Yeah true I can make diff meals and store them. Save them for later then they won't get old after awhile :D and cereal sounds good ^^ and sorry for taking forever. watching the movie Frozen.
xD hah! I was thinking that last night and tonight (I want her to post to miiine! *hopeful*) yeah... I am so selfish xD
I'll be skipping and no need to worry on length quality over quantity :D
:O *gasp* fried chicken?! Mmm i want some now xD all I have is turkey loaf from earlier and mashed potatoes. both will last me a few days since I cooked for 2 people xD I need to downsize on my cooking.
I not fun to be around when I'm a worried drunk. I get too paranoid and start crying. Yeah.. that only happened like a handful of times. For no apparent reason. *tries to think* it was years ago. anywho. no rush here :D I'm patient! thought at the moment extremely excited! ^^!!
*giggles* oh man If I were drunk I wouldn't know what the hell I'd be typing xD yeah my post would probably be bad. I'm a happy drunk though when I drink coolers, wine and lighter stuff. I turn into a grouchy drunk when I drink vodka, whiskey and tequila. (sometimes) I'm sure your post will be fine :D *still excited, she's bouncing*
I hope 8 is better... I don't know though. I'll look at the episode so I know where we're taking Luna & Ten. We can go with that ep :) it's christmasy and we want christmasy settings ^^
oh yeah! fairly odd parents! awww that show. Ooh okay end of the world after the time paradox thing. I like that. so for now.. uhm.. lemme look for the title cause I forgot. The Unquiet Dead. Cardiff 1869. Oooh I'd need a brush up on that one. I don't remember the early runs of Eleven. *goes to look for the episode*