defineunique said
So how much gold/xp do we get for monsters?
Uhhhmmm... I think the gold should shared definitely to keep the supports from not getting as much. But as for exact amounts I'm not sure. Do you think we should have a general class of monsters especially since MrRice is a monsterologist.
Perhaps an out of 5 rating system. Level 1 would be anywhere between 3-25 gold, whomever slays it really could decide. 2 would be 50-100. So on and so forth? As for special items I do have in mind ways they will come into play, bosses, chests at the end of dungeons, quests we complete. We would hold a limited number of items and decide who gets what.
What do you guys think. I'm on my phone so it'll be hard for me to do anything quickly, fortunately that leaves tjme for discussion. I see I typoed time but my phone won't let me fix it and I began typing 'for'.. too far past it tk head back.