Lily's steps stuttered to a halt as Spook's wrist slid out of her grasp. One minute the tree demon was there, the next, it wasn't, the distinct scent of bluebell salve lingering in the air. Her attention, however, wasn't focused on the clamor in the trees above, but the face in front of her—half crusted over with rock that shone like an oil slick.
Lily stumbled backwards, nearly tripping over a tree root with uncharacteristic clumsiness before she got her feet under her. She didn't look back as she turned to bolt for Emma—she had no clue why the girl was seemingly demon repellent, but she wasn't going to look a gift healer in the mouth, either. She just ran—she lost some hair along the way and gained a few new scratches, a particularly nasty one tracing its way across her cheekbone, and she didn't look back to see if it was simply stray twigs or more sinister branches reaching out for her. Another thing she was good at: ignoring the worst case scenario until it came to pass.
They broke out onto the plain, and she had never been so glad to feel sunlight on her face. She kept running for a long moment until there was quite a bit of distance between her and those infernal trees, before she had to stop, bending over at the waist and bracing her hands on her knees. She wasn't made for running, short sprints or otherwise. Halfheartedly, she counted as each companion came barreling out of the trees, but mostly she was focused on the one that crashed to earth covered in blood.
Lily's hands closed around Meryn's wrists, gently tugging her hands away from her face. She waited until the girl looked up at her, then offered a smile, even if it was somewhat marred by the blood trickling from the cut on her cheek down to her chin.
"It's alright—you're alright," she said breathlessly, still panting from the mad sprint and the adrenaline that was still shooting through her. "Just a little blood, nothing more." Lily released Meryn's hands, turning to Emma. "Spook needs your help—"