Kacela whilst walking ran into some one suddenly as she turned a corner. It shook her completely from her day dream. She was plunged back into the real world that she existed in. The sound sights and smells assaulted her for a moment. She looked around quickly for a moment in a daze. Not sure what to do. Then she heard them.
“Sorry about that, miss,”
Kacela was confused at the sound of a voice. She quickly looked around for a moment. For some strange reason she looked up at the ceiling and then down. Spotting the people she had just rudely ran into. It was a man and his young daughter. Possibly a professor at the university. She concluded this was a horrible way to a first impression.
“Are you okay? We really should have been watching where we were going.”
Kacela looked at the father. Her face blushed a brighter red underneath her hair. She instinctively hid her face with her hands. Crunching down her body together in an attempt to hide herself. Shoulders in and legs bowed together like a kid, she peeped in surprise at the situation. A moment of fear and anxiety gripped her. The social awkwardness slammed in her face, causing her to shake a bit in nervousness. But she mustered her courage again and decided that she needed to conquer her fear and say something instead of allowing this air of awkwardness to continue. She saw that the other two were obviously waiting for a response.
"Oh.... Its okay. I should be sorry...."
She managed to say slowly. Now that the initial problem was fixed, she decided to direct the conversation in her favor, becoming on the offensive with a question.
"Is that your daughter? She's really cute."
Kacela then kneeled down as much as she could and patted the kids hair.
"How old are you?"
Kacela asked while staring into her blue eyes.