• Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Ikari
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    1. Ikari 11 yrs ago


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Tirian took in the words of Vordan only for a second before bursting out in laughter. Such an absurd claim, abyssal hounds and undeath. Any person with a pair of eyes and attention to details would know this black substance was that of orc saliva, simply feeling the consistency of the foul liquid would give enough evidence for the claim. Tirian shook his head with clear disbelieve in the obviously manic ‘mercenary’ and his ridiculous claims. Blue eyes looked over to the desert elf Elrithos who seemed to be lost in the words of Vordan. Setna was the next to speak with some sort of sense trying to best explain what happened here.

“Whatever the cause, it’s clear that these things were after someone or something. There’s no reason for something this merciless. We should proceed with caution until we find who, or in worst case scenario what did this.”

Everything fell to silence however, and Tirian began to bury what he could to honor the deceased. He may be a monster in combat with no regards to human life, but in this situation Tirian did not know these men. They deserved the burial of any innocent human being. Burying the mutilated bodies did not take long, neither did everyone regrouping and hastily leaving the clearing in the past. Yet as Tirian walked he had one thing on his mind, what the hell did this and what were they after?

Tirian left point to Rudolf and drug on behind the caravan just in case someone, or something decided their caravan looked appetizing to raid. It was very clear the soldier was on edge as every sound in the distance caused him to snap his eyes over with a tightened grip on the hilt of his weapon. Time passed agonizingly slow until Rudolf found a suitable place to rest for the night. Tirian found himself distanced from the group, eyes watching the horizon for any sign of movement. The soldier drifted off into a trance until the sound of soft footsteps approached from the camp, Aaerynn of all people.

-"Can I ask you something?"

Her eyes shifted to the rest of the group.

Perhaps in private?"-

Tirian stood up to a full posture eyeing over the elf. It was obvious she wasn’t herself, especially if she wanted to talk to him in private. Blue orbs glanced over to the camp to take in who was doing what, then back to the grieving elf before him.

"It would depend on what you wanted to ask, but sure I'll humor you. Lead the way."
Tirian walked back to the camp after the brief conversation with Aaerynn and returned to his position against the distant tree. His gaze quickly fixated on the horizon and once more he found himself in a trance-like state. How long passed before Tirian fell into a light slumber? One, no maybe two hours at the very most. Tirian snapped his eyes open at the sound of stampeding feet approaching with no signs of letting up. Tirian quickly stood to his feet and unsheathed the weapon just in time to cut down two goblins before they could overpower him.


Tirian exclaimed loudly as he rolled out of the way of a massive axe that hurled itself into a tree. Several orcs emerged from the distance holding chains that lead to a massive beast of horror. Tirian’s eyes widen at the sight of what seemed like a gigantic humanoid nearly four times his own size. The soldier wasted no time as he exploded forward in an attempt to end this behemoth of a beast before it could be unleashed. His attempt was quickly faltered as his blade simply hit skin and stopped. The orcs released the chains and Tirian was viciously kicked in the stomach. The massive beast let forth with a punch that brought Tirian to his knees. The Durandal prince refused to give up as he continued to whirl around and slice his opponent the best he could. Tirian ducked a slow haymaker and rolled away before the monstrosity could react. Tirian jumped forward with a horizontal slice, only nicking the skin. The behemoth slammed five more fists into the soldier before he was kicked away with ferocious strength into a nearby tree. The soldier let out a grunt of pain as he spit out a small collection of blood.

Tirian cautiously got to his feet and stepped to the side, then backwards trying to think of a way out of this situation. He would have no help, everyone else had just as much on their plate as he did. Then it happened, that purple iridescent light erupted into the camp and gave Tirian exactly the motivation he needed. Worried eyes looked over to Serna for a moment feeling some sadness and rage enter his heart but now he had the key to victory. Tirian stood straight for a moment and suddenly his body erupted with electricity that crackled and shot off of his skin. The ground beneath him began to split open as the fierce electricity began to settle into every inch of his body.

“Ten minutes is all I’ve got.”

The solider spoke to himself and began counting down the time before he’d be rendered useless. Tirian stepped forward with confidence not seen before. The monstrous behemoth burst forward with a straight punch to end the soldier's life. Tirian easily ducked down to avoid his opponent then with agility, jumped into a vertical slash that split the beast in half. Tirian spun around three times in midair cutting the beast into portions effectively ending this fight.

However, Aaerynn let out a battle scream soon after the portions of the behemoth landed onto the ground. Blue eyes snapped over to the wood elf who was now protecting the twins from a cave troll that began rushing forward. Tirian took in a heavy breath before rushing forward much faster than he’d ever shown. The red-haired soldier jumped and landed in front of the trio of injured travelers. Tirian raised his left hand and felt the heat radiate off of it. Suddenly a massive stream of flame came from his hand for only a second to halt the progress of the cave troll. The static still rolled off of the red-haired warrior, who now took it upon himself to protect these three. He still had six minutes left and by that time everything would need to settle. It was that or force the magic to end early and risk not having the strength to fight off the rest of the forces. He made the decision to cut the magic short and immediately the setbacks could be felt.

