Avatar of Jangel13


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6 yrs ago
Current My great grandmother has died as of today. I'm going to go and see her, forgive my abruptness in going silent on you all
7 yrs ago
warning: my Wi-Fi may go out soon if it happens I won't be able to post. To all those I rp with I ask four patience until Friday
7 yrs ago
All those I rp with, I am in the direction of hurricane Irma, I won't be active for a while. Wish me luck and safety during thus hurricane season
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7 yrs ago
Just fyi to all my rp partners, I'm hitting the final leg in my summer classes. I'll be busy so I'll post when I can
7 yrs ago
If someone needs a few evolution trees for a RE: monster rp then just look in my album for some I created with a friend


hey its jangel13 here, been here a while and I do allot of rp types but I like to join those that have developing powers and character depth. I'm an idea guy and can come up with ant great rp idea with only a little bit of effort but putting it to work in practice is where I have trouble so I usually have a Co gm to help with that. If you remember nothing else about me then remember this: jangel13 never gives up an rp once he starts! I am loyal to the rp and never give up unless the GM does first!

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Well as for joining the guild itself I had hoped I made that clear that while Shiba is a demon he has the same passion for justice that the majority of humans do, believing in gaining justice with one's own hand. If that wasn't enough he actually wanted to be in the minority because he considered the humans as the sun that could freely interact during the day but Shiba would be their blade in the dark if you catch my drift. No holy empire is without their unholy enforcers kind of mindset for him.

As for subclass of demon you confused me because I saw the two main classes of demons, those that do evil by violence and those that just intelligence to instill depravity. The only shadow demon I have as a reference is sebas and he didn't seem to be a mage. I could be wrong of course since I've only seen the anime

So instead of simply listing them I would say:

Name:resist holy
Racial class specialisation:demon
Effect: protects the user from holy magic and holy magic blessed weaponry
Description: the users class gives resistance to the holy magic as a shadow demon.

That sound right?

Oh I know but I figured as a demon he would try to obtain skills that would protect him from his greatest weakness which would be holy and light magic. If that isn't the case then I would instead turn them into evil skills

Hows that? I didn't want to put too many skills and break any rules about being too powerful.

Hows that?
Ah alright thanks

Well I only had it as 50 so it would be his goal to gain the ninja class. If he was 70 then he would have taken the ninja class if that's alright. Also by finish do you mean the item my character has?
Yggdrasil Username: Shadow blade
Name: Shiba Akabane
Race: [Specific Race: Heteromorphic]
Gender: [Male]
Character Level: [Yggdrasil: 70 ]
Alignment: [ Chaotic neutral ]
Guild/Party Affiliation: De Ordine Imperii/ Frumentarri
Appearance: [ Keep in mind his robes are white and when one looks into his hood they will see a skeletal form covered in mist]

Racial Class: [Spectral wraith Demon]
Job Classes: rouge, Assassin, ninja
Fighting Style: hit and run precision strikes
Strengths: Can attack enemy vital points and kills lower level enemies with ease
Weaknesses: Physically weak and easily killable if unable to run

Name of Item: Enchanted Dagger
Rank of Item: rare
Description of Item: when the enemy is stricken from stealth 35% chance to inflict poison
Class/Racial Restrictions:
Downsides of Item: (If applicable)

