Tirian could see the disbelief in the man’s eyes across the room, almost laughable in the way he smiled and spoke something underneath his breath. Tirian didn’t quite care what this group thought of him, as long as everyone could band together to ward off the incoming and inevitable dangers the journey would undoubtedly bring. That last request Allynn had called out to her paralyzed son rung so loudly in Tirian’s mind he could just barely heart it. Surviving was the most important thing and without the help of this group, the request would ultimately and utterly fail. The remaining duo spoke with a cheerful attitude that seemed to put the tension within the air to a complete rest. They were traveling musicians and very simple people to say the least.
The obviously steadfast Caelis broke the silence to ask what destination we had been aiming for. Tirian, having known the stout and immensely perverted Rudolf for some time had a general idea and yet he didn’t at the same time. The map seemed old and somewhat rustic that had red scribbled across the aged paper in a defined line. Tirian eyed over the route with a hidden smile, the perverted dwarf sure knew his planning despite the apparent appearances. Tirian took a seat next to the dwarf and scanned the map over once more, this time with eyes fixated on the eastern continent. He could clearly see two words that stood out so much, Imladris and Durandal. The end would place them directly inserted in between the warring empires. Tirian turned to Rudolf this time with a serious look entering those blue eyes of his. There was not a word spoken but Rudolf would surely know what it all meant.
“Musicians, wonderful! I can think of a few tunes I could request. It’s good to meet you both.”
Tirian turned a hearty nod to Caelis and a gentle smile to the half elf Faith. It seemed everyone had been ready to go, packing up and calling for their steads. Tirian took one final glance that directed his eyes to the twins. Syndareans outside of their city seemed a bit odd. The boy had simply read of their isolation and knew nothing more. He could tell, however, there was something more to their story. Something the three of them held in a similar sense. His body moved and Tirian found himself sitting with the young teens. His words came out low and quiet, almost a whisper that only the three encircled could hear.
“Don’t worry too much. You’re safe here. People learn to forgive. Hatred fades away.”
Tirian stood from the twins, not sure why he had spoken the way he did and walked out of the room. Tirian carried only his sword and bow, opting to walk had been his forte since the beginning. What would these people say if they knew Tirian could not ride a horse? Pathetic. A warrior of his caliber and what should be his weakness? Those foul and disturbing creatures known as horses. Tirian shuddered at the thought and quickly moved to his post, next to the doors which would allow the carts to pass through and began to wait.