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9 days ago
Current Lmaooo wait, keep cooking 🀣
9 days ago
Shut up Dion.
5 yrs ago
How much caffeine can I intake before I’m doing Chris Brown backflips?
5 yrs ago
I need something dark πŸ˜’
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5 yrs ago
What do we say to the god of death? Now, Please.



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I’ll get my sheets in ASAP πŸ€™πŸ½
Thank you! :)
@NuttsnBoltsFirst one is great but the second one was the wrong post. It should have been the character named β€˜Kora’.

Location | Outside of Civilization
Time | High Time , 31 MAY 20xx
Interacting with | Scruffy Murderer @BeastofDestiny | Whoever is on the right


Apparently an hour long car ride together wasn’t enough to get the group at least on talking terms. Not that a certain princess had gone out of her way to make friends with any of the tagalongs, and she hadn’t tried to approach Nate or Jules again. Instead, she took up to quietly pouting to herself by the fire that offered a welcome warmth to her bare legs.

Camping was not on the list of things Yessi ever wanted to do, sure when she was younger she pitched a tent in the backyard way back when, but the grass was soft under her premium sleeping bag and she was able to run inside to the comfort of a bed and a shower when she had enough.

β€œWe’re going to Vegas and we’re going to take the house for all it’s worth”

A look of confusion crossed her face as she looked around to the group that had drawn closer to the fire. Vegas? How the hell were they expecting to get there? Hitchhiking? Walking? That old pos RV was donezo, and none of them had enough to buy a new one, not even a shittier version. So how and why the hell was Sami so confident his ragtag group was going to make it the City of Sin? The annoyance had found a new target and swelled up prompting her to form her thoughts into audible words, surely to start another bout of arguments, but AJ, the even poutier Prince spoke first and shut up the Spanish girl, the air she sucked in puffed out her cheeks and she turned her attention back to the fire willing it to burn away her annoyance, or the sources of it.

AJ’s departure into the wilderness, the singing French man sitting beside her and the obviously drugged up cry baby all went over her head. No, Yessi was too caught up in her own thoughts about all the things she loved that awaited her in Vegas. Well, until the pungent smell of one of her many preferred vices reached her nose, blinking away the light of the fire from her eyes she turned to look at the scruffy newcomer. Eyes bouncing between his face and the extended offering of just the thing to melt away her inhibitions of increasing the size of their traveling group, even if just for the night.

β€œWhy not, if you’re going to murder us might as well be high for it, right?” The tone of her voice was light as she reached for the joint and brought it back to lush parted lips. The first inhale was a long drag that warmed her throat and filled her lungs. On the exhale the effects weren’t immediate but already she felt the happy haze. For an added measure she went in for a second hit, this one was shorter and left her limbs feeling lighter than before as she extended her arm to her right inviting the next person to join them on cloud nine.

Some dropped characters that need to be removed to keep things nice and clean :)
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