Finally, the intensity of the fight started to show on Reaver's face. He struggled to keep up his guard against the double-Iggy onslaught, letting lighter attacks through where he could block heavier hits. No one could fight this guy, ..or two of him, for very long without getting tired at some stage! Two particular punches made it through late in the battle, sending the dark mage sliding along the floor. As if two of the Dragon Slayer wasn't enough, now there were two more kids trying to join in... Seeing imminent defeat, Reaver decided it high time to finish this once and for all!
"ENOUGH! GENESIS ZERO!" He rapidly span the scythe over his head a few times as it gathered an aura of dark energy, then slammed the pole end into the floor, causing a sea of inky darkness to spill out from the crack in the surface. It would make the three, ..or four, feel sick as it spread. Captured souls swarming in the deep black aura cried out for the only lights they could see, that were the souls of Igneel, Torie and Blaze. Hands of that same murky texture and colour emerged from the growing aura, trying desperately to grab hold of them all. But as this spell was being sustained, Reaver was wide open!
Blaze had stopped charging as the sickening feeling filled the air. Yeah... Right now all she could imagine was Torie's recently formed barrier colliding with the dark mage's stupid face. Let the new guy claim the victory? Iggy might not agree, but it was all just friendly competition once the danger was passed. "Torie, heads up!" Not waiting to discuss this, Blaze skated over to Torie on flames to wrap her arms around him. If all was going well, she'd fly over the sea of lost souls and let Torie go as she flew, which would more or less turn him into a human artillery projectile! But after letting go, she realised something. She didn't have any power left. For a moment she just hovered there, dumbfounded. The next, she tried flapping her arms madly as she dropped toward the consuming magic. Dozens of hands reached out to grab the girl and start pulling her into the darkness, and all the while, Blaze was cursing - mostly at herself for playing on with such a stupid idea.