Avatar of Jambo1117
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  • Posts: 265 (0.07 / day)
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    1. Jambo1117 11 yrs ago


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Name: George Hunt
Age: 33
Codename: most of the time its the city you were born in, for example, Steve Rogers would be Brooklyn
Role on team: Medic, why not? Not that a team of super heroes will need a medic, but it's always handy, right?
Bio: George was all set to become a Surgeon, heading to Med School. Being a Doctor was all he ever wanted to do. Then September 11 happened. This made George enlist in the army, wanting to serve his country. Becoming a Solider whilst training to be a Doctor too. Combining the best of both worlds. George has probably spent a good 13 or so years within the military service, saving a numerous amount of lives. When he was approached to become a candidate for this programme. George agreed, but only after talking to the staff behind the new serum. When you know the medical lingo, it's easier to talk with these people. George thought it was best to try, and if it worked. He could save countless more lives than before.
Personality: Calm, caring and collective. Knows how to keep his cool under pressure, comes with his line of work. No good to anybody if your hands are shaking while bullets fly over head.
Weapon/skills: Hand to hand combat. Can't go wrong with an M16 with his name engraved, can you?
Other: Likes Taco bell. A little too much.
I neeeeed to write up a CS !
I'd be interested! :)
In Dark City 11 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Sam turned the corner, reaching the back door of the store. "Wait..." He whispered to his partner, as he hugged the wall. "The door, it looks alarmed. He'll know the minute we open. Best to bust it open, and take the suspect down. Got it?" Sam said, waiting for his rookie partner to respond. "On your go, we bust in. Call it rookie" Sam smiled.
Dave looked through the sniper, his hands re-applying their grip on the weapon. "Look, I don't want to be killing these people, but it's our job. We're here to cover up this mess, and people like these surviving? They'll leak this story. At the moment, we have it contained, well as contained as it only spreading to the few nearby cities, or at least that's what the last report said, but if we act fast, we can get it. Stop it now" Dave said, returning to his scope.

Five looked back at Zoey, he didn't need to ask or question. They both were feeling the same thing. He simply nodded to her. "We should really tell the others?" Five asked with his mind..
In Dark City 11 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Sam pulled the car to an angled stop, giving both occupants a good view of the building that the suspect was held up in. Sam opened his door, using it for cover, as he took aim, wanting to stop the suspect in his tracks right then and there, but no luck, with no good view or shot on the gun wielding manic, he shut the door, and decided to vault over the bonnet of his patrol car. He reached the injured officer, who was receiving medical attention from a fellow officer. "How is he?" Sam asked, crouching down, but aiming at the doorway to the suspect. "Not in a good way. To be honest, I don't think I can keep him alive much longer. We need the medics ASAP" Sam looked to his partner. "Rookie, you're up. Time to show what you're made of. On me" Sam said, as he took a side alleyway, hoping to flank the potential cop killer.
In Dark City 11 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
"Good, we shall then" He smiled in response. "Okay. we're nearing the scene. Get ready, brace yourself for a sharp stop, and be ready to jump out. Our first objective is to secure the scene. I want the officer who is down, to be taken for treatment should they need it. Then we're heading into the store. I'm not waiting for this SOB to shoot another one of us. Are you okay with those plans of action? Don't worry, I'll shoot him before he can aim at you"
In Dark City 11 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
"Yes" Sam said, as he stepped on the accelerator, speeding towards the scene of the crime, along with other patrol cars. "Now there isn't much time to go through everything, but you, you listen to me out there. Got it? You do as I tell you to do. I'm not going to put you in danger, but that's pretty much the job. We are always thrown into danger. You listen, you make it home tonight" Sam said, not taking his eyes off of the road. "I'm Sgt. Sam Swarek" He said with a smile. "Welcome to the force, rook"
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