Name: Lucius Andromade
Appearance: Lucius wears the chapter heraldry of the Lamenters across his armour. His yellow armour is decorated with insignias and purity seals, and his shoulder plates are trimmed with the fourth company's green distinction. His helmet bears a thin white stripe from the brow to the back of the head, and is wreathed in emerald green. Despite having faced two centuries of war, beneath his armour Lucius' face is unlined and bears no scars, indicative of the fact that he has yet to be bested in combat, a fact which he is most aware of. Foregoing the use of a boltgun, Lucius carries a relic blade and a stormshield. He carries also a bolt pistol and a number of fragmentation grenades for certain situations. Flanking the sides of his power armour's packpack, he bears a pair of huge ivory wings, reminiscent of Sanguinius and many Blood Angel heroes, allowing him to be easily recognisable, even in the maelstrom of melee combat.
Age: 246
Rank: Company champion
Personality & Bio: Lucius can most easily be described as prideful, or even vain. His skill in combat, partly natural and partly honed over centuries of practice, has lead him to face some of the deadliest enemies to Mankind, including bloodletters, ork nobs and several types of tyranid synapse creatures, such as carnifexes or hive tyrants. Having yet to be defeated, or even scarred, has lead to Lucius becoming what could be described as arrogant. While he doesn't look down on his fellow brothers, he is more confident in his own abilities than of those of any other astartes in the company. Chapter sparring between companies has allowed him to test his skill against other champions and veterans, and the captain of the fourth company himself often requests Lucius personally for sparring. Despite his vanity, Lucius' pride is not unfounded. He is both skilled and dedicated, and is sworn to the protection of the company's senior officers, including the captain, chaplain and librarian.
Relic blade
Bolt pistol
Frag grenades