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Current Pirates, monsters, magic, islands and no civilization to steal from. Hmm.
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Now, what happens when you have a bunch of monsters that were living in a forest and they get transmigrated into a futuristic urban setting?
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I know that few, if any, people on this site would be interested in it... but... I just got an idea for a SAO/GGO/XCOM/UFO crossover... fun tingles...
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Grik & Skrik

|| Day: 0 || Time: Dusk || Location: Woodlands

The time it took to find the rabbit was most of the time they had. There was no time to waste on practice or experimentation. This rabbit needed to die and the two of them needed to eat in a safe place.

Skrik wasted no time. The horn showed the rabbit's position and posture. He kept his body enough to one side that the rabbit's attack wouldn't easily strike him. He aimed carefully and thrust a poisoned javelin into the hole aimed for the horned rabbit's vitals. In the confined space of a burrow, the animal would have difficulty dodging or retreating from the attack and the poison should make short work of any attempted struggle.

Grik faced the opposite side of where his cousin was positioned and like the hobgoblin, Grik poised himself besides the hole with his club ready to strike if the horned rodent attempted to flee from it's burrow.

@Dark Cloud @Jangel13
Ugh. Over a foot of snow overnight and more expected. So much shoveling.
I, myself, have never gotten a crossover idea past the planning and notes stage before. I always ran into critical concept failures before it could become something of actual value. Though, I did get a good chunk of balance insight from the attempts. Learning from failure is a tried and true method of improving, after all.

In this case, I think I could make it work... but it would have to be altered enough to render it more of an "inspired by" rather than a straight crossover. The smaller scale would be best rather than the grand scale that comes naturally to Supreme Commander. It's easier to explain an exception than it is to rewrite the rules.

If Supreme Commander were to be crossovered strictly at a grand scale... Star Gate would be a better candidate... or either Gundam or Robotech.
Looking for opinions on their compatibility for either cross-over fanfiction or roleplay. Raw tech levels seem comparable, just with different development paths. Thoughts and impressions as well as advice or any other input would be appreciated.

Personally, I'm having a bit of trouble justifying any kind of power balance since the capital ships in Star Wars can bombard planets from orbit and the military forces from Supreme Commander only need hours to mass produce surface armies.
Beating zombie horse.
Greetings oh phantasmal oddity! Welcome to this plethora of creative flavors that has been smashed and blended together into an amorphous and incompletely homogenized paste similar to rubber cement... but minty... and in a good way!

In short... Hi, welcome to the show! Hope you have fun with us crazy people.

Skrik & Grik

Day: 0 Location: Forest

Skrik was happy to find a tree that would be suitable for both of them to spend the night. But the very limited time to hunt was a problem. Since he had hunted in this area before, he took a moment to recall places where he had seen horned rabbits. They might have time to hunt one if they were lucky.

The night would not wait.

"Let's hunt." He said quietly to his young cousin. "We don't have long. One hunt and we need to be back in this tree or at the church by full dark. Follow and be as quiet as you can." and Grik nodded sliding down the side of the tree after his older cousin, he now regretted his decision of leaving the carcass of the horned rabbit behind but that was of little importance currently.

Like before the young goblin kept close to the trees, avoiding the forest floor as it would stir fallen leaves and crunch under one's feet. Grik remained as close to Skrik as he could without bothering the hobgoblin as they made their way between the darkening woodlands.

@Jangel13 @Dark Cloud
Summary: Skrik and Grik went hunting for a horned rabbit while keeping an eye on the time. They prioritize getting back to the tree or the church by full dark.
May the wind be always at your back. Catch you next time.
Skrik & Grik Collaboration:

Skrik was pleased at the results of his efforts. An uncommon spear head and a good quality axe head were good results for an amateur, to say nothing of the skill that he gained. With this skill, he'd have a much easier time making decent weapons and tools for future hunts. But, more importantly for the moment, he had finished his reward for his cousin. Looking over, he easily confirmed that his young cousin was still nearby... and looking a bit disappointed. Well, that was natural.

"Young one, here." He said without preamble as he held out the good quality axe head. "This should be good for your hunting. Add it to your club. We'll be hunting when you're done." the young goblin perked up at this, and eagerly took the axe head in his hands while he dragged the club closer to where he was sitting. Grik was slightly more engaged as he was excited to be properly rewarded by his older relative.

Skrik's mouth curved upward at one corner, just a little. He had succeeded in rewarding his young cousin well. But, now the questions that remained were how much time it would take to finish the weapon and how much time would remain for them to hunt before nightfall. They would need a good tree to spend the night in as well. Skrik's small smile vanished at the thought of the two of them confronting those wolves on the ground. That would be... a brief and unpleasant affair.

In the meantime, Skrik took note of the rocks that his young cousin gathered and started trying to increase their number. Even if they couldn't kill a wolf from a tree, they could practice and maybe improve their chances later.

Grik took his time figuring out how to attach the axe head to his club but took this opportunity to pester the hob with a few questions but one stuck out amongst the chatter between his task, one that was something of a thought that he blurted out "...Did you ever feel like your brothers and sisters ignored you? Do you hate them?" it was something he had on his mind yet he failed to keep the thought to himself.

Skrik stopped his work for a moment to consider the question. It wasn't really something that he had thought about much. Besides, he had been keeping a casual eye on his young cousin's progress with his new weapon. The change of subject was rather sudden.

"I don't hate them. We all hunt to become stronger, each in a different way. We can't stay together and get what we want." He said flatly as he returned to his work. It was true that he missed the company of his siblings from time to time but they had never been coddled. Survival first, everything else came later. For that very survival, tools and powers were necessary. "My siblings sought power through hunting first. I looked for tools and other methods first. But, it's time for me to begin truly hunting. I need to be stronger to get the methods that I want."

The young goblin listened intently to his cousin, nodding at the explanation. "I guess I understand, but my siblings didn't even speak to me. I just don't understand why, and it makes me want them to fail..." he said sounding hurt and angry.

"You need to be strong. If they help you, you will be weaker. Most of them would see you being with me as a bad thing, holding you back... allowing you to be weak. I will reward progress but I will not give you anything for free. I will not go that far." Skrik fell silent for a moment before speaking again. "Failure is death. Death allows no returns. Your feelings are your own. Make your own choice."

Grik grew silent as he got close to finishing his task of fitting the axe head to the hefty stick he was clenching tightly between his legs, using the strength he had to hold the club still enough to chip the top with a rock he picked up from the ground. It took a few minutes but before he got close to finishing he spoke up in a solemn tone. "My choice is to take action, to meet every challenge without fear." Grik told the hob before returning his attention to the club.

"I thought so. That's why I made the axe." Skrik said with a nod as he set down the few additional throwing stones that he had completed next to his junior and began to walk out of the cave. "I will look for a tree strong enough to shelter us for the night. When you are done, come out and join me for our hunt."

The trees near this cave were not very suitable since most of the low branches had been broken off by young goblins looking for easy clubs. But, Skrik knew that there would be better trees close enough. He would stay relatively close and quiet. It would also be important to find out if this cave would attract anything looking for a lair.

@Dark Cloud

Summary: Skrik
- Gave Good Quality Axe Head to Grik
- Made/found a few more throwing stones for Grik
- Went out to search for a tree that can protect both of them from wolves at night
- Also looking for signs of any new beasts in the area

Summary: Grik
- Crafted the Good Axe Head to his club.

@Jangel13 Okay, I'm tired enough that I'm missing some details so I wanted to make sure.
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