Avatar of Jabking
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    1. Jabking 10 yrs ago


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Nigel McGallet

All night Nigel could only think about one thing, His missing Journal. He was trying to deduce possible suspects and two stood out, That nosey Lady and that sloppy boxer character. Both where the only ones around Nigel and both had a surprising interest in his journal. All that information about the second zone and his demonic REM form. Gone. Worst Than gone, Stolen. The rage generated from this terrible luck made Nigel kill at least twice as many of the beasts he normally would.

Nigel quickly got up, dressed into his uniform and started his way down to the Cafeteria. Whilst in the cafeteria, Nigel was supplied with a surprisingly fair quality Sandwich. Nigel decided to get a head start on most people and head down to Level N after delicately eating his Sandwich. With a full stomach, He made his way down to Level N and walked a fair distance to the other end of the room, away from the entrance and any other current zoners. He sat down and waited for his half conscious state to take him into the Hub.


As Nigel's vision switched to a view of the Nexus hub, he could see that two new entrances have opened up. Peering through, Nigel could see his zone, the forest, and a sewer-like corridor. Nigel, being the flying being he is, decided to return to the city zone. Nigel didn't want to get stuck in a dank corridor with little knowledge on what lives in there. He also didn't want to just return to the jungle, he spends pretty much every night there anyway.

As Nigel enters the red city, he felt himself change into a half demon once again. This time, however, he was expecting it. After the transformation was complete, the first thing Nigel did was check his claws. It had finally regrown and he had a full set of sharp claws again. Feeling relieved that his claws do regenerate, Nigel launched himself into the sky once again overlooking most of the residential-looking houses, He scouted for Aggressors to kill while monitoring any other changes to his disadvantageous form.
Nigel McGallet

@Stairdweller @GingerBoi123
Nigel nearly jumped as a random question was fired his way and, quickly after the near heart attack, he slammed his journal shut. Turning around, he saw this fairly sized women with bright blonde hair stand in front of him, waiting for a response. "Do you mind? I was busy... And what do you mean by 'which one' or 'defeat'?" Nigel said in an irritated tone, backed up with a scowling expression.

"No, I didn't mind, the chair-backs in this cafeteria are just the right height for leaning." Her tone was completely serious, even slightly friendly, indicating that she had completely missed the connotation of the phrase 'do you mind.' "What I meant by 'which one' was I don't recognize you from the Red City. I was wondering which one you were, in the Zone. What you looked like. For example, I was the cyborg with one extra-long metal arm and mismatched eyes? By 'defeat' I was referring to when I and two other Zoners were brutally killed by the Ram, the screaming Aggressor with the ram helmet and exploding feet - I thought that was the one you were drawing."

Before Nigel could even answer the clueless, lost cause of a Zoner, A small splatter of Tomato Juice hit his Journal, causing his heart to drop for the second time in 5 minutes. Shit!" A male voice exclaimed. "I'm so sorry man, I'll uhhh, get some tissue?" Nigel turned, anger and all, towards the source of the voice. A macho looking man looked back at him. "How dare you" Nigel Barked venomously. "this Journal is priceless... It was worth more than your petty exsistance!" He continued in absolute rage.

Woah... That was... uncalled for. "Hey, I said I'm sorry." Malcolm replied, "Is that... necessary?" Malcolm asked the clearly self-absorbing guy.

"Yes, that was necessary" Nigel replied, still angry, "You and you sloppy, careless demeanour nearly ruined something incredible." There was a moments pause which gave Nigel the opportunity to calm down a bit. "But of course, It's natural for your primitive mind to want to destroy something better than yourself... So in future, please reframe from acting by instinct alone" Nigel commented in a snide tone.

That was it, time to put this impetuous prick in his place. No matter who he was. Malcolm set his bowl down on the table and pushed Nigel. "Want to start something!?" Malcolm yelled. "I'll tell you something, you think you can talk the talk, but you're all bark and no bite." Malcolm said, spitefully. "Now put 'em up and prove you're a man!" He challenged as he swung both fists up into a fighting pose.

Nora stepped away from the chair. "I don't have any particular opinion on the worthiness of Malcolm versus that notebook. I'm not actually interested in your fighting." She reached into her scrubs pocket and removed a metal spork. One of the tines was slightly bent. "I would really prefer to have a civilized conversation," she said neutrally.

