"Better the devil you know..."Name: Heinrich Faust
Alias(s): Dr Henry Faustus
Age: Seventysix, though he appears to be in his twenties.
Physical Appearance: Dr Faustus appears as a fit and healthy young man with a muscular and athletic body. His skin is very pale, almost making him look like a ghost in certain lights. His countenance is often grim looking, with his long dark hair and piercing blueish grey eyes that are slightly reminiscent of stormclouds. He stands five feet and seven inches tall. His movements are graceful and deliberate most of the time, but they are always confident.
Personality: Dr Faustus is a brooding and enigmatic man. He has learned more than mortals were ever meant to know and still he is unsatisfied. His understanding of the spiritual sometimes causes him to behave like a mad man, while his passions and curiousity pull him in one direction and his conscience in another.
Abilities and skills:- A wealth of knowledge on the most complex subjects and sciences.
- A knowledge of sorcery and the summoning of spirits.
- Wit and charm enough to upstage most Aristocrats at their own parties.
- Demonic investitures including eternal youth, immunity to disease, heightened senses and the strength of three powerful men.
- The ability to call on the devil's aid at any time. Though not always overt, Mephistopheles' infernal assistance rarely manifests in a way that is not somehow tainted by evil, corruption, godlessness or materialism.
Weapons & Equipment:- Extravagant garments.
- A jeweled sword.
- Books of blasphemous sciences and sorceries.
- A pentagram medallion which acts as a sort of satanic Mark of Cain, letting all demonic and heavenly beings know that the devil, himself, looks after this man.
Brief History: About a half-century ago, a german scholar, physician and alchemist pursued enlightenment with a pious zeal. This lead him to explore all manner of learned subjects, including the blasphemous and the esoteric. Eventually, he experimented with sorcery. Early on in those experiences, he summoned the devil, Mephistopheles and quizzed the infernal one regarding Heaven, Hell, The Fall and other such topics.
During their frequent interactions, Mephistopheles convinced the young man to make a deal with him. The devil would grant Faust anything and everything that he could ever want, aiding him with dark, demoniacal powers to fulfill his every wish until he found fulfillment in his life. In turn, once achieving perfect happiness and contentment, such that he would wish for the moment to go on for all time, he would drop dead on the spot and join Mephistopheles in Hell as a new kind of fiend. The devil's protege.
Well, over the past five decades, Faust has survived and engaged in numerous adventures with the devil at his side. But the Arch-fiend grew tired of Faust's refusal to find satisfaction or embrace evil, and he began trying to lure the clever scholar into deeper and darker forms of diabolism. Soon they were making more deals in which Faust was granted portions of the devil's powers in exchange for committing sinful acts.
The devil knows that his original deal with Faust can be exploited to keep the sorcerer alive and out of Hell until The Last Judgment. Thus the interactions between the man and the fallen one have taken on a strange new dimension of an almost seductive quality, with each party constantly vying to get the other at a disadvantage. It has become quite like a demonic game of chess between them. And Faust's latest move has been to relocate to London.
He has arrived as a doctor and seen rumors spread that his family were nobility. Well, that got things moving rather quickly and now he has set up a small yet exclusive medical practice where he specializes in the treatment of women's hysteria.