When George was injected with the Serum a week ago now, but the Army still owned him for a day, and a day they would put to good use, before his transfer to S.H.I.E.L.D. They wanted to test out the new serum, in the hopes of copying and mass producing a similar product for their soldiers. Let's face it, who wouldn't want a whole Army of Super soldiers. The U.S Army had their own stake to claim, along with everybody else. George was just a guinea pig to them George was sent in, to be observed. The Serum was taking effect but it was noted it wasn't quick enough. George ran a bit faster than those of his squad, but his balance was off, and he kept falling over, not quite used to the new found speed his legs could go. George was the medic though, his job was to save the fallen. He excelled at this even before the Serum. But now came unwanted complications.
[u]A few days ago..[/u}
"I need a medic over here! Now!" A soldier shouted, kneeling over a comrade who had just been shot. George was the quickest on scene, thanks to his speed, and immediately began working. He applied pressed on the wound, and from the moans of pain, applied a little too much, still getting used to his strength. George had to request assistance in applying the pressure. With the help, George managed to save another life.
George was now transferred, and was more used to his newer self. He still has moments of.. weakness? But they'll pass once he's fully used to the serum flowing in his veins. George headed to the gym, in order to meet with the rest of them, his new team mates. The Famous Captain America, and a squad filled with minor heroes, like himself. Unknown heroes. George headed inside, seeing that a small group had gathered. George walked up to the Captain, giving him a salute, and then handed over his papers. Military man, to another. Everything was done by the book.