As his stomach filled, Iggy decided to break the strange silence between the two.
"So, Saber..." munch munch munch "Tell me" munch "What do you want out the Grail?"
Ichypa said
"Thank you, Master." Saber said dryly. "The toppings do sound delicious. Waiter! I will take eight pizzas with double of everything on them."
Ichypa said
Saber let out an exasperated sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose."I would appreciate it if you would not make those kinds of comments in front of me, Master." he said.
Ichypa said
"One place is as good as any, Master." Saber said, who was entirely done with their current conversation.
idkman said
"Let's go get some pie then, bro."Iggy whipped out his phone with lightning speed and searched for the nearest pizza joint, Saber in tow as Iggy led the way.
Ichypa said
Alysis is coming back, mani. :maybeRobert x Alysis, only this time laden with teenage, puberty laden drama.Make it happen.