Avatar of HowlsOfWinter
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 288 (0.10 / day)
  • VMs: 6
  • Username history
    1. HowlsOfWinter 8 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current what if i die and people just think i'm offline
3 yrs ago
My sweetest boy crossed the rainbow bridge tonight 🐈🌈 Run free, my love. I'll miss your snuggles, my absolute precious furball.
4 yrs ago
Might slip into something more comfortable... like the void :') x
7 yrs ago
If my son becomes a priest, do I call him father?


Most Recent Posts

I'll get a post up tomorrow
@HowlsOfWinter also if you want to make another post you can. these last snakemen are fodder I plan to end the fight this next post so everyone can free kill them :)

Ok, sounds good. How many snakemen are left?

<Snipped quote by HowlsOfWinter>

Well, it'll be fun for me. ;)

Glad to see everyone is really trying to make standouts, tomorrow is going to be fun.

is it
@Mara I dig ~
do you guys draw your own characters?

Nope, we just look for a picture online. Google images, Pinterest, etc. Whatever floats your boat.


My character is a lazy summoner who seduced a married man and got stuck in a 10yr old's body. I hope that's whimsical enough.

Ignore for now, still need to edit.

Finally got my laptop back, so I was able to update my CS.
@ShwiggityShwah We have a cleric and a fighter, which is close-ish, but it doesn't matter. Feel free to submit a CS, the GM will just choose from all the submitted characters.
Creativity can be a son a of a btch. It's like, "I'm heereee!" and then it disappears when you really need it.
Roleplaying does help with your ability to bring characters to life, and more. So, welcome to RPG.
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