Avatar of HowlsOfWinter
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    1. HowlsOfWinter 8 yrs ago
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2 yrs ago
Current what if i die and people just think i'm offline
3 yrs ago
My sweetest boy crossed the rainbow bridge tonight 🐈🌈 Run free, my love. I'll miss your snuggles, my absolute precious furball.
4 yrs ago
Might slip into something more comfortable... like the void :') x
7 yrs ago
If my son becomes a priest, do I call him father?


Most Recent Posts

The Desert | Eating and conversing
Mood: Relaxed -> Uneasy -> Determined

Interactions: Pox, Alm, and Jing @Arthanus

Octavia jolted awake from her sleep. She scanned her surroundings with a sense of panic but relaxed as soon as she remembered where she was. Much to her displeasure, It had only been a few moments since she had fallen asleep but the pesky nightmares already came to haunt her. She hasn't gotten proper sleep since she left home, and that was beginning to take its toll on her health. Not only did she feel groggy, she felt weak. Octavia knew she had to get her strength back before her weakness got in the way of their mission. She did not want to be a burden to the group--the sand and climate was burden enough. Seeking to quench her thirst, Octavia was surprised and pleased to find that her waterskin had been refilled; she made a mental note to thank the kind fellow--and one sip of the water told her exactly who she needed to thank. Pox. Reluctant to approach him, she shot him a small smile instead; one he probably didn't see. It was hard to tell with the mask. As curious as she was about the mask he wore, she never dared to ask. She knew full well that people had secrets they wanted to keep to themselves.

As Alm approached her with a bowl of soup, she made sure to wipe the terror and exhaustion away from her face. She didn't want anyone to think she was unwell or unfit to be here. "Thank you very much. The Dread Desert definitely lives up to its name." She thanked him with a warm smile as she accepted the bowl and took a sip. "I'm Alm by the way, I know Jing did his introductions but we really haven't gotten a chance to meet yet." She nodded in agreement. After all, that was her fault. While she was too concerned trying to figure out how she should communicate, she ended up avoiding any interactions altogether. “So tell me about yourself. What brings you to our little family?” He asked her in goodwill. The word family made her feel warm and welcomed but it also made her miss her father. “I wanted to get away.. and gain real experience.” She pressed her lips together; a habit she did when she wasn’t completely being honest. "What about y-"

"We haven't seen many Orcs around this trip and I have a bad feeling about it. Keep your eyes sharp, everyone."

Jing's deep voice boomed, and his sudden warning almost made her drop her bowl. Everyone had been so relaxed that she almost forgot they could be attacked by beasts at any moment. Speaking of Orcs, Octavia has never seen one in her life, much less fight one. On top of that, her legs and feet were in more pain than she'd like to admit. She was not in the best condition to fight. Octavia took a deep breath as she tried to keep the frustration at bay. She hasn't felt like herself at all in the past week. She was exhausted, but too afraid to fall asleep. She hasn't gotten any rest mentally or physically, and the insomnia and paranoia was affecting her in more ways than one.

Octavia knew she had to set herself straight. It was unlike her to lose her calm and focus. She had to keep a clear mind and get a better sense of duty, and she was determined to get her mind back on the right track. "Jing, I don't mean to interrupt, but I can stay up tonight and watch over the camp," she proposed. "Since I'm done with dinner, I can make my rounds as well. I won't stray too far from camp." The night shift was a good way for her to avoid sleeping, and she could really use a walk to clear her mind.
(Reserved. Will work on it as soon as I can.)

The Desert | Taking a break
Mood: Exhausted from the heat

The desert stretched endlessly before their eyes. The cruel sun beat down on them mercilessly as they marched through the dreadful land. The desert sure lived up to its name. Each step seemed heavier than the last, and the scorched sand made the experience even more unpleasant. In the blinding light of the afternoon, the sight of the small oasis made her feel euphoric; Octavia could almost feel its coolness just by looking at it, and she wasted no time in filling her waterskin. Octavia gulped down the water to quench her thirst, and the cool liquid soothed her dry throat and chapped lips. It was the most stimulating thing to have happened to her in years.

To her relief, it wasn't long before the sun would set over the edge of this barren world. She could use a long break from the sun's cruel rays. Octavia was not used to this harsh climate, but the rest didn't seem to mind the heat as much as she did. Even the other new recruit, Pox, was able to remain chippy under this insufferable heat. Her brows unconsciously furrowed as she studied him. He was completely covered, and while that helped to avoid a sunburn, he must have been drenched in warm sweat underneath. Well, she sure was. She could almost feel steam coming out of her pores.

As the others conversed about the nobleman's vital status, she began to wonder if they had a lead or if they were just wandering about aimlessly. She, of course, hoped for the former. The sooner they found him--or his body--the better. "This heat is like the breath of hell," she muttered to herself silently as she removed her hat and began to fan herself with it. Her cheeks were flushed red, and the beads of sweat never stopped coming. Octavia started to miss the comforts of her home. Until this journey, she never realized how pampered she had been.

The others have already warmed up to each other, but she hasn't talked to them as much since she got recruited. Octavia realized she had no idea how to converse with people aside from her father's associates. If she had known how important conversational skills were, she would have tried to learn them, but it never came to mind as a necessary skill for an assassin. They only had to be quiet and secretive--or at least, that's what she was taught. After all, she had no first-hand experience, she was only taught in the arts. Octavia slumped back against a boulder and released a sigh of vexation. Everything about this desert was unpleasant, but at least she had dinner to look forward to. With that in mind, she dozed off.

Will post as soon as I can. Still suffering from a migraine.

@Arthanus Octavia Starforge would be a new recruit
Need more details but this could be interesting.
Could be interesting.
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