Avatar of Howler
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 368 (0.10 / day)
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    1. Howler 10 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Dear People: Please stop 'hating' a day where people try love with each other, however corporate the reason. Remember instead that there are people out there trying to love you, too, and let them.
1 like
9 yrs ago
Gone from 6/19 to 6/27.
9 yrs ago
Ah, Buddhism. Dramatically worded for his and her pleasure.
9 yrs ago
Grave digger, grave digger, let me be the one that got away.
1 like
9 yrs ago
My children, raise your proud and terrible heads. I will find you a better world, where man is a cautionary tale and angels fear to tread.


This is my bio. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

Drop me a line if you're feeling brave.

Most Recent Posts

For your consideration. Let me know if it needs changes.
Color me interested.

Let me know if this works and if you're still accepting. I can adjust it easily enough.

Episode 2: Mass Rave

What a dump!

Gray had to admit, when he heard 'giant rave party' he hadn't exactly pictured 'endless parking-garage full of sketchy hovels'. Well alright, he sort of had, but he'd left the creepy ninjas with teeth the color of eel-water out. Or maybe he'd just expected them to be balanced out by more other people. Whatever. Either way, he was happy enough to let Poole handle the guy--it wasn't that he was scared or anything, but when you've got a guy like Poole on your side you learn to let him do what he does best. Meanwhile, Gray was working on doing what he did best to try and figure out all sorts of reasons to get them into a club with a fucking hyena in front of it.

Venusians liked hyenas. Maybe it was their street-smarts, the way they could figure out even complex coordination problems faster than even most pre-gene-tamped apes. Maybe it was that they were survivors, ready, willing, and able to chow down on anything that may remotely have been alive (and plenty of things that weren't) until there was literally nothing left to waste. Or maybe it was that even the females were dicks, or at least had something like one. For not the first time Gray quickly deleted the term 'pseudo-penis' from his search history, preventing one of a dozen little viruses from reading the extranet query and supplying him an unsettling number of suggestions related to the term. It doesn't do to be caught by one's own little traps.

While one small window scrolled through known facts and anatomical configurations of crocuta crocuta, a significantly larger one was pulling information on the Sakura Club. Venus was a hodgepodge of different security levels, security systems about as secure as a five year old's vid card lined up next to cutting edge Zaibatsu work ripped off for some criminal who meant business (or thought he did, or was sufficiently paranoid, or wanted to show off, or, or, or...). The Sakura Club was one of the latter, its own books and internal servers off-net and protected by a not-insignificant Vorsicht Gruppe security suite--that meant money, the kind that you didn't get by catering to guys buying 5.75Β₯ eel juice.

All of this, of course, took place in the second or two while Poole was talking. Visibly, a bright exclamation point popped up on Gray's helmet as he made for the bouncer and his pooch excitedly. Beeftip might not be here but someone who knew where Tipbuktu was going down would be, and even then this place seemed awfully big-fish for a neighborhood like this without someone pulling in the big bucks. One servo-enhanced hand had even taken Yeva by the wrist, half to drag her along and half to make sure she didn't run off. Even Gray knew that the last thing they needed was him alone in the middle of a rave trying to hunt down a notorious drug dealing. Most things that started off with "Gray on his own" didn't end particularly well.

Entertainingly, yes, but not well.

Over the speakers in his helmet came a sudden series of low-pitched, staccato grunts a bit like a laugh. It wouldn't make much sense to the bouncer, but his hyena might perk up a little. Standard vocal response to a hyena approaching another of a different clan with deference--they used the same things for lions, once upon a time. For his owner, his response was much the same.

"Sup, homie. We in?"

He even added a thumbs up!

Episode 2: Mass Rave

If Poole hated Venus, Gray loved it.

