Lieutenant Lyudmila 'Lyra' Lyrachenko.
Height and Weight:
5ft, 92lbs / 152cm, 42kg.
Emergency Trauma Specialist (medic).
The most easily noticeable feature with regard to Lyra's appearance is her unimposing, almost amusing height (particularly when clad in the bronze armour of her regiment). However, when looking past her height one can see telltale signs of athleticism and strength in her stature. Her arms, quadriceps and calves are particularly well muscled as a result of several years of intense training and sports while attending an Imperial medical university, and this lean mass is easily visible when wearing fatigues. Though highly unlikely to ever be seen, hidden under her crimson regimental tunic, or otherwise conservative attire, her body is equally toned, particularly her core muscles. It would not be an incorrect assessment to describe Lyra as exceptionally lean. While relatively strong and toned, she does not have any discernible bulk to her frame, which suitably allows her to be quick and unnoticeable, both traits which are exceptionally useful in her role as a battlefield trauma surgeon.
Her hair is shoulder length and red, the colour of an ancient Terran robin, almost always pulled tightly back into a knot. The red hue of her hair seems almost incandescent to those who see her due to her particularly fair skin, unaccustomed to heat or atmospheric severity. Her face is featured with a small number of freckles under her icy blue eyes and across her forehead, and a noticeably small concave nose. Otherwise, her appearance is relatively standard, unadorned by tattoos or piercings sometimes seen on other Imperial Guardsmen, a point which lends itself to her unimposing nature.
Red long-sleeved tunic with bronze embroidery and finishes, and tall grey bearskin cap. Bronze breastplate and gorget decorated with a silver aquila. Bronze shoulder guards with silver wings flanking two interwoven crimson serpents, and bronze forearm guards. Dark brown hard wearing trousers and metal capped boots. Heavy, hard wearing Guard pack containing numerous medical supplies, as well as standard infantry kit.
- Munitorum pattern officer power sword
- Las pistol
- Las carbine
- Frag grenade
- Combat knife
- Injector
- Diagnostor
- Imperial Guard meditkit
Lyra could be described as almost bipolar, depending on the situation. When outside her professional medical capacity she is generally friendly and joyful, but changes instantaneously into a melancholic thespian when her skills are needed. She is almost unanimously liked among her medical staff, admired by her students, and generally liked by all, save those outdone by her.
Within the 11th Karelian she is equally respected by her subordinates, though somewhat shunned by her superiors for her privileged background. She generally keeps to herself when outside her working hours (what little time that may be), either studying by reading Imperial philosophy, or exercising by practicing her swordplay.
Greatest Ambition:
To protect and prevent the deaths of loyal Imperial citizens. To assist in maintaining Imperial sovereignty in the galaxy. To actively assist her regiment and army in the submission of all enemy forces.
Greatest Hatred:
Traitors to the Imperium. Those who actively act against the Imperium and its sovereignty. Those who maliciously cause fatal harm to non-combatants and other civilians.
Professional medical skills learned at a prestigious university, complemented by experience working with trauma patients at an equally prestigious hospital. High analytical ability, and adaptability. High level of fitness, athleticism and skill with bladed weapons due to experience in sports teams and societies.
Lyudmila Lyrachenko, known colloquially as 'Lyra', has been a typical middle class woman for the majority of her young life. Born to wealthy parents on the equally opulent planet of Karelia, both employed in legal professions and both devout adherents to the Imperial Cult. This reverence for the Emperor was inherited by Lyra, who, while perhaps not particularly fanatical, is unmistakably spiritual. This reverence of the Emperor, combined with many years of reading Imperial philosophies from centuries and millennia past lead to Lyra developing a highly conscientious and sympathetic approach to life, starkly opposed to the sycophantic masses found on Karelia, particularly among the ruling elite and the middle classes.
Following academic excellence at all levels of education, Lyra gained entry into the prestigious, and highly expensive, Imperial Karelian University, known for its ivory structures and its pomp and ceremony, wherein she studied and specialised into her lifelong interest of medicine, developed as a result of her compassion and empathy. Over the course of several years she obtained three medical degrees, including one which would legally class her as a doctor of medicine in civilian life. She graduated in the ranks of the top ten percent of students; a far cry from those considered to be gifted, who were among the top three percent, but still highly respected. While highly dedicated to her work, she was equally dedicated to personal development, and it was during her time at her privileged university that she began intense physical training, athletic sports (having been a fan of the Harriers), and fencing, winning local championships and competing at a global level, all of which would lend usefulness to her later military career. Alongside personal development and study, Lyra was placed as a medical student under the tutelage of specialist doctors in various Imperial hospitals around Karelia at different points in her academic life, granting her invaluable experience in the diagnosis of ailments and the assessment and treatment of trauma, which would eventually become her speciality.
Within the same year as her graduation, Lyra enlisted into the Imperial Guard as an officer. The lower classes were conscripted by the thousands every two years, and formed into various infantry, armoured or artillery regiments, but the middle and upper classes were exempt from said conscription, though the Guard offered palatable incentives to young men and women by offering to pay the costs of their university education in return for military service. Thus, all officers serving in the Karelian regiments are middle class volunteers and career soldiers, including Lyra, who, following a glowing selection process, assisted by somewhat flattering, if not obsequious, references from university professors and hospital staff, entered into the service as a motorised infantry troop commander and an emergency trauma specialist, allowing her to use her years of education in conjunction with her seemingly natural leadership ability, presumably the result of her compassion and her studies of military philosophy. Despite gender equality among the Guard regiments of Karelia, Lyra was inevitably stigmatised as weak or incapable due to her size and privileged background, with other officer cadets implying, or otherwise outright stating, that she would be incapable of leading soldiers into battle. This unreservedly strengthened her resolve, and doubtlessly contributed to her graduation from the Imperial War College on Karelia.
Lyra was placed into the 11th Karelian Regiment. The Karelian infantry regiments were not restricted to one aspect of warfare, but organised its platoons into different roles, including armoured, mechanised and airbourne. Lyra specialised into light infantry training, whereupon the Guard assigned her as a platoon commander in the first company. All of the men and women under her command were fresh recruits, as new to combat as she was, save for a small number of non-commissioned officers transferred from depleted companies of other regiments to assist her in the management, training and supervision of her newly formed platoon. It was with this platoon, and the entirety of the 11th Karelian Regiment, that Lyra was to be inducted into the devastation of war, for which she had been rigorously trained and prepared, but for which her expectations were to be almost instantaneously shattered.
Upon her arrival on Vernum, Lyra has seen no actual combat whatsoever. She is quite naïve about many aspects of life, has never seen any sort of brawling or fighting outside of regulated sport, and is, despite her unwavering faith in the Emperor and desire to expunge the galaxy of traitors, essentially innocent. She's been extensively trained in leadership tactics and drills via war games, but has never heard a shot fired in anger. She's more skilled with a fencing-type weapon, like an officers sword, than with a firearm, though her experience in sport duelling is likely to be useless against anything other than another human.