Sable said
Do some Red Bull buttshots.
Sounds like that would hurt a lot :S
Maybe Red Bull earshots?
Sable said
Do some Red Bull buttshots.
Derpestein said
See title.
It is now currently ten past two.
I'm trying to pull an all nighter without passing out.
Fuck I'm tired.
Lucian said
I disagree. Ambiance is important, but there is far more to building suspenseful and truly horrifying gameplay. Jump-scares, however, have nothing to do with it.
Derpestein said
Edgier than a razor blade factory.STAHP.I might get something like The Courier of The Stupid.I don't know.
Doivid said
what is untrue? I didn't say anything to be untrue or not in my post. I honestly have no idea what any of that is that you mentioned.
Doivid said
somebody tell me what they're doingNo jk you guys are fine. What are you talking about though?