Nigel McGallet

Nigel doesn't remember much after resting against the edge, except that he was there waiting for his claw to grow back. It didn't. But at the very least, He regained control of his wings, even if they ached. Suddenly, as Nigel tried to get up, He felt a small amount of grogginess and... Disconnection. Then his vision went to black and then to white.

When Nigel regained consciousness, he was in his physical, human form. He also felt extremely nauseous. Is this a side-effect of these god-awful chairs? Nigel thought, squirming uncomfortably. Quickly after pushing out of his chair, The man controlling the Nexus came over and handed him a bottle of water before scurrying off towards the over Zoners. Well deserv- Ugh... Processed... Nigel thought with a look of disgust clear across his face. He reluctantly swallowed a mouthful before walking out of the door and back up into the Cafeteria, before the rest of the group. He didn't want to mingle with his "Team mates".

Nigel wanted to write about the nexus in his Journal. Honestly, the nexus was revolutionary to him, even though he'd never admit it. After reaching the Cafeteria, Nigel populated the least crowded table and pulled out his journal, the only thing that made it with him to this jail-barrack hybrid of a building.

When opening the leather bound Journal, Nigel flicked past pages of writing and sketches from his previous "dreams" and, after around 100 pages, found a fresh page. After taking a simple, ball point pen secured to the spine of the book, He neatly titled the page "The nexus and red city" and he started to write about Zone 1's atmosphere and landscape, about the Aggressors and Denizens and finally, about the comparisons between his form in his dreams and in the nexus.

Finally on the opposite page, He began to sketch out an aggressor. Specifically, the slender one that got away.

Nigel McGallet

After flying around for a while, Nigel noticed something. His wings, they felt stiff and tired. To avoid a crash landing, Nigel forced a risky landing onto a nearby roof of a two story building. Nigel fell to the ground shortly after landing. His wings felt as if they were on fire. On top of that, He could barely flap his wings. useless... Nigel thought with disgust at his disadvantageous form. He was used to flying around at high speeds, not plod along the ground like some common beast.

Being cut short from wallowing in self-pity, Two more of the aggressive creatures burst through a door onto the roof, one wielding a knife and the other armed with a crowbar. They must've heard me land Nigel thought as he evaluated his situation. It was obvious from looks alone that the knife wielder would relie on speed, due to his slim form. While the bulky crowbar wielding enemy looked like he could take down a wall if he so desired.

Before Nigel could make anymore deductions, the smaller one launched himself towards Nigel with his knife raised. Nigel reacted by bringing his right claw up to meet the assaulter's arm and, as the knife was being swung, the singular claw on Nigel's pointing finger pierced right through the being's arm. After a screech, the creature quickly retracted it's arm and retreated down the staircase it previously ascended, ripping off Nigel's claw in the process. It didn't hurt, but it put Nigel at a disadvantage.

The second creature screamed at it's partner as it readied it's own weapon, as if to say "you fuck-up". Nigel decided to take the lead and stepped in to swipe at the target's face, which was quickly deflected with it's crowbar and then returned. Nigel deflected it with his arm as his wings were still inoperable, the pain made Nigel side-step and let out an irritated grunt, followed by a growl. Nigel then grabbed the crowbar, pulled the creature pass him and then swiftly brought the last 4 claws on his right hand through the back if the target's neck. The creature's corpse hit the ground in sync with it's weapon.

Nigel looked behind him to see if the accomplice had returned, but it seemed that it had fled for good. Nigel rubbed his wrist as he sat down near the edge of the roof, just so he could rest awhile. After a few seconds, however, the mans voice could be heard. He talked about a large group of "aggressors" and a singular "denizen" attempting to fight back. The location, however was too far away for Nigel to make on foot and without his wings, he wouldn't make it in time to save the day. His lackeys will do fine Nigel thought to himself as he checked his wrist. But I'll check when my wings are rested, just incase they can't handle it he thought, unsure about his "Team's" capabilities.

Nigel McGallet

Nigel couldn't believe his luck, that man had already walked off with the other Zoners before he could even volunteer. Nigel looked at his surroundings with disgust as he walked down the stair case down to "Level N". How creative Nigel thought as he burst into a sort of equipment Corridor. Not really looking at all the "stuff" around him, he quickly rushed up to that man, determination in his eye. "Hey! Whoever you are, could you ready an extra slot for that Nexus thingy? I'm kind of interested in your machine." Nigel demanded impatiently.

The man, his name escaped Nigel, turned in his seat and shot him a quick glance. He turned back to the console for a minute and spoke into a microphone, saying, "Hey, I'll be back in a sec." He turned back to face Nigel and asked him, "I'm sorry, who are you?"

