey, we made it past 7 posts. So that's good.

Wasn't @Isotope the one that said she saw an RP with complex Nation Sheets die after 7 posts?

Ha, take that, you microbial horror! (Kidding, kidding)
I don't mind an individual being kind of immortal, or close to it. It's an entire nation of immortals that pisses me off

A very long-lived leader is fine. You're all good :)
Alright, added the "Hands of Evolution" in my sheet.

Terrorists, aye? Wonderful. The Xim will offer them all political asylum and free modifications!
@Hael You confuse me, but for the sake of not starting an argument that will accomplish naught but worsen things, I'll just leave it. Maybe later we can respectfully debate it but for now I'm too bothered to trust myself to. xD

If you want to PM me about it and discuss it there, we can talk about it, but I'd rather not fill the OOC with any more debate. That's why I was just going to leave it with "we can disagree"
My point is: sure, ban it for how OP it is, but don't ban it for how unrealistic it is, because it's more realistic than a hell of a lot of other techs you've approved. That was just an example, and I'm not trying to tell you how to do your job it's just, well as Lauder said, it bothers me.

Edit: and sorry if I sounded rude I didn't mean to. I've just rewritten that like 8 times and I gave up and just sent what I had.

xD Don't worry about it.

I mean, I entirely disagree with you, but that's fine- we can disagree.

While Hael made herself clear, I would like to point out that even through technological advancements the diseases you fight would evolve to become even stronger so no you couldn't outright get rid of diseases, not to mention diseases from other planets. Your little nano things wouldn't know how to fight against a foreign object that it does not know, in fact it may very well begin attacking the host's own cells.

Secondly, while yes someone could achieve a long lifespan, does that mean they are ageless? No, not at all. Even if you had 3,000 years to do so, you don't even know how long it would take to even formulate this regardless. There is also the balancing issues here. Your citizens don't die? That means your worlds would become overwhelmed by population and its resources would diminish quickly. Thus you would have to always be expanding or roaming. While yes, I played myself there, it would be nice if your people tried to extend their ages in the RP. Have then set on achieving what you described through the means of the RP and not start off with it. Thus other players may be able to scale with you.

I know Hael made up her decision, I just personally want you to see that there are other ways to go about this. I just wanted to throw this in because it has been bothering me.

If you do that ^^, @ASTA, I will allow it

I know I got pretty upset before, and I apologize.

In case anyone somehow hadn't realized, your dear GM has some rather severe anger issues I get so upset over small things that my vision blurs and my blood pressure shoots through the roof. Still, that's no excuse. Sorry.

Regardless, I still stand by my decision on immortality and disease, but if you wish to have a race that is seeking to obtain these things rather than already having them, I welcome and even encourage it. I have a race seeking to be the ultimate beings, afterall.

@Hael Sounds good with me :)

What would you want this organization to be called?


Perhaps "The Ascensionalists" or "Evolutionists" (though that is the name of an actual thing xD). Or, if we're looking for something more dramatic, there's "The Hands of Evolution" or "The Cult of Xim".

If you want something simple, there's also "The Ximists" and "The Initiatives"

No problem, man/woman/it/that/those/Michael Jackson, mistakes happen. ;)

@Hael You know, now that you mention it. This gives me an idea. What if there was a Cult or somesuch organization that is Pro-Xim, that want to fully embrace the "Evolution" "Ascension" or whatever the Xim offer, these people could've been active during and after war as collaborators for the Xim.

And after the war, some may have even left with the Xim, while others remained behind to continue the "war".

I love that idea!

I'll PM you about it in a bit. Just... just let me finish my NS! My gosh, it's taking me so much longer than I ever expected!

I'm sorry guys
@Hael Being part of the Commonwealth is probably the more favored outcome if it came to it, at least they won't be scienced out to extinction :P

Not extinction, evolution! They will join the Xim in becoming higher beings. Stronger, faster, smarter! It's worth not technically being "human" anymore for that, isn't it? Species is such an abstract concept compared to definite things like a longer lifespan and a more flexible appearance.

Well, that's how the Xim see it, anyway
@Hael Sorta getting it, yeah, except of course in Space, the war will be more brutal with the Xim now allied another Empire or two.

I'm sort of worried that the Federation won't survive. I mean, even if the Commonwealth defends them, that same Commonwealth will likely turn right around and try to absorb them into itself.

Unless the war is either really soft, or the Federation manages to avoid the brunt of it, I can imagine it either being conquered by the Xim or someone else, or becoming part of the Commonwealth.

Not saying it's gonna happen for sure: just that it might.
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