Avatar of ImaginedBird67
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Joined: 2 yrs ago
  • Posts: 30 (0.05 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. ImaginedBird67 2 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current I actually forgot this site existed. I hate myself right now. Looking forward to being an Avenger! Hopefully I found the right group. One that I can feel comfortable with.


Currently in Avengers Unlimited Roleplay.

Hi, my name is ImaginedBird. Believe it or not, that name was randomly generated.

I have been roleplaying since 2014. Yes, that long ago. I didn't get in RP forums though until 2019 where I started with several groups. Eventually I cut ties with those groups and decided to quit Rping and stick with Dnd stuff, which was and still is, going quite well. Until late 2022, where I found this site (and the current year I am writing this).

Hopefully as the years go by, I will add more to this bio. Wish me luck!

Oh and my only problem is pacing. Go too fast and I can't catch up.

Most Recent Posts

Bump Ima try hopping in this some time.

@ImaginedBird67 At the worst if this thread isnt around you could try a similar idea.
I don't know how soon I want to make a character sheet, but I like the casual vibe this has.

Such a shame, I would have loved a chill slice of life rp where we are just chatting with no real plot.


I think my history needs work but other than that, I think I'm good.
Excited to get started!

Oh I am!

<Snipped quote by Martian>

@Martian may or may not have set limitations, but they did say we could reimagine canons.

Ah I see.
Both Kate or Captain Marvel would work for this RP.

I'll probably wait a few more days before putting up an OOC thread.

So, can we change the characters to our whims, or stick to canon?

<Snipped quote by ImaginedBird67>

You mean like a base of operations, within the setting?

Yes exactly that. Unless we are thrust into the wilds and have to survive right off the bat!
Risky idea, but I'm even toying with the idea of offering up a few plot ideas, and letting the players come to a consensus on what to do?

I am going to assume there is a central hub of sorts. Unless you thrust straight into the middle 0f it.
Oh hell yes! I always liked the idea of being tiny!
I am a little bit interested. I just need to watch Dinotopia!
Interested. Either Kate Bishop or Captain Marvel.
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