Avatar of HowlsOfWinter
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    1. HowlsOfWinter 8 yrs ago
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2 yrs ago
Current what if i die and people just think i'm offline
3 yrs ago
My sweetest boy crossed the rainbow bridge tonight 🐈🌈 Run free, my love. I'll miss your snuggles, my absolute precious furball.
4 yrs ago
Might slip into something more comfortable... like the void :') x
7 yrs ago
If my son becomes a priest, do I call him father?


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Interested. I' love to join if the party's not full yet.

Valerie Petrov


•18 years old as a human. Exact age unknown.•




Long black hair that complements her fair skin • Cerulean blue eyes • 5'5 • Large wings as dark as the night • Black horns • Does not have the ability to retract her horns and wings, therefore, she is unable to disguise herself as a human. In her complete form, she has fangs, claws, and slightly pointed ears.


•Loves deep intellectual conversations, but refuses to talk about her feelings or past. She listens more than she talks, and you'll often find her staring off into the distance. Although impassive, she is very kind and polite. She caries herself with grace.•


  • Dematerialize: Has the ability to pass through walls and objects. Dematerialization only lasts for three seconds, and has five seconds interval in between.
  • Other abilities unknown. Will be known as the story continues to progress.


  • Hand-to-hand combat
  • Wielding a sword
  • Painting and playing the flute


• Mainly uses the sword passed on to her by her father. However, she carries around another sword; a sword that was given to her by a dear friend before they were parted•

Brief Backstory:


Valerie's father was the chieftain of a small village in Russia, while her mother was a Japanese woman who came from a rich family in Japan. At a young age, she went through strict training as the next head of their village.
Not only was she trained to fight and wield different weapons, she was also trained to act and think like a leader, resulting to her rather stiff and formal behavior.

At that time, demons were very real and highly feared. There was an increase in the random appearances of these creatures. Infact, at a nearby village, it was rumored that a boy had turned into one.

The church, at that time, hunted each and everyone of these creatures down. They had groups of highly skilled people who wielded divine weapons. These groups of people were known as the Divine Executors, but no one has ever seen them, for they wore masks and worked in silence. There were rumors that they, themselves, were not humans.


It was on the night of a full moon when Valerie transitioned into a demon. She screamed in excrutiating pain as a pair of wings ripped through her flesh and grew on her back. A pair of horns grew on her head, making her scream in agony; It almost felt like her skull was being cracked open. Lastly, she grew a pair of fangs and claws.


Valerie's father did his best to protect her and keep her hidden, but it didn't take long before the villagers grew suspicious. Word eventually reached the church, and Valerie had to flee her home. Half a year later, she met a boy who was also on the run; turns out, it was the same boy who had turned into a demon in the village near her own.

They have been on the run for 426 years when they finally caught word about the Imaginary District located in Japan. However, on a very unfortunate day, they were ambushed by three members of the Divine Executors. They stood no chance against their divine weapons. The huge scar on her back was inflicted by one of these blades, and if it weren't for her ability to dematerialize, she would have been long dead by now. Her friend, on the other hand, was a very strong demon who had control over the four elements. They both survived long enough by protecting each other.

With the wound that was inflicted, she was unable to fly nor defend herself. Her friend fought to protect her, but even he stood no chance against three divine blades. He was severely wounded, and he asked her to run and save herself. She refused, but he pleaded for her to leave and find solace in Japan. He entrusted her with his sword, and quickly professed his love for her before disappearing to lead the executors away from her, sacrificing himself in order to save her.

Imaginary District

She arrived at the Imaginary District a month after the unfortunate events. However, she did not make herself known to anyone. She went to look for an isolated place in the district and found a small hidden cave near the border; she hasn't come out of that cave since then.

Some nights, she would dream of the friend she lost. Other nights, she would dream of her family and her village, now long lost and forgotten - only found in the fragments of history.

EDIT: Please inform me if there's anything I should change.
So I was finally done with my CS but my laptop crashed. I hate life.
Update: I've read everything in the IC and I'm already working on my CS. I just need to flesh it out until I'm really satisfied with it.. Will be up in a day. Two, at most.
Okay, I'll make a character once I finish reading everything in the IC:)
Alright! I'll wait for the GM's go sign before I make a character. I already have an idea.
Hmm.. I'm interested.. If I joined now, would I have a hard time catching up?
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