Really. There was so much going on at any given time that he could literally turn his head and be entertained. Because really, what was that thing dangling over there?Dried axolotl frills. And that little old lady was selling what exactly?Improperly labeled soy-based supplement. And what the hell did that guy have on his face!Tumor. Hopefully. His heads up display was alive with crawling lights and translations, so many small green boxes drawing and calculating and redrawing at any given time that he could barely keep up. Mandarin, Kanji, Arabic, English, a dozen and a half different languages in the air and on the walls and--

The loud clunk of his helmet on yet another doorway brought him back to attention, his breath hot in his ears. As much as he relished the chaos, this was not a great place for Gray. Skipping the obligatory ADHD jokes, there really was just too much for him to process at any given time. While the rational part of him said that he was getting too worked up, that his heart beat was well over optimum, but he was much too busy trying to cover for the clay pot he'd broken turning to look at the seemingly endless drawers and cavities of Ginseng Joji's. The man would probably say it was hundreds of years old or something and charge them an arm and a leg for it if he noticed, but a careful navigation of a few jars had the mess carefully concealed from sight.

Gray's whirring thumbs up to Poole was very subtle.

Really this was all Yeva's doing. She was always off after this herb or that herb, and while normally Gray had no interested in hopping along for the ride he wasn't about to miss the chance to head out into the Venusian concrete jungle and muck about with the natives. It was one of the few places he didn't stand out too much at that--yes, his exoskeleton was bulky and sure, his coat tended to get caught on the odds and ends of the bizarre marketplaces and tchotchke shops, but nobody cared. They were all to busy trying not to get caught doing whatever the criminal activity of the day was to care!

Sort of. Kind of. Not really. Between Poole and Gray both nearly filled a hallway each, but while the massive man had a sort of swaggering self-awareness Gray was a walking disaster. They probably wouldn't have let him come, but in a place like this--

Hippie-dippie music festival. Layer Q, Venus. Techno. Yearly.

"Tipbucktu!" Gray's vocalizer spat out, mechanically excited, as massive exclamation mark appearing pointedly across the orange of his visor. On the other side, strings of green data were scrolling invisibly over the world as page after page of young people getting fucked popped up on his visor. Not literally, of course--well, sometimes literally--but they sure as hell weren't sober. Mister Beeftips had seen to that. The orange faceplate turned expectantly towards his comrades, swiveling between them, before growing an exasperated chibi that dripped sweat above an enormous forced smile.

"Seriously? As in, you guys really don't--" As per usual, Gray didn't wait for a response. He could already tell that neither of the other two had any idea what he or the old man was talking about and was already ahead of them, pulling up one of the vid-logs he'd found and streaming it over the front of his helmet. An excited youth, some Asian variety with a tattoo instead of an eyebrow and a string of Kanji running down from below his right eye, was obviously tripping balls. Pupils the size of saucers, he was babbling almost as quickly as the voice recorder could pick up, its granulation obvious as the picture blocked and unblocked itself in odd increments. The downside of using what was no doubt a hacked wrist-com was obviously lost on him as he babbled.

--gonna be crazy tonight, man, gonna get wrecked! He was saying, chugging from a plastic bottle of water before tossing it off to the side and throwing his head back. Let's merge, babies, let the vibrations make us one! See you at Tipbucktu, losers, I am so--

"Going. We are, right? I mean, come on. We basically have to." The video cut out to Gray talking, his exoskeleton whirring to keep up with him. It was a very strange thing to see a seven-foot exoskeletal giant basically bouncing on his feet. "This thing is supposed to be ridiculous. It's the only time Mister Beeftips gives away handouts in person, the rest of the time he's like a ghost." Did they know who Mister Beeftips was? They had to know who Mister Beeftips was. It was hard to tell if Gray was more interested in the party or the bounty, but did he really have to choose?

"Forget the ginseng, let's get some Beeftip!"

"And I love the Fourth of July
When bombs start flashing!
And I wish I had a shiny red top
And a bugel with a big brass bell to cheer me up
Or maybe something bigger that would really go pop!
So I could make the gardening stop."
- Atomic Garden, Bad Religon


There are people who are tall and people like Gray. Standing just over seven feet tall, Gray's bulky frame stands him slightly taller than your average door, let alone your average tough. In spite of this his thick and billowing coats, smooth, faceless helmets, and extensive exo-skeleton shield almost the entirety of his body from sight at any given time. There's a running question as to whether or not he's even a person under all that gear or some kind of AI run amok--it would certainly explain a lot.


