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7 yrs ago
Current It's called the circle of life because life is pointless.
7 yrs ago
"I should go." - Commander Shepard
7 yrs ago
Towels can’t tell jokes. They have a dry sense of humour.
7 yrs ago
I want to travel to Prague so I can Czech it off the list of places to visit.
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7 yrs ago
I ordered 1000 kilograms of Chinese soup. It was wonton.


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If you ask me, I think Spec Ops: The Line by far the most underrated game. A psychological horror game about the horrors of war and deconstruction of the modern shooter genre disguised as a generic, run-of-the-mill third person shooter. Brilliant writing, excellent visuals, amazing voice acting. Also all the tiny details you only notice after completing the game and playing through it the second time, subtle hints to Walker's growing insanity. The game is basically just one big middle finger to popular shooters such as CoD in which the elite special forces soldier protagonist goes to some Middle Eastern country and shoots a bunch of terrorists and saves the day, showing what would really happen if you try to be a hero: you can't. You basically fuck up the city you were trying to save and pretty much doom its inhabitants to slow, agonising deaths by dehydration.

You spend a majority of the game fighting American soldiers and not generic Middle Eastern terrorists. The totally evil bad guy who's been taunting you over the radio and trying to kill you isn't even doing any of those things, because he's dead. He killed himself before Walker and his teammates even arrived in Dubai, and the Konrad we see in the game is simply a result of Walker's insane hallucinations, since he needed someone to blame for his own actions. Nobody saw the plot twist coming unless you paid very close attention to the surrounding environment and take note of the subtle hints.

Overall, the game not only criticises Walker for trying to be a hero, but the player as well, that trying to be a hero has only caused more death and destruction than before. So,

Do you feel like a hero yet?

Overrated would probably be Undertale or Doki Doki Literature Club, because come on, I'm sure you all know why.
So, after being gone for a year, I decided to get back into roleplaying on this site for real.

The basic premise is that in the distant future, humanity is in a brutal war against an interstellar alien empire, with battles taking place across the stars, and on hundreds of planets, the front lines changing every day. Several years into the war, humanity discovers a planet so rich in resources that it would be able to significantly boost their war effort if the planet were to be mined out. However, humanity discovers that the planet is inhabited by a primitive civilisation, and that it is also giving off some strange energy readings. Humanity decides to instead lead an expedition to the planet to make peaceful contact, and to study the strange energy.

This is the part where you come in. You pretty much create your own fantasy world, and everything that happens on it. I'm not stopping you from making your world how you envision it, since it'll pretty much make the experience a whole lot more interesting. But try to make humans one of the major races on the planet. So the world can pretty be your average high fantasy setting or something else entirely. I'm not stopping you, but I'd like more details that we can discuss.

Also, since the planet is located right in between the front lines of both humanity and the alien empire, and both factions want the resources the planet has, the aliens will invade later on, and it'll be a lot more action-packed.

The main difference from regular 1x1s is that instead of controlling just one or two characters on a relatively small scale, this RP takes place on an entire planet, with characters being made on the fly. This will pretty much reduce the time spent on character sheets.

PM me for more details if you're interested.

Seriously, PM me. Don't reply to this thread.
I'm back, bitches.
Humanity, and just about every other intelligent race, had been wiped clean off the face of Gladius, crushed under the heels of the endless metallic tide. Relentless machines had first swept through Planet 1 like wildfire, the spark first starting in the hostile desert expanse of the Wasteland. It only took mere days for hundreds of factories to produce a robotic army in the millions, and just hours after that, the machines struck, first all but wiping neighbouring factions off the map. The factions of the Wasteland fell first, mostly due to them being barely-organised scavengers and survivors. They were utterly crushed without much effort. Not even Mr. House's mighty army of Securitrons or the might of the New California Republic could withstand the endless assault. The whole invasion only took a single day, unprepared for the sudden and lightning-fast strike.

The Xing and Indian Empires were the next to fall. The Xing fell first, having lackluster technology and resources. The Indian Empire, now seeing that the machines were much more powerful than they thought, began to fortify its cities. It was all for naught, however, as the first strike was not from a million war machines charging in, but an attack from within. The Great Firewall was demolished as a great cyber wrecking ball smashed right through, severely weakening the empires defences and extracting troop movements, not to mention disabling their vehicles and giving out false orders. Only in its weakened state did the machines finally attack. They came forth like a great hurricane, blasting apart futile defences as massive metal titans created earthquakes with every step. As the machines began to close in on the empire's capital, the Mad Dictator Gandhi, in sheer desperation, launched his prized collection of nuclear weapons at his own empire. They were, however quickly knocked out if the sky by advanced anti-nuke systems. Gandhi, his guards, and every one of his concubines were slaughtered that night, along with his associates.

When the machines first landed on New York, the forces of SHIELD and the combined forces of both heroes and villains fought valiantly, but still fell one by one against the advancing horde, they own weapons reverse-engineered and used against them. The raging symbiotes were but

@Lugubrious Sorry for being offline for an extended period of time, but yeah, you guys can carry on without me.
Sorry if I've been lagging behind, but I've been pretty busy lately. I'll see if I can get a post up tomorrow.
Me going on Facebook for the first time

"Video games cause violence."


Hm... bump.
This is an idea I've been wanting to do for a long time.

In the distant future, humanity has established a vast interstellar empire, colonising hundreds upon thousands of worlds and rapidly expanding across the stars. Then one day, humanity encounters an alien race known as the Vaskrans, who attack a human mining vessel and follow it back to a human world, which is then invaded by them. Humanity retaliates, eventually succeeding in repelling the invasion, but sparking a new war. Several years after the start, the war is in full swing, with battles waging across the galaxy. In this RP, I control the captain and other characters aboard a human starship forced to make a blind jump after getting heavily damaged by a Vaskran fleet. It eventually ends up right above an uncharted world, getting pulled into its gravity and crashing into the surface. Meanwhile, your character is a princess ruling over her kingdom in your average fantasy world with knights and magic and stuff, when she sees the ship falling into the planet's atmosphere and crashing. She then decides to investigate, and the plot expands from there.

Interested? PM me.
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