Kangaroo said
I enjoyed this far too much.
Spam may be dead but the spirit lives on.
Kangaroo said
I enjoyed this far too much.
Brovo said
snipple snapple piddle paddle
Herzinth said
needs more vitriol
Raen Elvarasi said
Roleplaying isn't meant to be pure stupidity that makes absolutely no sense in my honest opinion. :) Sure, you can do things that wouldn't be able to be done in this world, but an RP world still has rules, and laws. O.o It isn't just do whatever the fuck you feel like doing.
Kangaroo said
That video didn't help my thought processes in anyway Brovo.
Aristo said
I'm working on the stats and traits system, and I'm wondering about the Spellsword trait. Should the user have points in the Mage skill to be able to enchant an item, or is the Magical Endurance the only magic-related skill required? Say, if I wanted to imbue a sword with elemental magic, would I have to actually know that school of magic (and thus, have at least one point in Mage)?
Stats and Traits said doesn’t require a mage’s training to harness
Stats and Traits said without the need for mage training