Avatar of Jangel13


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current My great grandmother has died as of today. I'm going to go and see her, forgive my abruptness in going silent on you all
7 yrs ago
warning: my Wi-Fi may go out soon if it happens I won't be able to post. To all those I rp with I ask four patience until Friday
7 yrs ago
All those I rp with, I am in the direction of hurricane Irma, I won't be active for a while. Wish me luck and safety during thus hurricane season
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7 yrs ago
Just fyi to all my rp partners, I'm hitting the final leg in my summer classes. I'll be busy so I'll post when I can
7 yrs ago
If someone needs a few evolution trees for a RE: monster rp then just look in my album for some I created with a friend


hey its jangel13 here, been here a while and I do allot of rp types but I like to join those that have developing powers and character depth. I'm an idea guy and can come up with ant great rp idea with only a little bit of effort but putting it to work in practice is where I have trouble so I usually have a Co gm to help with that. If you remember nothing else about me then remember this: jangel13 never gives up an rp once he starts! I am loyal to the rp and never give up unless the GM does first!

Most Recent Posts

Regales smiled softly when his newfound artist calmed down. Now he could explain everything "you see I have been around for a long time and I've seen artworks tha5 changed the very face of this earth. From Michelangelos David to da vinchis Mona Lisa. Each piece of art changes our perceptions of the world around us. Your artwork though street art has that hidden potential. The problem is only in your willingness to leave this box and change not just the art world but the world itself.

He was still resistant but he then just looked skeptical as if he was given 3 wishes and didn't know their was a catch. He then asked "what do you get out of this? Why try to help me" but regales simply grinned before saying "simply promise you will never mention me as your inspiration. Never say my name in any interview you may get or documentary you get filmed in. Keep me anonymous and I will giv3 you the keys to the proverbial kingdom" he scoffed as if it were easy but Regales knew it was easier said then done. He had to keep his name from entering the world of art of he would be sought out by pretenders wanting to be the next big thing. Regales did his best work when he was just a kind stranger. He said "deal now what are you talking about when you say inspiration?"
Still here just trying to stretch out my scenes since I'm alone

Shiba: interacting with @Scarescrow@17th Day

Shiba had worked with the others and had helped them get to the end of the dungeon as best he could and as a result, he took a good chunk of damage despite his class. He was a rouge and wasn't meant to go in head-on but he couldn't avoid damage altogether. He did his best to be useful to them as they moved through the dungeon and soon they found the boss which turned out to be a werewolf and two guards. As much as he wanted to stand there and admire the details they put into making the werewolf so realistic he remembered that he couldn't stand an gawk all day he needed to work with his guildmates to defeat him and get the loot.

Soon he was given orders from his guild master and he was told to go after one of the guards with their swordsman and Marauder. He didn't rush in though because he needed health so he noticed that Karma used a restore Vitality Along with the Ring of Ballius and he got healed for most of his health. Once they got out of here he would thank her properly for healing him though their might not be a point to doing so since it was her job but showing appreciation was always important, at least that's what Shiba thought. Once he was healed up he knew he had to do as promised and deal as much damage as possible and through his small list of skills he only had one that would do just that however once he used it he would be vulnerable.

He charged forward Katana drawn and said "Now die!" he charged forward and ran through the wolf with his katana from the muzzle down to the tail as he performed <<Fatal Strike>> on the wolf.

Healed 300 from Karma
Performed Fatal strike on Lycan 2
It took days for regales to finally find his artist. He had to search high and low for his artist and soon found out that the artist was actually homeless and stole so he could buy food and spray paint and continue making challenging art. He was walking into an empty warehouse where his artist slept every night. He made sure to look calm and come to him as he keeled down and said "my such a talented artist is actually came from a checkered background. That will make you an inspiration when you make it big" the man jumped and grabbed his broken bottle ands aimed it at regales in defence but regales simply help his hands up and took a steep back.

"I don't know who you are but I am not gonna let you fool me!" He called out clearly defensive about what little semblance of home he had but regales simply smiled "oh don't be so defensive I'm here to change your life I am a renowned artisan and I know talent when I see it I came here to see you properly bloom" he said and the man was still defensive but at least he littered the bottle at the idea of actually getting out of this hole.
Forgive us if we are missing a few things but this took a lot of work))

Screaming, that's the sound that filled the air when it first began. The world was forced to go through a transformation that ended in war. Fighting began and people turned to their leaders to figure it all out. Of course little could be done from a surprise attack like this. The U.N. was split apart and created city states, however their was one thing that everyone needed and that was communication. 

