We would be happy to have you and more lore is always welcome. A bear is fine. Beastmen arent an organised civilisation. They live in pockets of territory scattered around Arkreides in the claimed lands of other races. Usually nomadic, they sometimes get dragged into the others' petty conflicts. The bulls are just the most populous and the hawks are interesting.
Now to answer the questions:
Yep, pegleg lanista man in organising his newest gladiators. You would do well to be prompt.
Gladiators can be bought and sold by lanistas to other lanistas or other slave owners. Think of them like commodities, as bad as that sounds.
Fights happen on a day to day basis and are organised by sponsors and private parties. It would not be atrange for us to travel to a particularly profitable arena.
Oh. And accepted by the way. I love the deep lore you've put into it.