“Stay behind me. I won’t let this beast past me. Aaerynn keep our sides safe if you can, call out to me what you can’t get. We’re going to make it through this!”

Tirian stood firm, breathing heavily as his body became somewhat numb, and his fingers not able to grip tightly together to allow those powerful movements. Tirian would now move slow and clunky but he would not give up until his heart did. He would protect these people, and would not allow failure again.
Post within the next two hours
Cinder is in the process of moving back towards School so her post will not be up until tomorrow!
Double Post lol
Except you posted five times XD
There we go!
Setna struck the pole with relative ease and quickly exclaimed with jubilance. The boy had attentive skills and could gauge his strength better than most his age. The Syndarean showed the abilities of a young warrior clearly to Tirian, even if he didn’t know it yet. Serna was the next traveler to attempt the toss, lobbing the metallic object with two hands exactly like a girl would. However, the horseshoe wrapped perfectly around the pole. Tirian smiled to himself as Setna congratulated his twin sister without hesitation. Their bond, and the love those two shared was something surely anyone could appreciate. Slowly, however, the night began to wind down and the travelers one by one set out for their own evening to themselves. Everyone in the caravan was either injured or incredibly worn from the day, and in some cases both. Tirian was neither tired nor injured, so the choice for watch came down to him or the desert elf Elrithos.

“I’ll take watch again, rest easy fellow travelers.”

Tirian would walk a circle around the camp rather than staying stationary in a tree, allowing him to better watch the camp site if he were to do it alone. The hours drug on for eternity, Tirian taking in each and every detail he could around the camp. A certain detail stood out to the soldier, and that was Serna. That pained face of hers reminded him of something he’d dealt with in the past. That built up magic sitting dormant and patient, waiting for the perfect moment to erupt and take over the body. Tirian would wait one more day to decide whether or not to force that magic out. If she refused then the magic would kill her and that wouldn’t be something the warrior wanted on his mind, not an innocent girl just traveling. Tirian readjusted the flower he’d received from the Syndarean girl, which had rested upon his right ear.

The morning sunrise came slow and steady over the horizon, a distinct red glow casting out over the land before Tirian’s blue eyes. The watchman returned to the campsite and woke the slumbering Dwarf, this time quietly to allow the others more rest. Time continued to tick on indiscriminately, waiting for no one and the others began to wake. Breakfast was simple and short with just enough nutrients to supply the group with the energy necessary to make it to next checkpoint. Just as the group had finished, the caravan depart once more in silence, comfortable silence however.

“May the gods bless our travels today.”

The red-haired warrior spoke aloud, not exactly directing his words towards a single person but more so to the group as whole. Tirian then took a seat in the rear most cart once more to allow his mind and body to rest peacefully. The first day without one of those gruesome nightmares plaguing every inch if his being. After some time had passed the warrior woke revived and energized, his eyes immediately taking in the twins, more specifically Serna. His worries were slowly becoming more apparent and true, that question he’d ask the previous day was starting to become more important as the time passed on. Before he could bring the troubles to the Syndarean twins Aaerynn suddenly rushed off without a word, blazing past Rudolf and into the immediate distance. Tirian scoffed under his breath for a moment as he hopped off the cart. The soldier joined Rudolf at the front of the pack with a very displeased face.

“It may be none of my business Rudolf, but someone needs to make it clear to Aaerynn that this is a group effort and everyone is held accountable for their actions. Running off like that just after we were attacked by bandits isn’t the smartest thing to do.”

Tirian kept his words and tone low so that only he and Rudolf could hear. It hadn’t been long before the caravan and carts entered the clearing that had been burnt to the ground. Tirian quickly drew his blade, the metal cutting through the air with a melodic whistle as it came to a stop on his right side. The smell of burnt bodies quickly hit Tirian in the stomach causing him to slide into high alert. Bodies scattered the ground cut, chewed and burned in the most merciless and mindless way. Whoever, or whatever had done his was not efficient in their ways. This was not thought out perhaps spur of the moment and it certainly wasn't something that was trained.


Tirian answered the question with a simple word as he sheathed the blade of his empire. It made sense, orcs attacked without warrant and reason aiming to only eat and kill. Tirian gripped his hands tightly into fists at the sight of burnt trees, elves who had passed on into the next realm. Tirian himself had elven blood running through his veins, this went from an attack to a very personal attack. He now knew why Aaerynn rushed ahead so fiercely. The soldier stepped forward ending his strides next to the wood elf with an angry gaze into the distance. Tirian could also see for the first time a hint of care and distress enter her beautiful eyes. The soldier found himself placing a gentle hand upon the wood elf's shoulder for consolation.

“Where there’s orcs there surely are trolls. I’m sorry Aaerynn, if only we were faster.”
Ill post next!
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