Gray is smart. Gray is really smart. Gray is so smart that it is almost certainly illegal, entirely likely gained by some form of genetic engineering, chemical stimulation, or cybernetic enhancement. When it comes to knowing things about things, Gray does. Though of course nobody is sure that he's not just pulling up its Omnipedia page on the inside of his helmet and pretending.


It's a good thing that Gray is so goddamn smart, because he makes up for it by being so goddamn annoying. 'Childish' is a good word to describe Gray, as he's almost constantly cracking wise, making some kind of idiotic pop-culture reference, or otherwise trolling some poor soul. It's almost compulsive, really, his inability to provide a straight answer or not make a smart ass comment, and it's gotten him in trouble on more than one occasion. Some things just aren't funny, but like a true extranet troll Gray has a really hard time telling where that line is and has an unfortunate habit of sulking when people get butthurt. The irony is lost on him.


Speaking of idiocy, Gray is superstitious to the point of being just plain weird about it. For a technofreak he sure doesn't seem to put a lot of faith in logic, or at least not entirely in logic. It's hard to tell whether or not Gray actually believes in all the little things that he does or if they're some manifestation of on-the-spectrum stress release--there had to be at least some quirks to let him pull the kind of shit he pulls. A believer in everything from Martian Tengen-jutsu to Venutian Spiral Readings, Grays fascination with the occult borders on actual mysticism. He's a particular believer in numerology, and at any given time numbers and patterns are being corrolated for not only the most efficient but the most auspicious course of actions. Most people are willing to just give it to him, but it doesn't make it any less...well. Let's just say the ship used to have a cat.


Gray likes history. A lot. Enough that he's willingly chosen ancient pieces of art over people's lives and safety, including his own, on numerous occasions. While the arts--sculptures in particular--are by far his favorite he has a fondness for all sorts of relics, including cultural and especially religious ones. One of the few ways to get him to talk about something serious, Gray views the past (and even the distant past) as all part of a grand equation that ultimately allows the prediction of the future, and will continue at length on the subject with increasing incoherence until it eventually devolves into memes like everything else he does.


Gray doesn't really like to fight--it's certainly not his strong suit. He much prefers to screw with his enemies in all manner of awkward life-hack nonsense, but there are occasions when you've just got to get stuck in with it. On those occasions, Gray goes with the time honored tradition of taking the biggest goddamn gun he can find and making as much noise and explosions with it as possible. While rarely useful in a one-on-one fight, Gray's exoskeleton and AI aim-assists helps him load up the caliber of weapon commonly seen mounted on military vehicles. He's not above--and in fact greatly enjoys--demolitions, and while this can do wonders against a Venutian mercenary group it isn't always the best answer for some of the more casual fighting that occurs in the course of a bounty hunter's work. This has not seemed to 'click' with Gray, whose typical response is something along the lines of 'M0RE_D44K4!!1'.

!<Open::Salinger.J.D.--<"I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes.">//Decrypting::

When it comes to flat network hacking, to say that Gray is legendary is to give him too little credit--after all, 'legendary' would mean that people know about him. Responsible for four out of six most carefully covered up corporate hacks of the last decade, most people assume that Username:6R4Y_H44T is actually a collective of extranet cybertrolls. The intelligence community know better, and commonly believe him to be the computer equivalent of the Tooth Fairy. When your computer turns itself inside out and starts vomiting your details to anyone in broadcast range, Gray Hat did it. While it takes concentration, Gray can crack, hack, and put back together just about anything that broadcasts before most people can realize that their helmet's videofeed is missing the seven foot exoskeletal giant in the corner.


Surprisingly to most, Gray is actually impressively intuitive when it comes to people. Something of a voyeur, he spends a disproportionate amount of his time watching them through security feeds, Trojan vid-viruses, and social media hacks, and while many would say he does it so that he can get a better grasp of these odd, fleshy things called 'Homo Sapiens' he seems to spend so much time around the truth is that Gray just likes people. He tends to understand them much better than they tend to understand themselves, and it is this as much as anything that helps him act as something of a sleuth on more occasions than not. If you're looking for someone to run the head game on your local bounty, you might as well ask Gray. That's kinda his turf.


