“All your fancy magic and you have to use shovels to dig out a building.” Jaklo chuckled, “I already used most of the materials, but I think I could enchant one of those shovels with the same fire enchantment I gave legacy. Just if someone wants a little extra firepower.”
Jaklo noticed the hilarious hat that Max had found and broke out into laughter. Here was a forty something jewish man in a little kids hat about to go on a dangerous case involving weather altering ice magic, and nothing seemed to be able to top that for hilarity. That was just the case though. This was a dangerous task at hand. W&R was always hiring not only because they saught more talent, but because not everyone made it home at the end of the night. Jaklo had only been there a year, and he had already witnessed it.
Terry McKine was a morphologist demonologist. He was older than Jaklo, but still plenty full of youth. The man had blazing red hair and a gruff appearance. He was a bear of a man, and the office even had nicknamed him Teddy, as he wasn’t that bad deep down. He grew up in north western canada and you could definitely tell. The man may have been a highly intelligent mage, but he dressed and was built like a lumberjack. His familiar was a pigmy infernal drake named Nasha. Now even as a pigmy she was the size of a horse, and could kill a man without straining herself in the slightest. There was a strange camaraderie to the two. A drake was a peculiar familiar in the first place on account of its power, but the two respected each other.
Jaklo still remembered how that got Teddy killed. It was a case out west down in Nevada. They were trailing a shaman who was spreading a plague to the descendants of those who took his people’s homeland. Somehow the group had missed a detail and not realized he was using demonology to get the plague, and as such when they caught up the shaman opened a massive hell rift to summon a demon. Everyone fought their best, but in the end only Teddy, Nasha, and the demon were standing while the portal was beginning to collapse. Nasha was ready to sacrifice herself, a trait that demons can only learn if they find their perfect pair, and tried to force the demon back into the portal knowing it would likely kill her as soon as the portal was closed behind her. Teddy refused to let her go alone and the two charged the demon sending it back, but the portal sealed behind them. There was no way either would survive. This was a greater demon capable of fighting armies of men. They were just gone in the blink of an eye.
Back in the storage room Jaklo’s eyes had glazed over in his thoughts.Teddy was a great wizard, and now some of his friends had to rely on a kid with no field experience. Thank god he was going with Max and Lenya. Those two definitely knew what they were doing. Glory wasn’t the strongest, but certainly could handle herself and help the others if Coal didn’t take care. Jaklo bared his teeth anger coming to mind. If Coal let the closest people Jaklo had to friends get hurt or worse he would personally disembowel the witch. He snapped back hearing Baron’s comment. He grumbled knowing he was starting to go over again and took a deep breath.
“Short end? I live for to get my hands dirty. Unlike you mages the world is my lab, and my texts are fire side tales of great hunts.” Jaklo said readying himself mentally for the battle to come, “I don’t mean to sound rude by it, but it is kind of a hunter’s job to get out there and well hunt. You call it dirty work. I call it tuesday.”