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    1. HamakazeKai 6 yrs ago


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Bailey gives Emil a subtle, knowing smile. She puts the whetstone back in her bag and her knife back in it's scabbard strapped to her right thigh. "You might meet one one day, But I wouldn't put too much stock in rumours, Sometimes those old Storytellers embellish the facts or see things from a very narrow or... Uninformed point of view."

Bailey glances over at the Brotherhood Paladins with a nervous expression on her face before looking towards the entrance again. "I hope we get instructions from Pariah soon... Being in close proximity to them is making me nervous and Id rather get this over with so I can go home."

Bailey smirks at Emil before looking down in disbelief.
"What people would you call "Bad" then? Afterall Good and Bad is all a matter of perspective... Some people think the Brotherhood are heroes and others think they're villains."

She continues sharpening her blade and wonders whether Emil has encountered the Enclave before and if so what he thinks of them in comparison to the Brotherhood. She remembers the stories her parents told her of the Enclave's exploits out west in the Mojave and California.

Bailey chuckles when Emil shudders, She looks up at him with a smile on her face.

"If wasteland Mutants and Abominations scare you that much maybe you should have stayed away? This place does have a reputation up and down the East Coast after all..."

She reaches into her bag and pulls out her whetstone and starts sharpening her combat knife with the sound of the whetstone sliding down the blade echoing around the room. She has her own misgivings about this foray into what used to be New York City before the war but her air of confidence is overwhelming. On her way here she made peace with the fact that she might die in there and is ready to get the job done or die trying.

"I don't know about you but I've already made peace with the fact I might die in there... I suggest you do the same Emil."

Bailey looks at Emil as Monika storms off, She rolls her eyes expecting him to know better since he's heard of the legion before.

"I don't much care what people are good at... As long as those "Brotherhood of Steel" folks don't start any of their tech hording bullshit we'll be alright."

Bailey glances over at Monika as she sits back in her corner and lights up again.

"I don't think she likes men much... Because I've heard the traders from out west talk about what those legion savages do to women... So I wouldn't take it personally."
@Searat @Cuddles 1438

Bailey looks at the photo Monika handed her before looking back at Monika

"I've heard of Caesars Legion before... Some kind of giant raider army out west right?"

Bailey slides her own picture back into the waterproof pouch in her pocket, She thinks for a moment wondering if she should ask about Monika's encounters with the Legion but decided that if Monika wanted to talk about it she would.

"Marius is very handsome... Is he with your husband? I would have thought someone with a family would have stayed with them?"

Bailey looks over warily at Emil as he introduces himself, Bailey hands Monika's photo back to her and sits up properly and reaches for one of her bottles of water and takes a conservative sip from it before placing it back in her backpack that sits on the bench with her.

"Yeah... We are. I'm not sure about his choice of people though..."

Bailey sits on the bench with a old lantern flickering beside her casting light onto an old black and white photo, The photo has five people in it, A woman, A man and three children two of which are girls and the other is a boy. Her facial expression betrays her emotions of nostalgia and loss, She thinks back to her days as a child and her care free summers when her entire family would spend time together playing board games, telling old family stories and watching re-runs of pre-war TV shows and films.

She also feels resentment because in her eyes all this was taken away by the Brotherhood of Steel, They ruined everything.

Bailey looks up and notices the woman who was polishing her weapon early standing next to her.

"Yeah... The so called "Brotherhood of Steel" and the Mutants took my family from me..."

Bailey notices the woman looking at her photo and holds it out to show her.

"My names Bailey by the way... Thats my Mom, Dad and my older brother and twin sister..."
Bailey lays on an old Subway Bench next to the ticket booth, A old, decrepit radio is perched on the window of the ticket booth. It's signal is weak but what can be heard through the bursts of static are verses of a song known as "Crawl out through the fallout" by Sheldon Allman.

She sits quietly singing to herself, It's almost a whisper but while she's by no means the wastelands next famous singer she's not bad either. As she sings she looks up at the roof of the subway as if remembering better times.

"Crawl out through the fallout, baby
To my loving arms
Through the rain of Strontium-90
Think about your hero
When you're at Ground Zero
And crawl out through the fallout back to me!"

She tilts her head toward the door and ceases singing as she recognizes the mechanical clunking and hissing of power armour, Her eyes widen as she takes in the sight of the two brotherhood paladins surveying the scene. Her brain runs into overdrive as her hand slowly slide down towards her laser rifle tucked along side her on the bench out of sight. She eyes up the others in the subway with even more suspicion as the paladins enter wondering if this was all just an elaborate scheme to lure out Enclave Agents she quickly dismisses this thought as if that were the case they would have brought more troops. She decides to keep her hand on her rifle and try to keep calm, She looks them over as the moments of her brothers death in subway tunnels not too different from these play back in her mind until she spots one of the paladins weapons.

She feels a familiar burning sensation in her shoulder as she remembers when she saw that weapon. That "Sword" was one of the last things she remembers seeing before she got hit at Rockland. She remembers it's user cutting a swathe through her friends even while she was being evacuated. She stares at them the hatred still burning inside her despite the years since, She returns to staring at the roof trying to remain anonymous and wishing them away while she waits for "Pariah" to arrive.
Dibs on Pink
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