Perhaps even more surprising to most, Gray is actually quite an accomplished physician. Though almost all of his knowledge is hacked from extranet articles, med-school holographies, recorded surgeries, and trauma videos, when it comes time to get that bullet out you can count on Gray to do it without taking off the arm. By no means a doctor in any sense of the word, he takes the phrase 'life-hack' more literally than most and treats the body as yet another system to troll. It isn't recommended to bring him anything but trauma and needlessly complicated medical issues, however--anything else is 'boring' and likely to result in aggressive and incessant teasing.

!Bedroom_Skills::Open_xxxFistula.img/:Open_Cht.Cam.milfaholic334/:Exec_"Spank Me Daddy"/Run_MayFlowersNeedsGolden--//REDACT:ser_History&Recycling&Folder/Downloads

<!Open_6R4Y.doc.med//Decrypting:://ERROR{File Not Found//

Gray is not well, and not in the 'haha, he's crazy' kind of way. Well, also in that kind of way, but not only. Whatever it is that Gray or someone else has done to his body, it had some significant side-effects; at the very least he's dependent upon a cocktail of something that includes a restricted pain medication. The reason Gray is quite so up on his medical knowledge is so that he can figure out how to fix himself, though he carefully guards quite what it is he's attempting to fix about himself. Asking without having earned enough 'Approval', as he refers to it, is just begging to be deflected and abused.


All that hardware Gray packs around with doesn't come cheap, and it doesn't exactly hold up under the rigors of mercenary life as well as it ought to. Everything from his exoskeleton to his face masks to his extranet broadcaster is either something he picked up along the way and rigged to work or a dying piece of cutting-edge equipment that he ripped off from somewhere else. Gray is always looking for odd bits and ends to help shore up his collection, but parts can be scarce and a long time between jobs can make for a very unhappy Gray.


Worse, Gray is largely dependent on his hardware. Not all of it, of course, but on the rare occasions Gray is without his exoskeleton he is demonstrably crippled, physically extremely weak and mentally struggling. While the suit itself is hardened against EMP attacks and environmental failures as best it can be--it has backup systems, redundant operational structures, and really isn't about to just go out on its own--that doesn't mean that without it he's essentially helpless. It also doesn't mean that a good number of fine systems can be damaged both by electromagnetic interference or a sufficiently advanced technological attack, which is only theoretically possible thanks to some hilariously overdeveloped firewalls and security protocols but still something Gray is understandably paranoid about. If the power goes out, Gray's in trouble.


Say what you want about Gray, there's a solid case to be made that he's still quite young somewhere beneath all that equipment. It's hard to say for sure, but just looking at the way he acts sometimes definitely places him on an immature spectrum, juxtaposed by occasional moments of true brilliance or wisdom. He hates losing, he holds a grudge, he often responds with overkill, and in spite of his constant dickery he takes most things very personally. A cool cucumber or smooth operator Gray is not.

I can see you there.
Don't think that I can't.
You're reading up on me. You've done a good job, or paid for it. Strengths, weaknesses. Personality files. Someone's been squealing, but I'll see to that soon enough. What's important is that there's nothing here for you. I could let you pull it up and see, but all it would tell you is what they want you to know. Or what I want you to know. Which wouldn't make it any more true, would it?

We all have a past. We all have a history, and it repeats itself. Do yourself a favor and erase it. Input new starting parameters, recalculate. If equal changes are made to both sides of an equation it remains the same: Don't be equal. I'm not. But you got this far on me, so before I frag every drive on your network I'll give you this little tidbit for posterity:


<--Exec_H4H4H4.exe//ERROR{File Not Found--ERROR{File Not Found--ERROR{File Not Found--
<--ERROR{Sys_Settings.sys cannot be opened. Unknown Error.
<--ERROR{Sys_Mem.sys cannot be opened. Unknown Error.
<--A problem has been detected and your interface has been shut down to prevent damage to your terminal.
The problem seems to be have been caused by the following file: 4NGR4_M41NYU.Sys
If this is the first time you have experienced this problem, please restart your terminal.
If the problem continues, follow these steps:
Well. That happened.

So my finals are pretty much over. Apologies on taking quite so long with it--I should be recovered by Monday, at which point I might be able to get something up. Is this still alive, or should I be letting it die in peace?
Let's see if this works for what you have in mind.

Interested as well.
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