Smiral said
That sounds like a personal problem #unoriginalsackofshitwait no why the fuck did I hashtagsomeone kill me
Smiral said
That sounds like a personal problem #unoriginalsackofshitwait no why the fuck did I hashtagsomeone kill me
The Nexerus said
You guys aren't very good tech support.
Shy said
Literally 24/7.I can't exit the freaking thing XD.
The Nexerus said
Apparently the latest version.
The Nexerus said
My biggest problem with Skype is that IT IS AN UNRELIABLE PIECE OF SHIT AND I HATE ITwhat is thiswhat is even going on hereThat window over my picture isn't some kind of elaborate censor bar, that's just what happens when I try to edit anything on my profile.
Kill Bones said
But Jorick-kunYou'll never get me in a skype callHow can you bear to live without my glorious presence
Sherlock Holmes said
Corsets can be cool, just so long as they're not taken to extremes. (They can give you some serious health issues if taken too far. They also start looking kind of scary when they're tied too tightly -- no one should have a 16 inch waist. x.x)
Shy said
All in the name of fashion though.
Sophistikit said
let me ease your pain
Awson said
The site shit getting brought up there is one of the things that annoys me the most. POST ABOUT IT IN THE THREADS, JESUS. STOP WHISPERING OVER THERE.