Today that wish is being fulfilled as of 00:00 hours military standard a line reporter was given a chance to be the voice of this devastation. The funny thing is that this one man was actually just a translator but he was the most fluent translator that is left in the U.N. as a result he was the best person to give a voice to the common man. 

He went to an undisclosed location known only by a few of the higher ups. before he was given a Mic and minutes later the red light in front of him lits up, telling him that h on air. He coughed a few times and said testing to make sure that the others working there with him were getting a clear frequency. 

Then he was on "everyone testing testing, hello. I know that a lot has happened recently and the United nations wanted me to let you all know that we have reestablished radio communications to the populace at large. As I will no doubt be a target for propaganda or to be used by the enemy to feed you lies my true identity is to be kept secret. For now you will know me as Mr M, I am here to give you all the facts and no sugar coating, so for those with weak hearts or children please leave the room." He said taking the moment to allow them to leave. 

He then continued "I Mr M am a translator and as such i will speak the sane message in every language i know on loop until new reports come in from the front lines. Now here are the reports of everything that's happened so far"

At this time an orc in the magical realm with the all clear from his chieftan was about to make his first announcement. It was decided that all of the races, should know the current situation and he decided to give the information since he was elderly and wanted to talk anyways. He sat down in a chair in a specially made room, the dwarves rigged up with horns to act as speakers so he could tell everyone in the camp at once.

"Greetings, this is Ga'vo elder of one of the orc tribes. It was decided to make an annoucnement system to give everyone information on what is happening on the front lines. So without further adue I will begin reading the reports.

"Now as you all know by now, In the beggining of the war several of our renown heroes have led the charged into the world eaters and have secured most of the fronts, bringing weaponry and technology our people have never before seen before. From our initial attack we gained slaves for our world but, despite the aid our world still lies in ruins as the damage lingers on. Alot of the world eaters have joined our side as they have learned the error of their ways, naming themselves as the ghouls, they are ever loyal to the cause. Thanks to their aid we might get the option of peace if more of the world eaters understand what joining our side can do for them. 

Under our noble cause the races of Titania have form an alliance never before seen before.The dwarfs, the elves, the contructs, and the orcs have forms a bond that will stand a test of time. Once great enemies, are now the protector of TITANIA, THE EARTH MOTHER. The humans have promise to give aid, and once lost races have been found and other the leadership of the tainted sage. As our people have suffered we have form solace in the gate as its crystal walls protect us from the weapon of the world eaters. The gate is the next fronteir, and we need all that we need in order to win this war. Join up in arms brothers and sisters and FIGHT FOR TITANIA!, FIGHT FOR THE EARTH MOTHER!!

The elves have seen our cause just, as they give aid, as well with the constructs and the high dwarfs. We have also discovered a list of races that we did not though existed but, now we have seen that they are truly warriors of renown and as they have also joined the cause but, ungrateful clans of the orcs are still misleaded as they deny in helping this holy cause.

Lost clans and people have been found calling themselves the triumvaire have been found by the sage himself, leading a brigand of capable leaders and soldiers to his side as he establish a new ally to our cause making it obvious that the outcome of the war is only victory under the armies of Titania." He said saying his will and tired he thanked everyone for listening, before he retires.

Regales whistled a tune as he traveled in bustling new york city. He was more specifically in Manhattan looking for the newest Michelangelo or Mozart. He has been around since humans were first created and he was the patron god of art and in a sense music was art. He doesn't just bless anyone however as having to many greats creates stagnation in society as a whole. He always made sure to pace himself, he was immortal after all and had no intention of dying.

After wandering for a bit wearing what humans consider "normal" for this day an age at least. He wore blue jeans a t shirt and a tye dye hoodie which helped him stand out. He soon saw a particular piece of street art that interested him. It was bold and chellenged modern art and he knew that he would find this soul and give him the inspiration to shake the art world. Though now that he lacked omnipotence he had to actually look for them in the literal sense which was always so difficult hut if he actually found the artist it would be worth it.
@Lord Zee

Yeah sorry i have been busy with other rps but I'll get my starting post up soon
@Lord Zee

I deeply apologize if i jumped the gun on posting him in the character tab. I waited for your approval of him before moving ones forgive me if i was meant to wait longer
Since this is modern is it okay if my character is out in New York looking for a new artist to Rock the world?
Can someone fill me in on what happened so far?
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