(You may call me Human for short if you would like!)
Roleplay content MUST be kept PG13 - PG14.
I enjoy a mixture of OC's and CC's.
I only roleplay over private messages.
I ask that third person be used during roleplay.
I enjoy OOC.
Please try and use proper grmmar, spelling, and punctuation; I want to be able to read what you're writing for me.
For character images I ask that they be anime style.
Please note that I am only familiar with the TV fandoms.
Posting length I ask for at least 500+ plus words per post. I enjoy detail and effort.
I am ditch friendly.
Please be active. I have too much time on my hands and tend to get bored easily.
Do not ask to nae my characters.
I prefer partners who are at least 21 and older.
If we are to double, here is who I can write as:
> Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Shikamaru, Kakashi, Gaara
Here is who I won't write as:
> Ino, Choji, Hinata
Here is who you can write for me:
> Orochimaru / Kabuto, Neji, Naruto, Sasuke, Gaara