"Nigel" He replied proudly "an honor, I know". He took a proud stance and Continued "now, I don't have time for idle chatter, I want in"

The man stared right back at him with a look of annoyance and disgust. He shook his head before turning back around on his chair and getting back to the console. "Not dealing with your shit." He said, "Go back upstairs."

Nigel, feeling insulted, continued "What? Why not? Please!"

The man, without turning back to face him, replied, "You had your chance to volunteer in the cafeteria and you missed it. Beat it."

Nigel gave a look of disappointment, he wanted into this nexus. Nigel decided to try a different approach, He said confidently "look sir, I could be very helpful, I can travel with ease and can kill even the biggest beasts. Plus, you only have about ten other people in there, one more could be all the difference."

"Oh, Jesus Christ..." The man muttered, pinching his nose. He turned back towards Nigel and said, "Fine, okay, look, if I let you in, will you PLEASE knock it off with the bragging? It's annoying as shit."

Nigel smiled and replied simply with a nod. He noted that this man was easily annoyed, something he maybe able to use to his advantage. "So, what should I do?" Nigel asked quizzically.

"Pick a chair and get in it."

Following the man's instructions, Nigel took up the closest chair and sat down in it. How cheap Nigel thought as he squirmed uncomfortably in the chair for a second, until he decided on a more lax position. "Ready!" He shouted with determination after feeling comfortable. The man raised one of his hands and returned a middle finger to Nigel, promptly before hitting a button on the console. In nary a moment, Nigel was well and asleep.


"Alright, you're in." The man's voice rang throughout Nigel's head as he woke up in the Nexus, "Walk through the spot in the red wall and just... do whatever."

I intend to, asshole Nigel thought to himself. Now he could freely wander a new zone. A red city, interesting... he thought as he walked through the designated spot. As he entered this new world, Nigel found himself... Feeling stronger? Yet, not AS strong. Nigel put his hands to his face, only to be shocked at the abnormal, sharp nails he had grown. He then noticed that his clothes had changed too which was a relief, those clothes made him feel... Common. Nigel's attention was lastly brought to the subtle change of weight on his back. Turning his head, he saw his wings, however, they where smaller and less armoured. These must be these disadvantages the man briefly described, the sacrifice for traveling across the... Zones, Nigel recalls someone calling them.

I've... Got to get use to this change Nigel thought as he launched himself into the sky with his simpler wings. He started to survey the landscape as he glided around the red city, it was a refreshing change of scenery. A moment later, Nigel saw three red, humanoid smoke creatures cornering a blue counterpart. Nigel felt he had to intervene, this was an opportunity to try out his new powers that he couldn't pass up. Nigel quickly swooped down and, before any of the humanoid creatures could react, dug his claws right into two of the hostile creatures skulls. As they fell to the ground and Nigel ripped his claws swiftly out of their cranium, The last creature picked up a metal pipe from the ground and swung at Nigel.

Nigel's wings covered his front and deflected the attack. But as the hit landed, Nigel flinched at a stinging pain emanating from his right wing where the pipe was deflected. After the creature brought the pipe behind it's head for another swing, Nigel's wings opened up and he slit the creatures throat with a precise swipe with his right claws.

The third creature's corpse hit the ground quickly and the more docile creature got up. After speaking in an alien language, it returned to the shadows down a nearby alleyway. my claws dragged a little inside the creatures, they feel weaker and my wings can be hurt... Nigel mentally noted feeling disappointed by these changes.

Nigel launched himself into the air once again, he wanted to practise more. He needed to get use to this version if he was going to be in this nexus thing often.
Hey guys it's Ginger on my friend's account. We worked on this CS and it's been accepted my friend uses his phone atm so I thought I'd introduce him on his behalf

Phil's staff was deflected with an inhuman force created by Will and his spear. Phil was then forced to jump back after a few strikes from that same spear. Due to the slippery surface, Phil staggered on the ice. It took him a second to regain his balance, but as he looked up, he could see Will attempting to make Yahtzee submit. "you big..." Phil murmured under his breath in rage as he took a running start at Will. As he reached the pair, he jumped about a foot in the air, staff readied, and brought the staff down, making a definable cracking sound as it hit Will's back.
Posted, glad to be back after I TOTALLY didn't screw my computer up... Again...
Just posted. Also, @GingerBoi123 PM me plz
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