  • Name: Savage Assassination
    Job Class Specialization: Assassin
    Effects of Skill: Causes high damage
    Side Effects of skill: can cause bleed when done from stealth
    Description of Skill: Savage assassination is a skill for an assassin that wants to send a clear message. The victim is not only killed from its high damage but from its savagery can rip flesh from bone in a manner most terrifying to the lesser of mind.
  • Name: poison Master
    Job class Specialization: ninja
    Effects of skill: Allows the user to apply poison to any weapon
    Side effects of skill: With mastery over poison the user's poison becomes highly corrosive
    Description of skill: The user is a master at the art of poisons and as a result can apply poison to his weapons that does continuous corrosive damage until the effect wears off.
  • Name: Ghostly walk
    Racial Sepcalization: Spectral wraith
    Effects of skill: Allows the user to walk through walls and certain barriers
    Side effects of skill: CAn walk through areas with silence and ease
    Description of skill: The skill allows the user to walk through walls that aren't reinforced with holy magic allowing him to simply walk to his target
  • Name: Cobra strike
    Effects of skill: allows the user to move at blinding speed to strike the target
    side effects of skill: Allows the user to strike the enemy before they even realize the user has moved
    Description of skill: This skill allows the user to move faster then the naked eye can see them as they move in close to the enemy and perform a deadly strike. Which can only be used in short range, best performed when backed into a corner
  • Agility boost (Almighty)
  • trap setting
  • name: Protection from Holy
    racial Specialization: Demon
    Effects of skill: The demon gains resistance to holy magic and weapons
    Description of skill: The demon learned long ago to cover its weaknesses, as a result, they have resistance to holy magic and holy weaponry
  • Resist fire (master)
    Racial specalization: Demon
    Description: Demons are born from the fires of hell and as such have greater resistance to the element in question.
  • Name: Ghostly wail
    Racial Sepcalization: Spectral Wraith
    Effects of skill: Allows the user to let out a deafening wail meant to terrify those of weak minds
    side effects of skill: The wail debuffs those without mental resistance
    Description of skill: The user makes a loud deafening wail in the area that causes those of weak minds to become terrified and flee or remain shocked into a standstill
  • Detect Danger
  • trap disarming (greater)
  • Name: flexible stance
    Effects of skill: Puts the user in a fluid and agile focused stance
    side effects of skill: User's agility increases dodge rate
    Description of skill: The user enters a fluid and flexible stance that allows them to move quickly around an enemy when PVP is unavoidable. Allows their agility to be their greatest strength.
  • Name: Assassins mark
    Effects of skill: Allows the user to "Mark" certain target and track them
    side effects of skill: The user is able to place a mark on a target and allow them to follow said target through a certain range
    Description of skill: The assassin cant always kill on the spot and as such they are able to mark their targets and keep a close eye for when they become the most vulnerable
  • Name: moon companion
    Effects of skill: User's skills increase in power during the nighttime
    side effects of skill: The abilities and stats of the owner uses become stronger than during the day
    Description of skill: When the shadow demon is out during the night their power increases making him a much more effective combatant and Ninja during the day.

How a normal human would view me:
Personality: Shiba would be described as a nice and caring person. In the real world, he always sought to help his fellow man even if only in minor ways. He had always believed in being a good person but that was more for appearances. In reality, Shiba had a dim view of humans he always knew that despite how much good a single person can do it was just so much easier to be evil. People go hungry and brutality is performed behind the scenes despite the general world is blissfully ignorant of it. This may be in part because he preferred that something was done about it. Righteousness wouldn't be given to those that do nothing which was why he idolized characters like the Punisher. He would rather get his own hands dirty and make the world better than allow innocents to get hurt because of inaction.

Bio/Lore: Shiba was a normal child growing up or at least that's how most would see it. Shiba was an angry person on the inside and had hated when bad people got their way. He always wanted to just go out into the world and right the many wrongs that plague the world but that was inefficient he was only a normal person and what could he really do. As he grew up he began to love playing games that give one moral choice and RPGs, they became a constant in his life where he made choices and decided how the world should be. So of course when games came out that featured fantasy or dark races he would, of course, go out and buy it so he could become the dark avenger he loved watching in tv and media. When Yggdrasil came out of course he played it and he played whenever he could but he got himself a job after he completed college and became a game designer making video games that would help share his vision of one going out and getting true justice no matter the cost.

Shiba soon found himself reaching the limit of how strong he could get alone so he had decided that it was time to get a guild. When the menu was working and it was still a game Shiba had looked through the lists of guilds that focused on PVE rather than PVP, while Shiba's skillset was perfect for PVP since he was classed as an assassin at the time he preferred to fight tougher and tougher beasts. He went to look at the guild itself in more detail finding out that it was pretty high ranked. Yes, it seemed that there were more warriors and clerics in the group Shiba at first thought he wouldn't fit in so he had decided to try it for a bit and see what happened. He didn't feel at home among them though but the guild was organized in such a way that allowed people like him to still be welcomed. He ended up joining the Frumentarri their sub guild one might say that allowed him to fight as the demon he made himself out to be. Shiba preferred to fight and be the damage dealer so he stayed with them. Their cant couldn't a sun without a moon and Shiba was determined to make his character that moon. He hated to say it but he would work in the dark to serve the light. He would follow orders of course but he would not follow orders that he deemed unjust or wrong. He may not have been as active as he liked because of the insane schedule he would get from his company to work all day and all night completing deadlines for games so he only made it to level 70 but that didn't mean he wouldn't enjoy getting stronger.

When he heard the server would shut down he was saddened by such a great game that provided so much get shut down. He had made sure to get the day off so he could celebrate with everyone to the long prosperity of the game. He fully expected to be kicked out when the clock ran out but instead he was surprised when he reopened his eyes instead he saw his same dark cloak on and his shadowy hand still there. He tried to open the menu but nothing would appear and he couldn't help but smile through one couldn't tell from looking at him because he just found it amusing that the whole stuck in a game scenario would actually happen to a guy like him. He then decided that now he could serve out his own brand of justice to this new world.

hey boss what is a good item for a level 50 assassin?
I'll make my character soon
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